Fallout 4
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  1. ShwickTheRoach
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this mod still being worked on? Will it be compatible with survival mode? Also, I added the 'Food Don't Heal' mod, any chance of conflict there?
    1. ShwickTheRoach
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well, I tested it, and so far, everything is running smooth.

    2. xanthumn
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      The only conflict with survival mode is that you are unable to heal your companions when they get injured enough to trigger the "Heal your companion" quest.
    3. Drecain
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      If you play on PC and have modded the game to give access to the console in survival, you can get around the downed follower dilemma.
      Open the console and target your downed follower and enter

      openactorcontainer 1

      to get to the trade menu and get all the stuff he/she/it is carrying, (the next command will clear their inventory see...) then

      resurrect 1

      and trade the gear back to them. It's not pretty, but it works
    4. mikegrauohr
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      @Drecain nice workaround!

      but if youre on PC and able to use mods - you can use a mod to do that for you :)
      for example survival options gives you the option to let your companions auto revive.
      I highly recommend it (this option and the mod) anyway.
  2. KamichamaKevin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This would be actually a nice add on, like in FO NV.
    Well if you got adamantium skeleton, this mod doesn't matter anymore.
  3. Krysee
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    I can think of a way to fix sleep healing crippling effects, but it will require scripting and may require F4SE:

    Easy Way:
    Find a bed in the editor. There'll be a link to the script it launches when you activate it.
    That script may call other scripts.
    One script is going to be a sleep time-advance script, which will likely be were the healing is done.
    Find the part where the script actually heals you and comment out the lines that heal you.
    I said COMMENT THEM OUT, not delete them. Gamebryo is picky about mods that delete things.

    Hard Way (Probably F4SE):
    This assumes that, for whatever retard reason, Bethesda made the healing part of a DLL or EXE or other core code that we can't find it anywhere in the scripts. This way, you're going to capture your status before the sleeping script runs, then restore those values when the script is done running:

    You should probably get over to f4se.silverlock.org and RTFM for a bit.
    First, you capture the activation of a bed or other sleep-activator and insert code to get all the status levels and save those off to new globals.
    Then at the end of the script that handles advancing time, you insert a few lines to get the globals and apply them to your current statuses.
    1. Krysee
      • supporter
      • 23 kudos
      Hope this helps. It's based solely off my time modding Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I haven't touched it since they changed to Papyrus in Skyrim, so your mileage may vary.
    2. zalteredbeastz
      • supporter
      • 192 kudos
      Fortunately you don't need to do all this. You only need to edit the values in the following script, PlayerSleepScript.pex.

      For those interested on this, I already done that here. Thanks to Derdir who inspired me the idea for making that mod.

      EDIT : My mistake. It was Sleep Doesn't Heal (for survival mode) mod by OldManWithers that did the trick. Big thanks to him.
  4. miniman3210
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    with the limbs heal with the sleep do it so you either need a lot of sleep to completely heal limbs or have a set limit to how much you can do sleeping
  5. JackJones93
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Just to be clear, in the optional version that doesn't change the stimpack healing rate also doesn't prevent stimpacks from healing limbs right? If so that's too bad.
    Also what do you think about having just one kind of bandage for all limbs, just like doctor bags in FNV?
    All in all however, thank you very much for this mod!
    1. Derdir
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      That's right. I did think about Having a Doctor's Bag - i've decided against it, so far. It would be heavier to carry - and the Bandages system seemed more flexible. I will put some more thought into this tough.
    2. JackJones93
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I find it very interesting how each bandaged limb gives you a different debuff, but I also anticipate the great frustration of having like ten leg bandages and constantly getting crippled arms. Maybe you could reduce their weight so that players are able to carry a fair amount of each bandage without using up a lot of carry weight, which is always a problem with the weapons and armor so heavy in this game.
    3. ArtMurder
      • member
      • 67 kudos
      I personally would like to see a version that only removes the limb healing effect from stim packs, without other changes (I don't like the medic perk being useless... ) as well as "doctor bag" item for all the injuries. I think simple/effective is the best way to go!
    4. CuriousMarten
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Additionally you could make the medic perk help you heal limbs more efficiently.

