Fallout 4
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  1. Vortaka
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    Oh guys! The Ragdoll doctor is back!!! dDefinder has return! You want the original "ragdoll force creator???
    Right here!!!
  2. AoMoPu
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Как это использовать в игре, а то я что-то разници никакойне заметил, пока без мода играл, что нажимать то надо в игре, а то инструкция тут вообще -0 просто!
  3. BlazeStryker
    • premium
    • 45 kudos
    This. This is what's needed for a higher grade of staggering or making World Series Logo actually do its job.

    Unrealistic ballistic behavior (getting knocked flying by a bullet slamming into you) is a staple of '50s era film just like Atomic Horror. You know, the genre that inspired Fallout in the first place?
  4. InfernalAmmo
    • premium
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    I wish there was more unrealistic mods like these. I love breaking physics in games. Too many people worried about immersive gameplay. Isn't that what modding is for? To make gameplay less boring and NOT more boring? I'm with the other guy that posted. Someone needs to make a mod that does unrealistic force upon death... That way it feels like you are absolutely destroying the enemy
  5. jocco101
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    • 0 kudos
    SHOULDA do the one with more force on ragdoll on death.
    1. Vortaka
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Sorry for my previous reply (if you read it!), I must have been half asleep when I answered! Anyway, it's possible, yes, I could do it, but it's not something I plan too... I know it's easy but I do find that more force on death (so when you kill) would return to a state I do not want to... Like, you're shooting a 10mm and it looks like your hitting the guy with a bazooka! Not the style I'm looking for!
    2. Stabsfoo
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Can you reduce the force? I still get bazooka 10mm pistols in vanilla. I want realistic force
    3. Vortaka
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Well, would loved to, but that's not what this mod does!
      This is for throwing force not weapon force...
      HOWEVER, I'll look into it... (I don't actually know what to change but there was a mod in Skyrim that did that, so I'll just take a hint)
      It might or not be possible (with current tools, for me, at least!)... Keep your fingers crossed!

      Ok, so I checked and here's what I think... What you want requires nif file editing... And I do not know how to do that! So, doing it would require someone with more software (nif editing software) knowledge then I! Sorry, but I can't help you there!

      P.S. My nif editing software knowledge = 0 (I think a nif file is the "creature" skeleton file... And that's it!)

      P.S.2. There's a mod that was released with a little more "stats" then mine... haven't tested it...
  6. Stabsfoo
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Is there a realistic version out there? I mean, bodies fly 20m after being shot in Vanilla.
  7. klung123
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Does the optional mode reduce the ragdoll compared to vanilla?
    1. Vortaka
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Vanilla? Nope! My comparison is Superman and Batman! Superman is very long (main)... Batman is just long (optional)! But it always depends the speed you move your mouse too! (or gamepad or whatever! ).
  8. Abelius1
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    You should upload two separate files if there are two versions. Otherwise you cannot install it with a mod manager without one ESP overwriting the other.

    That or marking the file at the Nexus as "download manually" only.
    1. Vortaka
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Huh! I didn't think about that! Thanks for the info!
    2. Abelius1
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      You're welcome. ;-)

      BTW, I've just tried the 'Superman' version and I have to say that I like it. Very hilarious. In fact, I'd like to see a totally absurd version as well, like ejecting corpses at supersonic speeds. :-D

      Oh, and I also have a question. Do you know if it is possible to run even when carrying a corpse?

      Thank you.
    3. Calzien
      • supporter
      • 59 kudos
      Does this make it possible to lift all corpses? I've got a dead mutant dog's corpse stinking up the road outside Sanctuary I can't move. Yet I can lift a Super Mutant's corpse like a stuffed toy and toss it too.
    4. Vortaka
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Maybe... But I don't think so... There are corpses that you cannot move at all... There is one in Vault 111 even...
    5. Vortaka
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      I don't know about a super super man! I'll try it out, when I get some time...

