About this mod
A F4SE plugin to improve gunplay visuals and SFX.
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Simple Impact
This is a F4SE plugin to enhance gun play experience in FO4, inspired by Kill Tips and Hit Sound by Toounx and Recoil Shake and Low Ammo Sounds by Elzee.
It shakes and blurs the camera when you shoot, and plays hit sounds when you hit something, play kill sounds when you kill something, but it doesn't use any scripts.
Everything is handled at the engine level.
To customize settings, open SimpleImpact.ini in F4SE\Plugins.
Each features can be turned on/off by changing Enabled to 1/0.
Setting HeadshotEnabled to 1 enables separate hit/kill sounds for headshots.
-General Sound Options-
These are general settings for sounds.
FrequencyShift : % shift of base frequency
FrequencyVariance : Randomizes the frequency
StaticAttenuation : Higher number makes the volume smaller
-Hit Sound-
There are 7 sound types available for HitSound
1: MW2019 hit marker
2: MW2019 classic hit marker (Recommended)
3: Apex Legends body shot sound (Recommended)
4: Apex Legends armor sound
5: MW2019 body shot sound (Recommended)
6: MW2019 click sound
7: Custom sound (Sound\FX\Bingle\Custom_1~4.wav)
Each type randomly plays 1 of 4 sound files located in Sound\FX\Bingle\HitSound.
You can simply switch those files to make your own unique hit sound.
-Hit Sound Extra Options-
AliveOnly : Play hit sound on alive actors only.
GunOnly : Play hit sound on guns only.
-Hit Sounds for Headshots-
There are 6 types for headshots
1: MW2019 plate hit sound (UI)
2: MW2019 plate hit sound (external)
3: Apex Legends headshot sound
4: Valorant headshot sound
5: MW2019 headshot sound
6: Custom sound (Sound\FX\Bingle\Custom_Headshot_1~4.wav)
Each type randomly plays 1 of 4 sound files located in Sound\FX\Bingle\HitSoundHeadshot
-Kill Sound-
There are 6 types for KillSound
1: MW2019 Multiplayer UI Sound
2: Apex Legends player killed
3: Apex Legends player downed
4: Valorant
5: Overwatch
6: Custom (Sound\FX\Bingle\Custom_KillSound.wav)
-Kill Sounds for Headshots-
There are only 3 types
1: MW2019 Multiplayer Headshot UI Sound
2: Battlefield1/5 Headshot UI Sound
3: Custom (Sound\FX\Bingle\Custom_KillSound_Headshot.wav)
-Kill Quote-
This is something similar to Kill Sound, but it randomly plays sounds registered in ESP.
Unlike the vanilla Fallout 4, Simple Impact creates a playlist for kill quotes and plays them in an order to make sure you don't hear the same quote.
The playlist gets shuffled when you load a game or move to another location.
I've included MW2 Shadow Company combat radio as a reference. If you want to customize it, you'll have to switch sound files in Sound\FX\Bingle\KillQuote.
If you want less/more than 10 sounds, you'll have to modify the ESP. Edit sound descriptors and the form list.
Cooldown : A cooldown will be applied between kill quotes to prevent overlapping.
-Camera shake-
The duration and strength of shake are automatically calculated by a formula, but it can be customized.
This mod will score the weapon by its fire rate and damage, and linearly interpolate between minimum and maximum values.
DurationMultiplier: Base multiplier to the duration
StrengthMultiplier: Base multiplier to the strength
PowerArmorDurationMultiplier: Value multiplied to the duration when wearing a Power Armor
PowerArmorStrengthMultiplier: Value multiplied to the strength when wearing a Power Armor
ThirdPersonDurationMultiplier: Value multiplied to the duration for third person
ThirdPersonStrengthMultiplier: Value multiplied to the strength for third person
ADSDurationMultiplier: Value multiplied to the duration when aiming down sights
ADSStrengthMultiplier: Value multiplied to the strength when aiming down sights
SneakDurationMultiplier: Value multiplied to the duration when sneaking
SneakStrengthMultiplier: Value multiplied to the strength when sneaking
MinimumDuration: Minimum duration for interpolation
MaximumDuration: Maximum duration for interpolation
MinimumStrength: Minimum strength for interpolation
MaximumStrength: Maximum strength for interpolation
You don't have to really know this, but the formula for the score is log10((damage + 10) / DamageCoefficient) + rof ^ RoFCoefficient
You can change values below to tweak this formula.
RoFCoefficient: This value affects the slope of the curve for rate of fire. Higher value = steeper curve = rof will have less impact to the score unless the gun fires really slow
DamageCoefficient: This value affects the threshold of damage. Lower value = lower threshold = guns with low damage will have stronger shake
This is the blur effect.
The score calculated above is used here as well.
If you wish to remove the radial blur, modify your fallout4.ini or fallout4custom.ini and add/change the setting below.
DisableAimRecovery: If you have this turned on, the mod will remove the aim recovery after shooting from all guns in your game.
-JSON file-
In F4SE\Plugins folder, there's a json file called SimpleImpactCustom.json.
It looks like below.
"Fallout4.esm": {
"0x1F673": {
"ShakeDuration": 1.2,
"ShakeStrength": 1.3,
"FXStrength": 1.3
"0xC1897": {
"ShakeDuration": 0.6,
"ShakeStrength": 0.7,
"FXStrength": 0.7
"AER15.esp": {
"0x1000F99": {
"ShakeDuration": 0.8,
"ShakeStrength": 0.8,
"FXStrength": 0.8
You should use an online json editor like Online JSON Editor for easy edits.
Write esp/esm/esl names as a key, add objects and enter form ID of ammos and weapons.
All weapons that uses that ammo will have those values multiplied to the shake duration, strength and fx strength.
I've added shotgun ammo, fusion cell, and AER15 as a reference.
The F4SE Team for Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)
Fudgyduff for Address Library and CommonLibF4
brofield for simpleini
nlohmann for JSON for Modern C++