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About this mod

Some changes I made to registrator2000's Quicktrade mod, which adds an option to quickly trade with merchants and settlers.

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This mod is my own take on registrator2000's QuickTrade mod,  who has has graciously allowed me to share with the community. QuickTrade adds an option to quickly trade with merchants and settlers, without going through tedious dialogue.

- I added a companion tracker, so that your companion's don't need to be assigned to a settlement to use the quick inventory feature.
- Now only the inventory feature is used on companion's. Sometimes you would get the Trade option in the original mod.
- I added the option to disable QuickTrade while in combat in the MCM
- I added the option to disable QuickTrade for sleeping NPC's in the MCM.
- As of version 1.2, added option to make quick inventory for only companions, and not settlers.
- I added a feature that injects caps to merchants when using quick trade, which you can customize in the MCM.
You can customize how many caps are injected, a max amount of caps, and a distance threshold, which determines how far you have to move away from a merchant for the merchant to be injected again. This is so the merchant is only injected once while you are near them. Move away and come back to have them injected again. 

Version 1.6, added a misc item called Quick Inventory. When added to an NPC, it enables the quick inventory option for them.
- Version 1.7, Main File - Added more options for quick inventory use: Settlers/Companions, Only Companions, Only Settlers and Only Item.
If set to Only Item, only NPC's that have the misc item Quick Inventory will have the option.

- Version 1.8, added hotkey to enable/disable quick inventory for individual npc;s. Note that this option gives npc's the quick inventory misc object. You can disable quick inventory for settlers/companions that are also traders to have the Trade option available for them instead.

- Version 1.9 Injected caps now go into merchant chests, rather than the actor's inventory, to prevent cap farming from settlers/companions. You must buy/sell once from each merchant before the injector works, so the mod can find the merchant's chest. You only have to do this once for each merchant.

- Version 1.9.1 Re-did conditions so that Quick Inventory has priority, but if quick inventory isn't enabled for a companion or settler, and they are a merchant, the Quick Trade option will still appear.

Mod Configuration Menu

Extract to your data folder, check in your load order.
If you were already using the original QuickTrade mod, just install this one and let it overwrite the old one.
