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About this mod

Turnes the Neon Flats into a fully working settlement. Now the Neon Flats can be Settler/Companion home location, supports Supply Lines, has "Happiness" and other resource ratings and it shows up in your Pip-Boy under "Workshops" section.
Does not include and require the Creation Club content Neon Flats.

Permissions and credits
About this mod:

Turnes the Neon Flats into a fully working settlement.

The Neon Flats now supports Supply Lines and has "Happiness" ratings and it shows up in your Pip-Boy under "Workshops" section.
You can also send Settlers/Companions to the Neon Flats.

Why are the Neon Flats' main and top floor ("Neon Flats" and "Neon Flats Top Floor") show up as different settlement in my Pip-Boy's "Workshops" menu?

Because this is how the Neon Flats is designed. The two floors are built in two different cells, in two different locations and in two different encounter zones. Actually, the two floors act as different settlements. You can only see the main floor (Neon Flats) on your Pip-Boy map. However, you will see both main (Neon Flats) and top floor (Neon Flats Top Floor) in your Pip-Boy's "Workshops" section. Merging the two floors would require a lot of modification..

Neon Flats as Full Settlement:


This mod does not include and thus requires the Creation Club content Neon Winter.


You can install this mod before/after starting the quest "Neon Winter", it doesn't matter.


After the Neon Flats has been registered in the Workshop system, this mod cannot be safely unregistered/deleted. Settlements aren't meant to be "deleted" from the Worshop system related scripts.

So if you're downloading this mod, it should not be deleted.


Tom Seddon for the Creation Club Content Neon Flats.