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  1. MrJoseCuervo
    • premium
    • 110 kudos
    Please visit

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  2. MrJoseCuervo
    • premium
    • 110 kudos
    How to use this mod:

    Basic Usage: Install and run like any other mod You settlers will build from the random procedurally generated shacks. Since it’s treated as a single plot it wont take over and make your other homes part of the 11 Trillion ( 11,455,838,227,680 ) possible variants.

    Modders Resource Usage:
    1.In the Creation Kit go through the process of making a plot using Kinggath’s instructions. The only difference is you will only be creating a foundation / layout that will be the core of your Variant pack. Sky is the limit! You can make different foundations for each level building, just keep in mind each level foundation will need to be navmeshed. If you stick to simple designs you could just use 1 foundation with one navmesh, but its your choice.

    2.Once you have your Nif made and any custom resources imported into the ESP its time to design your level plan. Start with your level 3 building completely designing it. You can even put down where furniture will be. Sky is the limit! Rugs tables Pictures etc can be randomized. Place the walls and ceilings etc so it looks like the basic finish product without any clutter.

    3.Make Formlists for unique building parts. This is what will randomize the building. Walls_List , Roof_list, Endcap_List etc.. Click on one of your walls hold the alt key and then use your mouse wheel. It will scroll through different Walls. If the piece looks like it will fit add it to the appropriate list by dragging and dropping it to the appropriate formlist (Wall_List, Roof_List etc..). ONLY DRAG AND DROP FROM THE OBJECTS WINDOW. CK is Stupid..

    4.This is a good time to snap some screen shots and layout your pathing cubes in another layer. We will need these to reference when doing the navmesh Since we will be navmeshing a blank slate.

    5.Once you have your level 3 built and layout done its time to make a building plan. Make your stages and levelstops as per Kinggath’s instructions.

    6.Under the Spawn section this is where we enter the location of the randomized parts. Double click a wall in the cell view window on your level 3 building. Add it to the spawn list with the same coordinates but instead of pointing to the Static Wall we will point to the Formlist you made with the list of walls. Sim Settlements will select a random wall from this list. I usually put the piece I added into a hidden layer just to get it out of the way. Repeat the steps for each level and you can spawn my Scaffolding Nif in or make your own for the in between stages.

    7.Do the process all over again for each stage. The more basic the design the easier it will be.
  3. NarHekka
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    trillion is bit much eh

    How about each npc randomly selects "one" building type... wood, barn, glass, greenhouse (etc etc etc) ... then they complete building using items/material from that "set" ... so the house looks somewhat uniform.

    just 2 pennies!

    nice work!
    1. Ethreon
      • premium
      • 638 kudos
      Your idea would be better posted on the base mod where it can be taken into consideration.
  4. PoisonParadise
    • member
    • 83 kudos
    So is there randomized clutter or not? I read both pages of comments and none ask that; I can't tell if "you only get a chair" is sarcastic or not.
    1. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      You get more than a chair.. but you wont get any plates bottles or stuff like that. You may get a workbench of some sort or a unique furniture type. You may get crops in your front lawn or a crib filled with corpses... You never know.
  5. forral87
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Screenshots 25 23 and 31 (a bit of 13) made me not want to use this mod. Sorry.
    1. Ethreon
      • premium
      • 638 kudos
    2. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Great! I guess that's why Images get posted so you can decide if you want to try a mod. But just so you know if you read the description you will see that was a test building. They look much better now. But even if you still don't like them its cool, something like this may be more up your alley:

      Thanks for giving your valued opinion.
    3. forral87
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Some how I don't think you are being all that sincere.

      Your description does say that it was a test building, it does not say the the alignment has since been fixed, just "Ignore the alignment issues"
    4. Ethreon
      • premium
      • 638 kudos
    5. deleted34304850
      • account closed
      • 57 kudos
      i find it puzzling when people post that they wont be downloading a mod.
  6. elzee
    • premium
    • 1,448 kudos
    Can't snap ladders to the foundation.
    1. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      This is why I had a bit of the foundation showing in the last release but people complained about it not being pretty enough. I can provide an optional patch that has the old Foundation type if you want. Let me know and I will make it available.
    2. elzee
      • premium
      • 1,448 kudos
      Thank you MrJoseCuervo.
      Yes, I personally need the snapping to make settlements look regular.
      And if ladders can't snap to the foundation, settlers can not go into the building and use the furnitures. maybe it will affects happiness...
    3. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      I have made the Snaps points and am taking this opportunity to fix a couple other visual oddities. An updated version should be up later today.
    4. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Snap points are in the new release
    5. elzee
      • premium
      • 1,448 kudos
      Thank you so very much!!
  7. DragonBorn5185
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos

    In response to post #49897382.


    DragonBorn5185 wrote: Is there supposed to be a mound of dirt on the floor? It looks like a farm plot, it stays even when the home is finished.

    As I stated below, the lower levels of these homes have random plants that grow in the front yard. Some are weeds, others are food resources. The dirt is there to allow a place for the plants to grow.

    I plan on looking at the foundations again before the next update and well see if I can make them prettier for you.

    It straightened out, but it was placing the tier 2 farm plot onto the residential plots. When the house was built it would be placed on top of the the farm plot, should have explained that a little better. That is the dirt I was referring to, and I should have supplied a pic or two of the issue. Will try to remember to do that the next go around.
    Awesome mod by the way, this is the way it should have been from the beginning, and the place anywhere mod really allows you to unlock the full potential of the settlements.
    1. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Oh if you see that again take a picture. I didn't intentionally add any dirt to the spawning plots. I will check it it out though.

