About this mod
This pack adds in new styles of wasteland living for Sim Settlements that are supposed to resemble the shacks from the older Bethesda Fallouts. These are all made using Fallout 4 assets.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations

New Homes: 5
New Shops: 0
New Factories: 0
New Farms: 0
New VIP Stories: 2
New Recreational: 1
Building Features
Settler Navigation: New Recreational Plot still WIP
Construction Stages: Yes
Randomized Clutter: Erm, not really
Back to school! So, yeah, I won't be updating this add-on as much as I would hope to. But I'll try to address all bugs.
If there are any issues with this mod, please let me know in the Bug Reports.