      I'd also like to see more penalties added to you while crippled and/or heavily crippled (2 or more limbs crippled).
    5. dainsgames
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      +1 for removing limb healing from stimpacks. Also I am in favor of stimpacks being "temporary health" and you being required to get actual medical help and rest up to regain actual health. But that's just my take on things and I want hard-as-heck immersion.
  6. PaulMcGann
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    So, am I the only one this is happening to? Everything works right but the bandages themselves. For some reason, it's telling me all the limb ones (arm and leg) only heal left limbs - but that doesn't really matter much because the bandages don't seem to work at all. Still have the little beat up Vault-boy, limp, blurred vision, and held close arm after using bandages.

    Help - I love the idea of this mod!
    1. arn13
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      I'm also having the same problem. When I try to use the bandages, my character simply does a "picking up" animation of sorts and nothing else. My limbs are still damaged, I still have the bandages, and now my character does that animation whenever I switch to and from thirdperson/viewing the pipboy.
    2. PaulMcGann
      • member
      • 27 kudos
      Some help here, Derdir? Can't wait to use this. I hate the vanilla system!
    3. Derdir
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      "it's telling me all the limb ones (arm and leg) only heal left limbs" That's a limitation of Fallout - it only shows one "Entry" - while there are more.

      I honestly could not think of anything in my mod that would cause the behavior you describe.

      Could you test the following: Take Bandage, go pip-boy Stat - Status and hit Q. There's a list with current "addictions" - is Bandage belong them or not?

      @arn13 - That sound strange as well. I use only Stimpack animation - no other.
    4. stray952
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This happens to me, but only in 3rd person. Regardless of the description, if you use the bandage in first person, you'll see a Stimpack (i think) anim, and you're limbs will heal.
    5. PaulMcGann
      • member
      • 27 kudos
      Yeah, it was there, Derdir.
    6. yuiru
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      can confirm this bug.
  7. stray952
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any chance for a version that didnt have body part specific bandages, more similar to the doctors bags on HC in New Vegas?

    General triage bandages arent limb specific anyway. That part kind of threw me for a loop.

    Dont get me wrong, thanks so much for making this great and NECESSARY mod. Greatly increased the value of my gameplay.
  8. Varrgas
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    that really interesting but sadly not enough yet for me (no offense, just my personal opinion and taste)

    There is many mod like that actually but not so mush with enough balance and finished mechanics, the one who suit the most for me actualy is 'no limb regen", but again that just my personal feeling and everyone is different.

    Your bandage idea is really interesting but maybe not pushed enough far, Bandage can (just an idea) give a -1 Charisma or a +1 with some type of persona like farmer and kind people who are sad to see you in pain. An other thing is the time, i understand that everyone didn't play with the same setup, some play with fast travel, some didn't, and many player have a different Timescale, but whatever, your mod didn't really target casual player (no offense again, i mean player who doesn't want more difficulty and challenge) so maybe the time of bandage need to be increase, after all even in a world where radiation cause mutation, a leg need many days - month ! to be healed, i will not ask for a bandage who stay so mush but maybe more than a day or 2, this can be interesting and give a more survival feeling to the game (and you can maybe do all of this optional).

    The idea is really interesting and i will keep an eye there , i wok on my side to a complete rework of the Healing - Food (and perk for this).

    Maybe the bigger issue is that there is many little mod like that but no real team project, i really hope that some mod author will create a team or one only mod who regroup every good idea in a modular Mod where many thing are optional to suit everyone. I didn't really see mods who touch this to not be compatible, but they all touch some same thing and so the value are too mush change and the balance is braked whatever the load order if you didn't edit them in Fo4edit.

    Good luck for future. Many Kudos <3
    1. Derdir
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      It is quite a challenge to balance stuff out right, especially since everything gets mixed up with other mods. Especially at this early stage.
      But i have to agree - the time Penalties are not quite right for what i've intended. I've put them low to possibly suit more users - with the effect to not suit others fully, including partially me. I also don't know where i'm heading exactly with my mods - but definitely more realism and much more hardcore.

      Reworking of Healing Food - you mean eliminating heal? Or what's there to rework? ;-) (No offense as well)

      Hunger System would be great - i'm looking into some possibilites with Addictions - and have something half working so far...

