File information
Created by
HcG x Grill and TheFriedturkeyUploaded by
TheFriedturkeyVirus scan
About this mod
This is the lamprey floater from fallout 3 concept art that was scrapped, I made this for Fallout 4 New Vegas. I did make some design changes to make it look more like the flat worm which it is meant to be a FEV mutated version.
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Lamprey Floater
This is the lamprey floater from fallout 3 concept art that was scrapped, We made this for Fallout 4 New Vegas. We did make some design changes to make it look more like the flat worm which it is meant to be a FEV mutated version of but ultimately it didnt fit quite right in the world of fallout instead it turned out looking like a cacodemon but we tried. We also made custom animation edits of the bloatfly to get it looking nice ingame. Anyway I think the art work its self is good so it deserves a place here. Just a note there are a few different colour variations in here, I couldnt decide which one I preferred.
Where to find
You can find floaters primarily in the glowing sea, but sometimes in the commonwealth. Also the pet can be found on the edge of the glowing sea.
- New creature added to the world
- Glowing variant
- Special Variants (Diseased, Runt, Alpha)
- Colour Variety
- Pet version
- Custom Animations
The Roadmap

Capital Wasteland Website
Capital Wasteland Discord
TheFriedturkey - 3D models, textures, Rigging
HcG x Grill - Scripting, Implementing.
Tools used:
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2017
- Material Editor by ousnius
- Nifskope
- TopoGun
- Substance Painter
- Zbrush