This page was last updated on 13 September 2024, 3:14PM
Version 009
UPDATE NOTES: this update is transparent, can install in an active savegame.
UPDATE NOTES: uses original BA2 archive format compatible with all Fallout4.exe versions (1.10.163 and 1.10.980)
New: Holotape option to switch actor scan between 10s timer and 4K player movement (SKK_FRSActorScanMode)
New option to replace spawned ferals SKK_FRSReplaceSpawnedActors, but spawn replacements will never be respawned.
Version 008
UPDATE NOTES: this update is transparent, can install in an active 007 or later savegame.
New:Search timer tigger option to catch ferals spawned within the detection radius when the player is not moving around much SKK_FRSScanOnTimerSeconds default 30.
Version 007
Change: major performance overhaul to instantly disable ferals on entering a new location.
Change: option to replace corpses removed for performance.
New: Exterior and Interior replacement spawn multipliers.
New: DLC06 Vault 88 Chief Anderson's security board is placed in the security terminal desk.
SKKFeralReplacementSystemCustomActor.esp support removed, just xEdit over-ride SKK_FRSUserReplacementActors with new _NPC ActorBases
Version 006
UPDATE NOTE: Transparent update, can be installed at any time.
New: holotape option to [ Fix BOS100 check your fire bug ]
Version 005
UPDATE NOTE: Transparent update, can be installed at any time.
New: Holotape option to respawn static placed actor replacements after configurable game hours.
Change: Removes static and spawned ferals, but only replaces static placed actors to avoid remote spawning script issues.
Version 004
UPDATE NOTE: Holotape disable and save game before updating to ensure the scripts are idle for this update.
Fix: Error if replace corpses is not enabled live actors are not replaced.
Version 003
Update Note: transparent update can be installed at any time in any game. Requires Fallout4.exe 1.10.162 or later.
New: Feral removal cooldown timer option for more variance (lock reported in holotape header)
New: replace corpses in Interiors can be enabled/disabled to avoid volume.
Remove but do not replace ferals spawned by SKK Combat Stalkers (they will not have the right AI travel package)
Remove but do not replace ferals spawned by SKK Settlement Attack System (they will not have the right AI travel package)
Version 002
Fix: Raider replacements do not always spawn (index variable error)