About this mod
A workaround-fix of game bug for Cola-Cars Arena champion's door to open for Amoral Combat Quest in Nuka-World
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
Install via mod manager or unzip into your game's Data folder so that the script ends up in the sub-folder: \Scripts\DLC04\Fragments\Quests\. The included edited source file will go into the User sub-folder so it does not overwrite the original DLC04 script file if you've unpacked it.
When the arena door opens:
- The door will open or remain open upon entering Cola-Cars Arena building
- The door will open a bit later after the crowd begins rushing to their seats
For testing save game in Nuka Town before entering Cola-Cars Arena building (or before seeing Fritch). I've tested with two characters through multiple Amoral Combat quests, both consecutive and by reload before quest start.
Modifies script file, QF_DLC04_NUK001_ArenaManager_0103000E, which is part of quest, DLC04_NUK001_ArenaManager.
The original script should work, but a game bug breaks the Cola-Cars arena champion's door such that the door's open-or-close status (Papyrus function, GetOpenState()) sometimes initializes opposite of the door's position. The door works correctly after combat ends. The original script tells the door to open, which normally if already open stays open, but if the state is backward then the open function actually closes the door. Since we can't tell if the door's status matches or not, to workaround this problem we need to use logic to cover several cases. Simply checking GetOpenState() in Stage 30, or attempting to open the door a second time isn't enough. If the game bug is fixed then this workaround will continue to operate correctly.
If you would like to compile the edited source script in the User section then first copy the crowd-control scripts to the User sub-folder. If uncertain which files, compile and review the errors.
I added a second open-door command in Stage 30 (crowd rushes to their seats) and changed Stage 10 to only open on certain condition. We want the door to open on Stage 10, but if it happens to close then Stage 30 opens it.
In Stage 10, I replaced the door-open command with conditional only open door status is closed.
- if status matches (closed) AND command opens door then all is well
- if status matches (open) then this command does not run and all is well (Stage 30 will not close since status matches)
- if status reversed (closed status / open door) AND this command closes the door then Stage 30 opens
- if status reversed (open status / closed door) then this command does not run and Stage 30 opens
Bethesda for the script and Creation Kit. My changes are minor. Make improvements and share if you like.
My mods: www.dracotorre.com/mods/