      Been trying to get the update out for this mod but I keep finding and making more pieces to add... Next update will bring this to infinite combinations...
  8. DragonBorn5185
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Is there supposed to be a mound of dirt on the floor? It looks like a farm plot, it stays even when the home is finished.
    1. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      As I stated below, the lower levels of these homes have random plants that grow in the front yard. Some are weeds, others are food resources. The dirt is there to allow a place for the plants to grow.

      I plan on looking at the foundations again before the next update and well see if I can make them prettier for you.
  9. User_35607895
    • account closed
    • 10 kudos
    Problem and a question:

    Problem - The two floor shack upgrades have a stairwell beneath a protruding floor overhang that prevents going up the stair. I've seen this in each second floor upgrade. Can't even sneak up the stairs.
    Question: Why is there dirt just slightly covering a wood platform? Why not just dirt or just wood? It looks weird.
    1. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Oops Sorry about that. I may have left an outer door in that spot in the plan. If you hit the property with a hammer it should reset.

      As for the foundation, The plots start off with little gardens with random plants. That's why the dirt is there. I will see if I fix it in this update to be more visually pleasing.

      Big Update coming for this mod (I hope by tomorrow) I will fix the stair issue. and the Foundations.
  10. DarkFadi
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Alright, thanks to kinggath's latest video having this mod on spot light, explained that this is actually treated as "1 new home" and so it would only happen again if we i had all the designs built or by chance i get the Slum Lord house again then i would have another one only then.. when i do get another one i get one of the 11 trillion variations so it actually wont be the same; am i understanding this right?
    the jest of it: it takes 1 design slot and not 11 trillion ones from the roll that happens when we put a residential plot down =)
    1. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Yes. It wouldn't be very nice of me to bury all of the other Mod Authors work in 11 Trillion buildings.
    2. DarkFadi
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      i have a slight problem though.. the beds dont count as "beds"
      is this a known issue? do i need to demolish and reset it? it happened with 2 plots; funny enough they built beside each other.
    3. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      They use the same beds as any other SS plot. I will take a look though.
    4. DarkFadi
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      listen, ive done some testing; it actually was only one of yours; the other from another plot (PCDugAddons); so as far as i can tell; beds that have either only option to scrap them; or cant highlight them at all; are actually broken beds; so im thinking it might be a problem in the spawned beds; weird it hasnt happened to me before..

      again: from what i seen if i go to a bed and i have only option to scrap it and not also store it; its broken
      if i cant highlight it at ALL; also its broken bed and wont count as bed to the settlement

      Side note: i have Place Anywhere if that counts for anything?

      basically the good beds (that count as beds) i can store or scrap them or move them (full on options as if i built the bed) the other situation is i can only highlight the bed but i have no options at all; also this means a bed is working

      Hope this helps; i didnt wanna waste your time so i made sure to test myself the issue and solve it; also.. the Immersion Breaker Breaker doesnt fix the problem but hey.. in the process of messing with it i was able to figure out exactly how you done this mod =) which is actually freaking cool..
    5. DarkFadi
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Working bed as i tested:
      Broken beds as i tested:

      The HUD proves that i have enough houses to all 14 people as you see in the screenshots; and they're all assigned to them as well.
    6. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      This is very helpful. Thanks! I will inform other Addon makers to test this as well. Seems there mauy be a couple bugged beds.
    7. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Got the bed fixed and in the process added a bunch more unique beds for the next release.. Thanks again for your help!
  11. deon_23
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Do I get it right that this mod creates only level 1 buildings, and they then upgrade into something better? That's the only thing currently making me consider downloading it. I adore the work put into it, but I don't want level 3 buildings looking like shacks.

    Any reply is highly appreciated.
    1. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Currently each plot has 3 tiers. Its randomized so you may get a home with holes in the walls dirty mattress on the floor or you may get a nicer home with bay windows stone entrance and a nice bed. You may get a home that is dimly lit and looks depressing or one with warm lighting and a homey feeling. You might get a flag in the front yard or a tombstone...or one of 100's of different possibilities.

      I designed this mod to make the other mods people make more appealing and prevent them from being over represented in your settlements. Personally I think those homes should be unique and a treat when you see one. Not be turned into track homes you get tired of seeing. Slum Lord is meant to accomplish this. As more addons to Sim Settlements come out it will change direction to randomize more appealing homes.

      I realize that the pictures I provided of the newer buildings are dark. I left the older pictures that are not really relevant to the mod anymore up as well. If you are someone who likes surprises give it a shot.

      There will be updates, with potentially 1000s of more assets thrown in.
    2. deon_23
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Thank you for such a detailed reply. I am finishing my current playthrough with all my handicrafted omni-towers and "corpse factories" (oh how I love thee, Contraptions) in settlements before I start the next one where I want to play with Sim Settlements.

      I will definitely follow your mod and see how much I like it.

      As I said, I think the system behind it is really great, but I also know that 100% randomization without fine-tuning may create ugly ducklings . Which is not bad I guess, thank you for this awesome mod.
    3. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      The great thing about it is if you find a layout you simply cannot tolerate, a simple whack with the Immersion Breaker Breaker Hammer will force it to respawn a different configuration.
  12. eytsch
    • premium
    • 64 kudos
    Very cool mod! I have a question: What happens to the created buildings after I uninstalled the mod?
    1. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Well if they have any custom assets in the plot those assets will become invisible. Just scrap the plot before you uninstall.
    2. kraag
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      There's an option in the Sim Settlements settings holotape to " Destroy All Plots ", you could use this feature before uninstalling the mod.