Fallout 4

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Blaine R Mobius First of his name Father of Nothing

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  1. ghastimafrix
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Thank you for this! It's super awesome to see support of our community on the nexus - sometimes it feels like we get so little.
    I do have a small request/suggestion, however -- if you have a chance, do you think the lipstick lesbian flag could be replaced with the 2019 sunset lesbian flag? There's a whole mess surrounding the creator of the old flag and what it stands for.
    Or, if the new lesbian flag could be added in, that would be awesome too!! Let me know if you need a picture, I'll send one your way!

    Endorsed and appreciated by a wasteland lesbian!! <3
    1. BlaineMobius
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      Awesome! Glad you enjoyed! I think I'll be releasing more of these types of mods on the coming month, so if you have any ideas, let me know :D I was actually going back and forth on a lot of the flags and deciding on what ones I should use. I know a lot of people still use the lipstick flag, so would I think the best way to go would be adding the sunset flag. Would you be able to link me to an image so I know I'm looking at the right one?
    2. ghastimafrix
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Of course! I don't post comments very often so you'll have to forgive the raw link, but here's the flag I'm talking about;


      A lot of lesbians in the community have been pushing to have that one be known, given that it's more inclusive to the butch and fluid side of our spectrum. It's just more inclusive, y'know?
      I did have a couple ideas as well!! I noticed comments asking about clothes and accessories, and I 100% get your concerns on sterotyping, etc. However, I do have a couple ideas - flag capes, bracelets, hell, even skirts/dresses/stockings/socks, or vault suit retextures where the yellow is replaced with a pattern - but I don't know how easy these things are, so this might just be me talking wishfully. You're the mod-maker!
      A hilarous contribution (which I think a lot of us would find the humour in, considering the warzone that is the posts here) would be a Gay Gun. Just a gun with rainbows on it. That's it.
      And hey, thanks for being an ally and making this content man! I can already see you're gonna have a tough time with /some people/ the next few months, so I just wanted to express my appreciation again. It feels really good to have creators like you around!
    3. BlaineMobius
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      XD I like these colors waaaayyyy more.

      Making "pride" clothing is a bit difficult. It's hard not to feel like I would be separating lgbtq+ by doing so. What makes a shirt gay? What makes socks lesbian? What makes a trans shirt? The idea to me is a bit tough to tackle. I want to do it, but I want to do it right. I think bracelets and other accessories are a great idea though! Capes would be awesome also. Vault suits could work doing the numbers, and the gold spots. That would be cool. I was think also having simple T Shirts would be really cool also. I was thinking of making "model" versions of the flags, or bobbleheads, where when you pick them up, they give you a little summary about the flag, I think that would be cool.

      A gay gun would make this community explode lol. They can barely handle colorful flags.

      Meh, comments that are hateful are more just annoying to me. Thank you though. I'm glad I have a supporter. And thank you for saying that, I wasn't sure how people would take this mod, but I'm glad people like you exsist to be so positive about it. So thank you.
    4. BlaineMobius
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      I said cool so many times xD
    5. ghastimafrix
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Ahh a girl can dream! Maybe I'll make a Gay Gun of my own, see how many people I can make Big Mad, lmao -

      What you're saying with the clothing is totally valid. In my personal opinion, it's less about the clothes and more about the patterns you put on them -- personally, I like designing stuff like stockings with stripes coloured in the patterns of various pride flags, etc. But then again, the opinions on stuff like that are incredibly diverse. It'd be a little hard to appeal to everyone (that it applies to). Still an idea to kick around, though! Maybe try looking up LGBT creators and pull some inspiration from their pride merch/work? (NOT to be mistaken with corporations' pride merch, oof.)

      I LOVE the mini-flag idea, but I think it would work best only if you supplied a stand for the flags /with/ the mod. Some people just like having a place to display them instead of carrying them around / chancing the buggy physics with the dragging mechanic in-game to pose it somewhere.

      I do have one final idea that just hit me - again, I don't know exactly how hard it'd be to implement, though. I remember at my pride last year I had the ace and lesbian flags painted on my cheeks with face paint - having a pride flag cheek makeup would be pretty lit, and it's something that's commonly seen in the community during the month / at parades! Along the same lines, tattoo designs (though this would probably require UniquePlayer & LooksMenu) would be nice - of flags, hearts with the colours, general queer symbolism - sure, but also quotes & like "Love is Love", "Equality", or silly things like "Piper said Gay Rights" (a personal favourite joke my friends and I use constantly)!
      I for one have been considering doing something like that ^ for my game, personally, but I'm not well-versed enough with CC. I can make the textures but I can't implement them, unfortunately.
    6. Waterstar
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      As someone who loves flags, that one is super neat :o
    7. BlaineMobius
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      Make it lol.
      Yeah I'll shop around some ideas with some people and ask about it to different groups, shouldnt be horribly difficult. I'll show them off to you so you can get a sneak peak at them.

      I'll probably use the bobblehead display, maybe paint it a different color and add some wordage to it, "love is love" is a good one. That way you can see them all nice and together :) the only annoying part of this is finding places throughout the game to place them lol. It'll be a little time consuming.

