Fallout 4
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  1. csb
    • premium
    • 31 kudos
    Kudos. Well done! This really has some intriguing potential once the CK is out and they can be scripted as well.
    1. diamok
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Much more can be done with the mod, I honestly barely put any effort into it. In fact, it took me longer to make the screenshots then the actual mod. :-D

      Take care,
  2. prosirius
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Quiet intresting i will give it a try. So i will maybe hate you later that Night.

    A realy creative Idee, i was even not know that we can do this with FO4E.

    Greetings Sirius
    1. diamok
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Thank you, hope you die a thousand deaths. :-)

      Take care,
  3. canodab
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hmm, now you've really intrigued me. Would it be possible to make another version of this mod which uses the default mine appearances - minus any glowing lights, with a smaller trigger radius, and with near instantaneous detonation? In reality there shouldn't be any warning time to get away from mines, just step-click-boom-dead. I realize this would mean that it''d be nearly impossible to "disarm" mines, you'd just have to avoid or shoot them from a distance. This would be a truly "Immersive Mines" mod to me. While not a bad thing, right now I'd call this an I.E.D. mod. What are your thoughts on this?
    1. diamok
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Yeah, all of that is possible, but not by me. I believe it would take some textures (might not, but maybe), scripting and then editing fields in FO4edit.
      However, once the GECK is released next year, it would be a much easier mod to create.

      Take care,
    2. canodab
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Cool. Good to know, thanks for the reply.
  4. Dapix97
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    this is a great idea...and a stupid one at the same time.

    it's great to have mines that are actually not that visible, but how could this be immersive while making a landmine look like a desk fan??
    just make them somewhat "camo", oh and mines should definitely not be highlighted by the VATS....
    1. diamok
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      For me, having a mine look like a desk fan is Immersive because; while I roam around the wasteland, I come across many items, every now and then I see a desk fan, which I know has parts I need for crafting, so I snatch it up. On other occasions though, I come a cross a desk fan, which I know has parts I need for crafting, so I go to snatch it up and freaking kaboom, I'm dead.
      The Immersion is in not knowing if the desk fan is an actual desk fan, or a mine and sure, you need to have an open mind and role play a bit, but that is also part of the Immersion.

      I'm not saying you are wrong or trying to convince you, or anything of that nature. I'm just explaining how I look at Immersion. I guess it's to each their own and all that, ya know. :-)

      Take care,
  5. EthicalLune
    • premium
    • 130 kudos
    Woah I never even thought of such a thing, quite clever, will def download this.
  6. LikwidBrahmin
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    We need an IED mod already... :\
  7. kake90
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Somebody install this to Gopher NOW! =D
  8. highhthere
    • premium
    • 342 kudos
    This is so evil and silly, it's perfect.
    I love it, thanks! n_n
    1. diamok
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Haha, happy you like, enjoy.
  9. Mr. Dave
    Mr. Dave
    • premium
    • 514 kudos
    LOL! Beautiful! But methinks it needs to be renamed "Landmines to Boobytraps".
    1. diamok
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Hehe, thank you.

      I was tossing around different names to use, decided in the end to go with mines/landmines, simply because that's what they are referred to by default.
  10. Rikka
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Well don't show people what they were changed to! Not very incognito if they know what to look for.
    1. diamok
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Believe me, I didn't want to show what they were changed to, takes all the fun out of it. But no one would download the mod if they didn't know what was changed from and too. I have been on the Nexus far to long to not know that.

      Take care,
    2. deathsythe47
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Could replace the screenshot with various pictures of random objects, and just vaguely say that a mine could be any one of these objects. (Would also have to remove spoiler text from mod description)

      Also would it be possible to make mines randomly choose a model? Instead of certain type of mine always being a certain model.
    3. diamok
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Yeah, I could do that, but I am waaaaay to lazy. :-)
      The random model idea will require a new script, which I do not know how to do without the GECK.

      Take care,
    4. diamok
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Okay, added a forum topic with the list of models used.

      I also removed the image that shows what all the mines look like now and replaced it with a bunch of random items and the mines, though no mouse over description is shown.

      Take care,