Fallout 4


  1. Modclub
    • member
    • 101 kudos
    Hi everyone thx for downloading,
    pls report any crashes, performance issues, and other mod conflicts that you may come across ty :)
    1. BatmanAndRobin1
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      does this work with your gun smoke mod?
  2. mseanowensby
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I've had this mod installed for roughly 2 minutes, and it is already a permanent addition to my load order. Good stuff.
  3. Olivier8768
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Il faut le esp et le esp dlc ? Ou le esp dlc contient tout ce qu'il faut. ?
  4. XanthosGambit
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    Anyone know what mesh is responsible for the "shockwave" whenever you fire/your bullet hits an object? It's annoying and I'd like to make it go away.
    1. flute136
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      id like to know that too.. real life guns dont make the area around the gun look like the inside of a black hole..

      on a side note, did you get that effect even on ultra lite?
  5. TheModernLink
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    So from my time of using Spitfire with some modded weapons, some don't actually work correctly, most notable would be the Hunting Revolver mod by The Rizzler. The muzzle flash (the smoke and everything is working fine) isn't the nice fancy sprite it is for the other weapons, they are a muzzle flash with a black background which in my case, blocks light and is really noticable.
    So far the only way I've thought of why it is like this is because some mods have their own muzzle flash textures, whic is conflicting with this mod. (and I'm ngl I'm not the most tech kind of person out there, I couldn't get a mod that I got working flawlessly on Skyrim SE but not Fallout 4, so if this is the issue I'd be suprised.)
  6. ussgt4
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    In case anyone else has the same problem that i had (broken pistol muzzles), here is a simple solution i found by playing around with the files:

    1) Download the mod
    2) Manually unpack the mod (with 7z)
    3) Delete the file "MuzPistolSmall01.nif" from \Spitfire Working Fomod\Lite\full\Meshes\Effects\
    4) Pack the mod again with 7z
    5) Install the mod via Vortex (select the "Lite" option when the popup shows up)
    6) Enjoy the game with awesome muzzles on all guns

    If you want to get the smaller sparks you can also replace the file from https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/63916 before you pack the mod again, so you don't need to install two mods.
  7. ussgt4
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    BEWARE: This mod breaks all muzzle flashes on your gun mods, if you uninstall it you will not get them back, you are stuck with the new sparks and smoke effects and thats it (no more muzzle flashes at all).

    Update: I was able to remove the mod via Vortex on a new game with no negative effects (got the vanilla muzzles back), so i don't know why this happened the first time, still be careful if you got a lot of visual mods installed at the same time.
  8. lefttounge
    • supporter
    • 214 kudos
    Is this mod safe to install? I'm seeing some pretty distressing bugs present here
    1. nerolesma
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  9. SAdams8782
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Great mod, thank you!
  10. seyl0n
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Could you perhaps add an option to change this specific orange muzzle-effect 's size & opacity?

    I love using your mod for the smoke trails, muzzle heat and gun smoke but I cannot figure out which file to get rid of to remove the red/orange-ish sparkly bits emitting from the muzzle/suppressor.. it's pretty irritating when shooting scoped weapons.. 

    Generally speaking.. if it would be possible to select everything individually without optional files overwriting each other in weird ways (for example barrel heat + smoke trails seem to cancel each other out on suppressed and unsuppressed weapons randomly), it'd solve so many issues :D

    /e:   nvm, I figured out that the sparks are caused by MuzSparks01MPS.nif and  removed the file for now  scaled it down in nifskope to make it fit nicely - added another image of the smaller muzzle-sparks for comparisons sake (also ended up scaling down the huge muzzle flashes in general).
    .. but it would be nice regardless to add an option to enable/disable/scale those in the installer itself haha.

    Spitfire FX v0.5 II PATCH II MuzzleSpark Size-Reduction
    ^ I was asked to upload the edited file here for reference!

    Tyvm for this awesome mod!

    ^ before    ( looks awesome in unscoped FP & TP,  but.. v )

    ^ before    ( unfortunately way too obtrusive when scoped in )

    ^ after    ( scaled down to 0.3 )           (: 
  11. bobibola
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm using the lite version of the mod and notice that shotguns do not have muzzle effects (no haze or smoke). Is it only included in the full version?