Fallout 4


  1. roland113
    • premium
    • 163 kudos
    NEW --  Predators 2.5.2 

    Adds a new Male Assassin / Upgrade Predator skin with 3 variations of heaviness
    The Assassin Heavy armor is VERY heavy/Tanky - based on lore assuming you're going almost naked into battle with it.  But you can heap other armor on it because - hey its your choice  
    5 additional Liner upgrades for the new predator in case you want to strive to improve more.
    A plain Right Gauntlet all by itself,  to get that right look.  Its upgradeable too. 

    To wear Biomasks - simply use any standard predator ( "hunter" predator) biomask - they should fit  (ie -No feral or super pred race fitted masks for the assassin's head)

    A new "PredatorRace" race you can set via console commands to give yourself GREEN BLOOD
    You'll still look human - but the race blood is set to bleed like a Predator.   

    So how does it work - for those of you who don't know it already - you hit ~ to go into console and type
    player.setrace  PredatorRace

    There's A bunch of other small bug fixes and file cleaning
    Removal of some accidental terrain textures and minor file junk.

    PLEASE NOTE --  I've removed my fall damage reduction addition from the Adamantium Skeleton perk in the main mod - I've migrated that to the Predators Perks Mod, Additional file.  I'm doing this to make the main mod more friendly with other perk mods out there.  Probably unnecessary work - but just some polish I wanted to get around to.  So if you jump off a rooftop onto prey and take massive damage - you'll want to updated that additional mod.

    Lastly - I'll be updating all of this to Xbox after there's been enough time for playtesting and I know this is solid. 

  2. Gantros
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do we have to use the yautja skins to use the equipment?
    1. roland113
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      A skin is not required to use the equipment.  The skins and equipment are totally separate with the exception of biomasks and hair/dreadlocks that are obviously designed to fit different yautja skull/face shapes.  So you can more or less mix and match gear as you want.
  3. UrbanWolf33
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've notice this mod hasn't received any new updates in awhile and its one of my favorite mods and was wondering if this mod was still being developed.
    1. roland113
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      I've concluded the work on the mod.  There is still a little bug work and play testing underway on my part - but this just polish.  Correcting little typos, cost imbalances and tiny mistakes here and there.  This conclusion to this work is fairly final, as my subscription to some of the expensive 3d art tools I use has expired.
    2. UrbanWolf33
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh ok, well I thank you for this wonderful mod easily one of my favorites.
  4. 564575t67ds
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    hey do you plan on updating the skyrim mod too? I would really like to see the feral predator and more come to skyrim! 
    1. roland113
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      Sorry - I've no plans to do any more development on Skyrim.
  5. ASLahrman
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Love the mod, but am having an issue where Biomasks won't appear on classic hunter Yautja skin.
    I've made sure they're the vanilla masks and not Super or Feral, still won't appear on classic skin.
    1. ImperialCaesar101
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah I just downloaded the mod and I'm getting the same problem.
    2. ASLahrman
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      It's gotten stranger, I actually had it working with all but the Tracker mask, but once I started adding on other armors, it broke the masks once more.
  6. Maxaleenco
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Can someone make a Shoulder gun mod for power armor and out of power armor so people can logit have other ways to defend them selves or a playstyle they wish to do or a mini gun that is on the shoulder?
  7. oppkillerjeff
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    do u think u could do this with the locust from the gears of war series.
  8. PrimevalYautja
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    is there any way to add in the Ancient Predator biomask from the avp 2004 movie
  9. Saighdearagh
    • member
    • 46 kudos
    I have to say it my lad... this is probably the most dedicated and perfected mod I have ever seen... I will not use it just because the yatjua are not my thing, but I can help but peruse over the images now and then... and I have use your mod as an example of what we modders can and should do, instead of another sexualized preset using body caliente... keep up the bar...
  10. vangrim
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Good looking update. Would there be a patch to work with pip pad?
    1. roland113
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      I don't alter the pipboy in my mod - so i don't see why that pipboy mod wouldn't work
    2. vangrim
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I have not had any trouble using yours with pippad just have a clear left forearm and was maybe hoping a have the predator left arm bracer, gauntlant or something
  11. Legend323232
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Am I high or something? What happened to all the Yautja? Or was that another mod!

    Edit: Oops never mind, this was one of my favorite play through of all time and I strongly recommend you keep reading. Download the mod called alien vs predator vs terminator. Then in its download section is a Super mutant Replacer. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!!! Install Skk feral ghoul replacer and replace the ghouls with the supermutants. TADA!! Hell on earth.