      I've never looked into doing tattoos for mods, idk how that would work since a lot of in game models determine the skin textures. I'll look into it though, maybe I can make a modeled layer that I can add them with. Idk. It would be nice though.
  2. Luke1987
    • premium
    • 102 kudos
    Besides supporting LGBTQ+ it's a really nice looking retex. I love those strong colors! Thx!
    1. BlaineMobius
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      Everyone is split on that now xD.
  3. youngfrankenstein
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Awesome mod. we need more of this here, i wish more people were sensitive to what our community goes through, most of it is ignored, hell a guy like nipsey hussell was glorfied as a hero when he passed even though he was a homophobic bigot who compared gay children to violence. We need more positivity in the world and on this forum and this mod is an example of that.
  4. GlennCroft
    • premium
    • 73 kudos
    Absolutely wonderful to see lgbt support here. I'm not using it on my playthrough but I'm downloading it and endorsing it. Good job!
    1. BlaineMobius
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      Thanks a ton! Didn't know this wasnt supported much here! I'll make more ;D
  5. NobleSix2
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    damn nexus has changed i remember the time when nexus was full of swastikas and nazi bullshit :D lol 
  6. rocketupawnch
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Nice to see that shitty confederate flag mod get replaced by an actually good mod
    1. ButtermanHT
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    2. KEVLARE
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I'm actually sad that the confederate mod was removed, it was quite good.
    3. BlaineMobius
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      Not sure about who you mean when you say us all, but I just want to point out that I've gotten a bunch of crying comments over this mod sooooooo yeah. People on the other side cry just as much.
    4. Taylgunner
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      When that mod was deleted, all confederate statues ceased to exist.
    5. WerewolfOfTheWater
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      I'm pretty sure the history is still there, deleting a mod from the nexus that promotes slavery doesn't erase history last I checked
    6. thatwastheplan
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      how does a confederate flag promote slavery? Also funny because last I checked Bethesda has made games where you can enslave children and adults.
    7. WerewolfOfTheWater
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Go back to high school and you'll understand why it promotes slavery.
      And containing and promoting are two different things
  7. bloxyman
    • member
    • 100 kudos
    Hey Mr. Mobius,

    I don't know if you'll respond, but I'd like to see an autistic pride flag, since I have ADHD & Autism. It'd mean a lot to me. I went through a special kind of hell as a child (both at school & at home) before my parents figured out I had autism & ADHD.
    1. BlaineMobius
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      I can absolutely look into it. Sorry for the late reply, I forgot I don't have notifications for comments lol.
    2. bloxyman
      • member
      • 100 kudos
      It's fine.
  8. z1master5174
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    just wondering how a mod that literally only has flags makes it to top... every year...
    I get it you have pride great! but its not really fair ya get special treatment for it. mods im looking at you.

    fyi im gay just think this is a bit much...
    1. BlaineMobius
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      Then don't endorse. Obviously, there is demand around this time for this kind of mod. It doesn't matter that you are gay, this is an economic issue. Use your head.

      This would be like complaining about a Christmas mod making it to the top during December lol.
    2. vilcax
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      how exactly is op getting special treatment due to a mod that has demand?

      What would you prefer? Would you prefer this mod stop being placed at the top even if it deserves to be there? Would you prefer it be removed because you think it's special treatment to have people like a mod? What about other mods that may repeatedly get to top, do you comment on those as well, saying that they get special treatment just like this one?

      If you do, then at least you're consistent. But unless you have undeniable proof that the mods are somehow getting some level of "special treatment" for making pride flags beyond the fact that people simply like, want, and download it, I don't see how you can claim such a thing. And I'm sorry, but being gay doesn't have anything to do with this situation.
    3. WerewolfOfTheWater
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      It goes to the top spot because people endorse it...you're suggesting they push it down the list even though it has the endorsements...that wouldn't be equal treatment
  9. tonybito32
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    COOL THAT your supporting lgbtq and think its a cool mod
    on a second note if i were to sudjest a mod it would be a remake of the original laser pistol from fallout 3/nv
    but keep up the good work
  10. cubicsymmetry
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I love this so much. It's simple, yet satisfying. Thanks for helping make the Commonwealth queerer!
  11. JudoJoker
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'm straight and cis herem but just wanted to share my support for the LGBTQ+ community here. Nice to see mods like this to show support and appreciation for y'all. Glad to have you here!
  12. napoleonofthestump
    • premium
    • 546 kudos
    Hey- just wanted to write in to thank you for the lovely and diversely representational mod. My friend AntaresParallax and I curate a monthly screen-shot theme event. We were considering doing something spectrum-related for June, but were of mixed mind about whether or not to make it overtly Pride-related on account of all the haters out there in internet-city. Seeing your mod, and in particular your adroit handling of dumbasses in the comments section, thoroughly convinced me that a full-on Pride-style event could be really great for all involved. Thank you for the inspiration; hopefully all will turn out well.
    1. BlaineMobius
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      Yay! im so glad to hear that! i hope it all goes well and good luck!
  13. ApoclypticEcho1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Do we get an apache attack helicopter flag too?
    1. vilcax
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Do we get an actually funny joke from anti-lgbtq+ people? No? There's your answer.
  14. mcspinny
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Here is a simple guide on how to act if you don't like this mod/don't like pride:

    1. See mod on the front page/in search results

    2. Ignore mod and move on with your day

    3. Done!

    It really isn't a hard concept guys, if you don't like it then don't download it, nobody is forcing you to get the mod, so getting mad about it makes you look like an immature fucktard.
    I don't like CBBE but I don't b&@*$ and cry about it every time I see one of the mods on the front page, just live and let live, goddamn.
    1. BlaineMobius
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      It's weird how few understand this right?
    2. mcspinny
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos