Fallout 4

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Chai Pei

Uploaded by

Chai Pei

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  1. Minaroug
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    my game mods are asking for betterperks.esp but its not in this mod?
    1. DoctorLies
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Did you ever figure this out? It doesn't seem that "betterperks.esp" exists but there's like 10 others all named slightly different.
    2. simon437
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Is in better locational damage.
  2. ACER105
    • member
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    cant seem to find the better perks.esp needed for weaponsmith bld merged patch
    1. redcatisthenewblack
      • premium
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      Having the same issue...
    2. vmacwolfv
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      @acer105 & @redcatisthenewblack the BetterPerks.esp is built into BLD. In fact, this entire mod is built into BLD if you select the Better Perks enhanced when you are installing BLD. You can find more information about that in the articles tab of the BLD mod.
  3. vtudor
    • member
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    Strong back requires level 40 and strength 6 to acquire 1st rank; Rad resistant requires level 35 end 6 to acquire 1st rank. Why; see pictures.
  4. SpetznasMC
    • supporter
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    not a 100% sure that its this mod that causes the bug. (i have tried to narrow it down, and this mod is the only i have that tweaks carry related perks) but whenever i have a heavy weapon equipped i can only walk even when holstered.

    so if i carry a minigun, and have it out, i can no longer sprint nor run. im stuck in "over-encumbered" walk speed. Now if i holster the minigun the "over-encumbered" state persist until i enter my pipboy and unequip the minigun.

    Now, i have tried in TGM mode and still have it happen, i've tried changing my strength to "insane" numbers, i've tried forceav/modav/setav carryweight to high numbers.

    even used the infinite carry weight feature in cheating terminal.

    nothing works.

    if i wear power armor i can walk around and run around with no issues.
  5. GraveREAPER89
    • premium
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    i found a bug for you.
    your mod makes my perk for non-auto rifles inaccessible by changing the level requirement to unlock lvl 62.
    it also doesn't allow me to browse through the perk's levels to see what it improves
  6. NukeGaming512
    • supporter
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    Can you please make this compatible with the Far Harbor DLC please? It bugs out the strong back and the Rad resistance perk.
  7. aLocalHawk
    • supporter
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    I love the mod and appreciate the work.

    However I have only seen it work before I had the DLC, and when using NMM.

    I recently switched to Vortex, and now have all the DLC. It doesn't work, and I'm not reading any compatibility issues.
    Edit: I am seeing the same generic Fallout character that BlaisOfGlory is, but raised above where the icons are normally centered. Almost intentionally offset as if to show it isn't registering a mod.
    What can I do?
  8. BulldogBlaze
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    • 1 kudos
    I have Fallout 4 with the season pass and love this mod but can't get the "Refractor" and "Rad Resistant" perks to work properly. They don't show an icon on the perk screen, just a generic Fallout dude logo, and neither perks work properly if I try to add more than the first level of the perk. For example, with "Rad Resistant", it shows the 4 levels and when I click to apply a perk to it, I get the first rank of 40 protection but after that, can't add anymore. I try to click to add a perk for the second level and nothing happens. I know 40 is the max of the perk in the vanilla perks so I don't think Rad Resistant is updating to work with Better Perks but is keeping the vanilla version for some reason. I have tried to get this to work with other mods and without and have the same bug. Anyone else have this happen?
    1. kevkiev
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      I'm guessing that at least the Rad Resistance problem is related to Far Harbor and how that DLC adds a 4th level. I only use the Rad Resistance esp, and took all 3 levels as per the vanilla game, and it was working fine until I installed FH yesterday. Er... actually I still think it's effectively working as my rad resistance number shows the same in the inventory/apparel section of the pip boy as it did pre-FH, and all 3 levels are shown in the perks section (ie in the " Data " tab). However, on the perk sheet screen (ie after you click "level up" ) the icon is now a sort of faded version of the Vault Boy and it shows that I haven't taken any levels of the perk.So, yeah, my guess is the DLC's reworking of the perk makes it incompatible with this mod. (I'd wager if I hadn't installed/used it before installing FH it wouldn't work at all.) Maybe FH or some other DLC in the season pass screws around with Refractor too? (I've never taken refractor, and don't have any DLC but FH.)
  9. BulldogBlaze
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Can you make this mod compatible or make a patch so this mod will work with "Loot Detector - Scrapper Corpse Highlighting" by xatmos http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4380/ ? Or can you add a perk that does the same thing?
  10. ImmortanJoel
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    I downloaded and it says Strong Back requires level 40 for the first perk.