Fallout 4

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  1. jtzeal
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    ... Ssoooee... can i effectively give the magazine to my companions?? Hhmmmm??? been using Better Companions - No Conflicts at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) w/accuracy, and while better than vanilla most companions can't shoot worth shit.... so will this apply to 'others'??? please say yes or maybe... 🤔😣🥺
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      No. You'll have to use a console command to give to a companion.
    2. jtzeal
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      thank you, that was my first thought. my second was what you replied. since they both came true..ummm. could you please tell me again as if i were a 4 year old?? it 'seems' obvious, strait forward and simple, Buttttt i usually fail at it. the older i get the worse the brain damage effects me. So, i go into CC and : .....? 😣😖😳😱 and the strange thing is i seem to be getting better with emoji speak (at least in MY mind)
    3. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Select your companion in the console and type in:

      addperk 0020ae44

      Or you could find the number of the custom perk that I created in this mod and add that instead.
    4. jtzeal
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Achievement earned.💯✨🏆 thank you, thankyou very much. 
  2. StormWolf01
    • supporter
    • 21 kudos
    I have a bat file that I made to use for a lot of the perks that I give my characters when I am playing a synth roleplay. (Personal use only)
      The perk courser accuracy 0020AEE4 is that the one that you are using in your mod?  Asking, because I too, have the problem you earlier had, with shotguns performing more akin to rifles and having their cone of spread narrowed down so badly.
    Or are you also using the Courser Gunslinger perks and/or the Courser Commando perks in addition to the Accuracy perk?

    The triple combination is turning out to be pretty OP, with 1-shot kills, until I hit 120+ levels tho, btw.

    Oh, and thanks for offering this as an .esp lite.  That makes it a lot easier on people with nearly full load orders!
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      I made a copy of the Courser Accuracy perk for the player to use. Which was handy because it let me tweak things so that shotguns still have a spread.

      I did not include the Courser Gunslinger or the Courser Commando perks, since the player already has the Gunslinger/Commando perks. I can see how they would be useful for a Synth playthrough. (I also have a bat file for that.)
    2. StormWolf01
      • supporter
      • 21 kudos
      Bionicyardiff, thanks for replying.  And thank you for helping me to track down what is causing the issue with shotguns. That is much appreciated!
      I may not use the magazine, since I have the bat file I use, but your edit to the perk will also be a massive help that I greatly appreciate.  And hopefully you don't mind me looking it over, so that I can try to reverse engineer what ya did, so I can learn about editing other perks.
      I mean, I'll be adding it to the load order since it's esl.  But just edit my bat file for the new number assigned to the perk.  But I wanna try to learn what I can, from seeing your edits.

      That's really cool that you like to play as a synth character too.  Have you by any chance come across the perk that makes the player immune to radiation?  I'm still trying to track that one down.
       Yeah, I wouldn't consider adding those other Courser perks, if it was me.  When combined with other player perks, they really can make the game a lot less fun because of how OP the character becomes.  I think I was asking more just out of curiosity as to whether you knew about that, and had tried them.
      But thank you again Bionicyardiff, I really appreciate the chance to talk with you!  And in finding another player that likes to run the Synth scenario in their game!
    3. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      No problem, have fun with looking the mod over and tweaking things to your heart's content. I don't normally run as a synth, however for my current Institute run I thought it was very appropriate.

      Regarding radiation resistance, I've been thinking about options (for my Institute Jumpsuit mod):

      1/ give the jumpsuit the same effects as the Hazmat Suit (HazmatSuitRadResistancePerk / 0014ef46)

      2/ give the jumpsuit the same effects as the Companions and Children of Atom's and several other's radiation resistance (ImmuneToRadiation / 000a2775) - note that Gamma Guns will still irradiate a CoA, Companion, etc

      Another option might be a special consumable at the CoA settlement in the middle of the Glowing Sea, or perhaps as an extra reward for drinking from Atom's Spring in the Far Harbour DLC.