      Team work in such open spaces is always difficult - i know that from Blender 3d and other non internet Communities.
      Atm i enjoy my freedom i have as it is, but would not exclude Teamwork per se in future. But i also have to learn quite a bit more - never touched Geck or similar. I'm astonished though how far i got so far. Human mind always keeps surprising me ;-) Thank you.

    2. Neela
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Wouldn't mind if the bandage penalty could only be removed by a doctor. Right now I am playing with limb healing turned off and stimpacks that don't heal limbs, but getting a leg wound miles from a doctor means hours of travel time. Love the bandage idea to temporarily fix the slow moving/motion of wounded limbs, but incures a SPECIAL penalty that needs to be healed by an actual doctor eventually.
    3. Varrgas
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Well, for some evident reason (because i am a paranoiac who think everybody want to steal my idea :p) i will not explain everything there.

      But i actually work on a big documentation who take one by one each point of some aspect of Fallout 4 (essential the healing and HP mechanics and all drugs - food- perk who have effect on them), and talk about possibility balance, issue, etc. the issue for me is my mother tong isn't English so i have to translate everything and be sure that the sens isn't lost in the translation, and of course check every point to avoid saying stupid thing

      If you are interested when i have finished this doc you can add me as friend if you want, i will sand you it when finished. And you can use it or not or just part or inspiration for your future feature if you want.

      I am not really a mod author, i just tweak some value of some mod that people like you did actually, i want to do mine but this need a lot of work for someone who start without real knowledge about scripting, GECK etc. That why i try to help mod author 1st and give all my idea etc, the other thing how help me to do this and share my idea is that my real job is to work on the balance and mechanics of Board Game, trading card game and paper table game. I have maybe sometime a better vision or just different and even if i am not 100% in the right way i can still give idea who will help someone to find the real good idea who change everything.

      well, about the food, what i can answer is before the script edition is possible or the geck release, we cant really have a real Hunger and basic need system, i have read and follow many topic about this subject and without some tool that not impossible but really tricky and dangerous for the Save. So if you found something who work without risk, share it please !

      On the other side, what i want change is the Possibility to eat tone of food in combat, even if now in fallout 4 healing need real time we still can use some trick and still use food than real medic item to heal ourself, just run back, take a cover, eating stuff, waiting, go back in combat... and without mod who make NPC really aggressive and hunting you far away this type of action and game play just break the intensity of battle, that not good.

      they tryed to break the interest of food in combat with a % bonus to stimpak, but at low Endurance some food still better than Stimpak, and i want to create a mod who make some food usable in combat in a new form and some other who need to wait to finish the combat to be used, who eat a Brahmin steak in combat ? did you imagine ? the guy attack you with a steak in the mouth and running on you ? or firing with one hand and eating tone of eggs with the other :p ?

      Well i hope i was enough clear, always difficult to write in English, and if you are interested to talk more deep of the subject i am there to help you as i can and give you all the idea i can for free.

    4. Drone456
      • member
      • 4 kudos

      This seems like a really interesting concept man, and am definitely interested to see how it expands with more advanced tools. Good job so far already

      I also just wanted to let you know that there is actually a hunger mod already out. So if you're looking at going that same direction, it might save you time, by looking at what he did (if he's ok with it that is), or you could even collaborate potentially and make one ultra hunger/needs mod? . Or at the very least, you can even just use that mod normally, and have that mechanic now in your game.
    5. Varrgas
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      i already see this mod but like for his cripple mod i don't think i will go enough far :s
      Actually the mod is in alpha, not in beta ^^ and didn't really suit a character build who use drugs, alcohol often etc and more important, the chem resistance perk kill the mod :p

      But that cool to see mod like this so early
  9. undeadjohnny
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This exact mod with no stimpak changes pls pls pls pls pls, best Christmas ever fixing fallout 4.
    1. Derdir
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      There's now a version without Stimpack edits.
    2. undeadjohnny
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Tyvm downloading now ready to endorse.
  10. r8der
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    can u make a no-heal-overtime version? Great mod man!
    1. r8der
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      another suggestion. can you make it so that you have to equip the bandage (with textures) and have it heal you that way? take maybe five minutes for the effect to complete while wearing the bandage. what would be way more immersive.