Fallout 4

About this mod

Replaces a number of vanilla furniture with the classic Fallout 3 versions.

Permissions and credits
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 Artstation -

Any Donations for my work would be greatly appreciatedPaypal Donations Link

This mod is an edited version of my Fallout 3 Workshop Furniture mod esp. It is therefore recommended to delete that mod if you have it installed before installing this one to avoid any conflicts. 

This mod replaces a number of vanilla furniture with the classic Fallout 3 versions. As this is an edited version of my Fallout 3 Workshop Furniture mod esp, this mod also includes around 30 Fallout 3 furniture models for the Fallout 4 workshop mode. I created each model from the ground up using a modern 3D workflow, whilst making sure to stick to the original cool design of Fallout 3.

Known issues:
As the Fallout 3 models are a different shape to the Fallout 4 versions, naturally there will be some circumstances where there will be the odd floating/clipping items. 

Some models unfortunately could not be replaced, either because the vanilla assets were apart of a precombined mesh or simply because they would have not replaced very well (for example the Corner desk model).

Unfortunately there is no way of making custom collision meshes without a 2013 edition of 3ds max I am told (of which I am led to believe is actually no longer being sold). What this means is some models, namely the wooden shelves. Do not have accurate collision on each shelf. That being said, I have done my best matching the new models with the existing in game collision meshes.

The back of the sink asset seemingly has some face normal issues. Meaning they look a little odd. Speaking to some people, this again would seem to be an issues with Blenders compatibility and would require the 2013 edition of 3ds max to be resolved. However, fortunately this visual problem is at the back of the sink, so isn't very visible.

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