      Not that I'm really modding these days.
  3. MihaiL
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    The steady aim applies to any extra weapons, or vanilla only?
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      They should apply to all weapons, even mod-added ones.
    2. StormWolf01
      • supporter
      • 21 kudos
      It's a perk.  So it applies to the player, not the item in your hand.
        I've been using console to use the Courser perk on my characters.  And unless the weapon has REALLY BAD sway, it works like a charm.
      It does however, really tighten up the Cone of Fire setting too tho, so shotguns don't behave like shotguns having spread.  On MY method, I mean.
  4. WalksInDreams
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    Too bad I need to steal the one in Virgil's lad before going after that courser chip. Works fine on rifles and pistols.  Doesn't apply to shotguns since they are supposed to have a spread. Thank you.
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Yes, I decided (from below) that it would be a good little bonus for the player for that mission. Cheers!
    2. StormWolf01
      • supporter
      • 21 kudos
      I know this is an old post, but putting this here for anybody who reads this recently.  If an item is marked RED, and is marked as stealing.
      All you have to do is simply pick the item up.  Not put it into inventory... pick it up.  And then carry it out of the area where it is mastered to.  It should then go from a red item, to a green item, and you can then pick it up and use it.
  5. nobumbump
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I love this mod! This is good as an alternative to alternate start (If you want to be a courser) and it won't mess with other mods which is great too.
  6. Magickingdom
    • supporter
    • 57 kudos
    Might I suggest using adding one more location, as I have destroyed the institute.
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Can do, do you have any suggestions for a good lore-friendly location?
    2. Magickingdom
      • supporter
      • 57 kudos
      Kelloggs house in Diamond City, of Fort Hagen. Or maybe Virgils cave?
    3. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      I already have something in Kellogg’s house (the unlocked PA Paints mod of mine). Virgil’s cave - that makes sense to me, something he swiped.
    4. Magickingdom
      • supporter
      • 57 kudos
      Sounds good to me.
    5. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Done - the new magazine is on top of the rusty metal shelves to the right of Virgil's Lab in the Glowing Sea (as you go into the main room/area).
    6. Magickingdom
      • supporter
      • 57 kudos
      Cool, thank you.
    7. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Version 1.2 is broken and will corrupt your (and my) save. I cannot fix this until I get home in several hours.
    8. Magickingdom
      • supporter
      • 57 kudos
      Thanks for the warning, I had not updated yet.
    9. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Thank goodness!

      I myself will have lost several hours of play.
    10. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      The 1.3 version sorts things.

      And it looks like I've lost about 4 days of play...drat!
    11. Magickingdom
      • supporter
      • 57 kudos
      ouch, I know the feeling all to well.
  7. Beyond00Cloud
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    I've tried this mod and find out that it works perfectly on all weapons except shotguns, all shotguns are extreme accurate just like firing slugs. I suggest finding a way to nerf this accuracy buff on shotguns. It's ok with the current version though, I'll just imagine all shotguns firing slugs...
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Now that's gonna be a beaut to try and fix. I'll have a poke around and see what I can figure.
    2. Beyond00Cloud
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      If there's no easy solution, then current version is fine either, thanks!
    3. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Figured it, cheers!
    4. Beyond00Cloud
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Thanks for the work!!
  8. Didaskos
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    To clarify, what does this do exactly? Eliminate all recoil and sway with ranged weapons, or something like that?
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      If you play with crosshairs turned on you’ll see a “gap” in the crosshairs - this indicates the inaccuracy of the weapon in hand (modified by perks etc). It’s generally on the order of a few degrees.

      This perk sets that crosshairs to zero inaccuracy, the same bonus that Coursers get.

      Essentially: Many/most shots will hit exactly where the crosshairs indicate. This is a lot of what makes Coursers so good in combat.
    2. Didaskos
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Cool, thanks.
  9. choochoo1
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    He looks so smug I just wanna push him over the rail.
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Pretty-much what I do with the Institute