      For the carry, running part, I do not think so...
    6. Abelius1
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Ok, thank you. I suppose there are things that we'll need to wait for until FO4SE and/or CK launches... :-)
    7. Skyelur
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      @SamusKnigh2k Just open the console with the tild key ~

      Click on the corpse

      and type, Disable
    8. Abelius1
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Hey Vortaka, I've just figured out how to run while carrying a corpse. There's a console command than changes your run speed...:

      player.setav speedmult [value]

      ...where [value] it's the percentage of vanilla running speed. So if you execute...:

      player.setav speedmult 500

      ...then you can run while carrying a corpse BUT also run five times faster when you're not carrying it, which is... well, not very lore friendly unless your character consumed industrial amounts of Jet... :-D

      So, my next question... is it currently possible (without creation kit tools) to automatically run that console command when starting to carry a body, and run it again with a 100 value when stopping carrying it?

      Alternatively, I was thinking of binding Shift+E to AutoHotKey to toggle those lines... but if that could be done in-game with a script (or something) much better, right? ;-)

      Edit: Oh, I also need to say that that console command doesn't work as intended if I don't have your mod installed. Without it, you run past the body and fells to the ground. I suppose that's because corpses are lighter with your mod. :-)
    9. Vortaka
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      It's not currently possible to automatically run console... Unless, like you stated, you use autohotkey, of course!
    10. Calzien
      • supporter
      • 59 kudos
      The problem with that is I don't particularly like using console commands to disable objects too much. I will generally use it for settlement building when the game derps with boundaries (Looking at you junk fencing.) so I can put something down but I'll enable the object again afterwards. Also I believe using the disable command can prevent a target from spawning again. I'll give an example:

      In Skyrim there was a limited number of dragon spawns which the game would recycle. If you keep disabling the corpses of dragons eventually thet stop spawning. Actually I think it affects all spawns.

      Now I'm not sure to what effect it would have on Fallout 4 since they both use the same engine. And I'm not entirely sure how true that statement is. I might be on fact thinking of the command markfordelete. Either way, I'm a little hesitant on permanently removing any objects via console unless I plan to enable it again later.
    11. piowis
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I am not sure if it just doesn't work for me, or how to throw a body? I can grab it with holding E button, but when I press it again the body is released. Am I missing something?
    12. Vortaka
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      It's not a spell! You are only mister HULK when it comes to throwing things around!
      Yeah, you need to make the move the throw it! And in that move, you must press the key again!

      So, you pick it up, move the mouse (or gamepad) more or less quickly and release! I would like a force spell too, but I can't do it without the tools!
  9. Vortaka
    • premium
    • 18 kudos

    In response to post #30938200. #30938385 is also a reply to the same post.


    Abelius1 wrote: You should upload two separate files if there are two versions. Otherwise you cannot install it with a mod manager without one ESP overwriting the other.

    That or marking the file at the Nexus as "download manually" only.

    Vortaka wrote: Huh! I didn't think about that! Thanks for the info!

    You're welcome. ;-)

    BTW, I've just tried the 'Superman' version and I have to say that I like it. Very hilarious. In fact, I'd like to see a totally absurd version as well, like ejecting corpses at supersonic speeds. :-D

    Oh, and I also have a question. Do you know if it is possible to run even when carrying a corpse?

    Thank you.

    Well, I'm sorry to say that, my test didn't produce anything clear/positive...  I think that the fastest you can get is the fastest your pointer can move...  For anything else, it would require an object/perk or something...  I saw a force push for Skyrim and there was a version "ultra" start pushed the guy right in the sky and in maybe one second, you couldn't see him anymore in the distance!  (Now that's a force power to be reckon with!).  But, with the things we have no, I do not think it is possible!
    1. Abelius1
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Ha ha! Ok, no worries there. Thank you for the test. ;-)

      To be honest, I'm more interested in the fact that with you mod's help now I can run around with a body, which was not possible even with that console command I mentioned in the other post.

      In fact, I want to test a little myself to see if I can run even faster than "player.setav speedmult 500". I've opened your ESP and saw that you tinker with some game settings, but I'm not sure about their exact purposes...

      Seems to me that fZKeyMaxForce and fZKeyMaxForceWeightHigh are good candidates to achieve that, because I've set those values to four times what you set and now I can run at 1000-2000 rates without flashing past the body. It's really hilarious... :-D

      Do you think I'd need to change other settings to not break your mod though?
  10. dmitryyk
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, just wanted to let you know that the optional file doesn't have the option to download with NMM for some reason
    1. Vortaka
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Should be ok now! Sorry for the trouble! It seems that while deleting the other "combine" file (that I had before, that didn't work well with the manager), I screwed up! My bad!

      It should work fine now! Thanks the heads up!