Fallout 4

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  1. bl3azy
    • premium
    • 108 kudos
    Why are people sleeping on your mods? They are some of the most creative, complex, and interesting I've seen on the nexus and I can't understand that! I make mods as well, but nowhere near as creative or interesting. What is wrong with people?!
    1. ElPolloAzul
      • premium
      • 137 kudos

      You know what they say about artists, fame, and their own time...

      Just kidding. I think it's some combination of search exacerbating the Pareto phenomenon, it being late in Fallout 4's life, these mods clearly being very experimental in a way that is semi-obvious is not impervious to (reasonable) engine limitations, and just most people being into "normal" things for their long-running games because this is all a bit disruptive to RPers.

      I think a lot of people have seen the mods and as someone who has been around since Morrowind and the original Fallout I'm very grateful to be able to have any sized impact on the culture of the games I love so much.

      Thanks for the very kind sentiments :)
  2. dpsampson
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    How is it wasting my life if I don't have one to begin with but actually do have a life in fallout?!

    OK maybe it's a little sad but not as sad if the game and the mod community didn't exist.


    Thanks, dude!
  3. xaosbob
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    Look who's back! Good to see you're sheltering productively, EPA!

    Are there technical reasons this (and the dicing game, etc.) are weapons rather than buildable settlement objects? I mean, aside from the wonderful ridiculousness of it.
    1. ElPolloAzul
      • premium
      • 137 kudos
      Nah, it's just too late to abandon my schtick, nothing technical (could have branched cleanup/persist procedures and allowed both, but would consume more of my limited time) -- it's my niche and gimmick, gotta own it! If I was trying to maximize download count for my hundreds of hours of sunk time and frustration, staying experimental and unrealistic turned out to be a horrendously bad idea. Figuring out how to take a concept and weaponize it or turn it into a utility to give the player powers the devs never did fights off (some of) the mammoth frustration of testing and configuring everything to get around the fact that the existing systems are being roundly abused in a way they were not at all designed for. The dumb puns and allusions are motivational, too.

      I get an idea to do something stupid and I just want it (need it?) out of my head. Better than thinking about it.

      In my ideal world, a couple games journalists would stop chasing trade show rumors and *finally* pop by meaningfully, realize that there's not 1 or 2, but a trove of some of the most convoluted weapons ever attempted in video games in the Weird Weapons series (they should pop by the mod community at large more often), and I'd end up with a small article or a footnote on TVTropes or an April Fools feature from Bethesda for my trouble (they did tweet about PrestoGravy and also OBForcePush before FO3's time!). People should know how much you can accomplish with the flexibility and complexity of these games -- the developers who worked on all of these little subsystems deserve the recognition, and I'd love if I was able to inspire more cool moments (I love offbeat quests like the painting one in Oblivion) and gameplay tricks in these Bethesda RPGs that I've sacrificed so much life to.

      To me, when I see "weirdest weapons in video games lists" on YouTube or Ranker or what have you, I see too many "oversized non-weapon object used as a silly bludgeon" or "this shoots something it can't usually shoot, lol" weapons. It's not like I don't like these or want to diss them, I just think we have a medium where there's so much room for education, creativity, emergent behavior, and interactivity possible in dispatching an NPC and if you want to talk about the boundaries of the very most bizarre, you should actually be talking about the very most bizarre. There's so much untapped potential for surrealist gameplay and weapons that make you think (or laugh at the impracticality). You can do something highly familiar and still have it be a successful art project if you are doing it under terrible constraints or adding a twist.

      It's a bit like, Enter the Gungeon and Perfect Dark and Armed & Dangerous and Destroy All Humans! were games that had exceptional odd armories. Without the last three, I would have been less excited about games. I think it would be cool to have someone look at all of this, and as another lone wolf, top me. I think it would be cool if mods like these got commerical developers to sneak more stuff in than they already do. Because the more people who do weird mashups, the more neat stuff we all get (see how much Baba Is You or Katamari Damacy or else heart.break() departed from average gameplay and brought me back to playing games and being excited about them like when I was a kid after I was burnt out on interactive sameyness).

      It's all about that inspirational ouroboros!
  4. gheyisht
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Pretty cool.

    World building.
  5. Fyrcynn
    • BANNED
    • 55 kudos
    What if you were to make this as holotape games? And add others, like Minesweeper! For added fun, if you hit a mine on the board, a nuke mine will spawn directly under you! Perfect way to kill time between bouts of shooting raiders and killing super mutants.
    1. ElPolloAzul
      • premium
      • 137 kudos
      I'd have done some holotape games (was planning at least a holotape clone of the infamous Hong Kong 97), but I don't want to waste time learning Flash since it's very much on the outs except for Scaleform and I only have a few creative suite trials and work licenses and I'd not like to post a mod that I can't fix without rebuying something.

      In-world minesweeper has been on the list for about a year and a half now but I don't have a lot of time (these things take a couple solid days of work because of having to work around the wonkiness of doing things never intended in this engine). Minesweeper is much simpler to program than "animated" Solitaire in this engine, so I'm happy letting someone else do it (unless I reprise my role for Starfield, which we don't know a lot about).

      So many people like Solitaire though (my Dad and grandfather are still addicts), so I'd figure I'd help them out at a time when everybody is more likely to be bored.
  6. Annex88
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Looks cool, keep up the good work
  7. Veratai
    • member
    • 48 kudos
    well this.. is awesome xD