Fallout 4


  1. Ondrea
    • premium
    • 204 kudos
    I still love and use this preset from time to time (currently using Sepia).  I had no issues understanding the instructions.  However, scrolling through comments, hope this helps some issues anyone might have in the future.
    - It may not work with the latest version of Reshade.  I still use I believe version 3.0.8.  If you ever need an older Reshade version from the Reshade website, they are all still there.  All Reshade build downloads are in this format:
     https://reshade.me/downloads/ReShade_Setup_X.X.X.exe.  So you can try https://reshade.me/downloads/ReShade_Setup_3.0.8.exe if their current version doesn't work.  The current ENB version; however, should work fine.
    - If you want to remove this entirely, the files to remove from your Fallout 4 folder are two folders...enbseries and reshade-shaders, along with carol.ini, dxgi.dll, dxgi.ini, and enbseries.ini.  If you plan to use again in the future, store those files elsewhere so you can just drag and drop back into your Fallout 4 folder and not have to run the Reshade file all over again.
    - Running the exe file refers to the ReShade that you download offsite.  The exe will put the necessary files in your Fallout folder.
    - If nothing happens when clicking Shift + F2, either the ReShade that you downloaded offsite didn't install correctly or the version you downloaded doesn't work with this preset.
  2. ID3ATH
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    The preset is beautiful. Can I please get some un-install instructions though. My computer can't handle it, and now I can't seem to get rid of it. I have deleted all the enb files etc. and they just keep reinstalling themselves. Which sucks because that means I have to re-mod the entire thing because theres no un-install instructions. Its beautiful though. So, thank you. But, I need to get rid of it.
  3. ghostfleur
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    The actual ReShade is nice (I downloaded Sugar) but there's a vignette that causes some god-awful flickering on the sides of my screen, making the game itself practically unplayable. It took uninstalling and reinstalling tons of mods, believing it was a bug from an in-game item, screwing with my load order, and then finally zooming out in photo mode to figure out what it was. I have to wipe the files from my game folder, which is a shame considering it looked nice despite the issue.
    1. Zeratem
      • supporter
      • 21 kudos
      This ReShade doesn't use a vignette.
  4. akiraslayerz
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Yo your instructions are garbage and the file labeled Carol.ini is a blank reshade template... Are you trying to troll?
  5. JaxonHellsing
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    when you said "Run the EXE-File" that does not explain very much :? no offense
  6. INCUBUS083
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    why if I click shift + f2 nothing happens?
    pls help
  7. nexuswrath
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello. I'm fairly experienced when it comes to ENB and reshade both but I am getting CTD when following your install instructions.

    Do I need to point ENB to the reshade dll as a proxy?

    Do I need to take the files out of your enb series folder and put them in the game directory?

    Any advice you can give is appreciated.

    Thank you,
  8. fmwsophie
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    These presets look gorgeous. However, I am wondering - are there specific ReShade presets we're supposed to install? Installing all of the ReShade presets seems like a bit Much, but maybe my rig just isn't able to handle this preset.
  9. Jalenxt
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Doesn't look quite as good as candeye ENB I had but the performance is way better and it still looks great. My goto ENB now, I actually kept AA on because it had white lines on objects without it and didn't seem to make a performance impact on my old i5 4670k and 980 ti.
  10. fox332
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When I go to install it manually, I get 'no game data on top level' do you know how to fix this?
    1. Zeratem
      • supporter
      • 21 kudos
      Not using a Mod Manager ;-)

      It is for manual installation!