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  1. SGTMikey
    • premium
    • 42 kudos
    Well, diffidently been a while hasn't it? We finally got around to finishing and adding the pre-combines for my mod, so hopefully that should help with the flickering and junk walls blocking the entrance area of DC and the side door. I've tested around on my own game and seems to be working fine, but any and all feedback on bugs/issues is appreciated!

    As for the future of this mod, well can't say that its too big and bright. Over the past 3 years my life, I've had my ups and my downs, and looking at that fact and my foreseeable future, the mod will go into indefinite hiatus / complete. I had so much more planned for the mod, however my ability to have time to mod and patience for Bethesda's Creation Kit working with me had become less and less. I have some ideas on how to carry this mod forward, however I'll have to look into those personally. I know when starting this mod I didn't want it to become like those mods that get a few updates and then are just forgotten about, but it seems I jinxed myself with those words, lol.

    I want to thank all of you that have downloaded my mod and continue to use it (Even with the pre-combined issue it had for the pass years)! Again if any game breaking issues with my mod comes up I'll try to make time to fix, but any more development on adding or remaking new areas is not on the table.
    1. SGTMikey
      • premium
      • 42 kudos
      *1.16.1 should fix the broken Precombines and Previs! Sorry for any issues with the previous version, thought I had Precombines and previs enable in my tests and assumed they worked. Hopefully the new version works (made sure to test with them on this time, lol), let me know if you have any issues, thanks!
  2. SGTMikey
    • premium
    • 42 kudos
    Remember to report any issues to the bugs tab on the mod page, thanks

    Also Remember I open to feedback and want this mod to be as lore friendly as possible, so any Ideas help.

    Example: I plan on adding terminals around the new areas to give more life to the new areas, If you have any neat ideas or even terminal entries that you would like seen added to to be added let me know.

    Again, Thanks for downloading my mod!
  3. SGTMikey
    • premium
    • 42 kudos
    -Development Update:
    So, about being not dead, yeah.....
    So almost a year ago was the last update and 9 months since I last posted. Well I'm sorry to have kept any of you waiting around for a while waiting for news. So here's the situation, the mod isn't technically dead, as I do have plans for this mod and where I want to go (Plus, I myself hate it when modders up and leave a project to never return to). However, Any development for this mod has been put on hiatus for the time being. Towards the end of 2017, I had surgery which didn't allow me to continue work on this mod until the beginning of this past year, 2018. Back when I had put out the update and had talked about ideas and plans to add to the mod, I though I could continue working on it. Later in April, I got a new job and decided to put all my focus on training and keeping that job. This of course left me little time to dedicate with this game (Which is hard to begin with, with how "crashy" CK is). And to top things off just recently I found out the surgery I had failed to fix the issue and I have to under go surgery again, which is "fun". So yeah, this past year has been pretty busy for me as I tired to get things in order in life, and it looks to be the same continuing into 2019.

    I know this seems very rant like and me asking for forgiveness, but please don't take it as such. I personally understand I you don't want to continue using my mod at the moment, due to some of the issues in it, which I know there are. Just though it was best to let you all know why there hasn't been a update for the mod and why there probably won't be one for a while longer. Like I said, I DO PLAN ON CONTINUING THIS MOD, and when I get the time and chance, I'll try and update (First thing I'm going to try and do is fix the issue with bUsePreculledObjects and cleaning my mod. If any one wants or has done either of these, fell free to message me and I can put it up on here for others, with your credit of course listed). Anyways I'm sorry for all of this and I hope you've all enjoyed the mod, thanks !

    BTW, In case anyone is interested in other mods for Diamond City here they are (Note: Some of these mods are incompatible with one another and possibly this one. These are just mods that you can try out or using in replacement, until the next update of this mod.)--->

    Diamond City Expansion: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21853
    Diamond City- Expanded: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13220
    Diamond City Enhanced: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12005
    The Real Diamond City: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23544
    Pretty Diamond City Interiors: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29189
    1. arcaeas
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Just stumbled upon this mod, it looks really cool and I'm happy to wait until you return. Modding should be a hobby or a passion, not something you feel forced to do. I hope your health gets better, and there is no rush to come back and finish asap. Not like a new fallout is being released any time soon haha.

      Good luck
    2. kristynagel72
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm sorry to hear of your health woes. Not saying that it's what you have, I don't know, someone I went to high school has had Chrohn's Disease for a long, long time. He's had numerous surgeries to deal with the issue. It seems every few years or so he's "resetting" his life. I wish you well. Hugs.
    3. wolfhorse60
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Get better, live your life and I'll track the mod. And you don't need to ask forgiveness for not finishing something you were doing for the community FOR FREE! lol. Honestly tho hope you are doing well and when/if you get the time and the motivation we will all be here waiting.
    4. happyirradiation
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      thanks for all your good work ! :-)
      The real life is more important than this virtual life we love to play.
      Take care of yourself and enjoy every minute of your lifetime !
      After all, we only live once !
  4. hellbert
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Ver 1.16.1 still has some issues in my game, far less than 1.16 tho when combined wit the Dimond City Expansion.
    The area close to the DC gates is ok, there is a lot of flickering on the western wall, close to the hole.
    I will stick with 1.15 for the time being.
    This mod is too good to let it go :)
    1. codered560
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Another area that seems to be affected by this issue is Trinity Church and the general area around that location , going back to 1.15 fixes the flicking buildings and objects in that area.
    2. SGTMikey
      • premium
      • 42 kudos
      What mods are you running? most of the time the flickering of objects is due to a precombine conflicting with another mod that also generated its own precombine for that area.
    3. lumikami
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      I have the same issue, I have Diamond City Expansion and The Beantown Interiors project installed.
      What mod I should load first ?
    4. maddadicusrex
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      When I run into flickering buildings or missing scenery, it is because of pre-combines' issues. I use FO4FL FPS Fix which is a *censored* to a bunch of mods which add things. Because there are no issues for most of my game cells, I just console "TPC" to disable precombines when in a problem zone. Hurts nothing since it is a temporary fix...
    5. codered560
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I currently using combination of A forest, borealis and veldt in terms of mods that add in trees and other foliage.
    6. SGTMikey
      • premium
      • 42 kudos
      Just as a notice since some people might get confused with issues with flickering. In the new 1.16.1 precombines were generated for the world in the cells sounding DC. Any other mod that touches those cells and especially the precombines and previs in those cells will break them and cause invisible and flickering objects. I've tested in my own game and got not massive flickering. To fix this incompatibility you either need to mess with the load order of you mods that touch those areas, or create precombines and previs for BOTH mods together. As for the later, that is something I'm not planning on doing, anyone is free to make their own patches for it (you can post them separately as their own mod page or ask for them to be put on the download page of this mod).
  5. jordantrevorthomas
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi I'm new to modding but very dedicated.  I spent a lot of time trying to work out how to get The Bleachers working with Diamond City Expansion. I finally got it to work about 15 minutes ago and having gone through all the frustration I found out everyone else has been through, I guess I should tell you how I did it. First I mad the mistake of using Vortex Mod manager. Trust me it wont work. I am now using Nexus Mod Manager version 0.72.2  I also got DC Outskirts (The Hole REDUX) to work with the other two as well. If you want the ULTIMATE Diamond City I suggest you pick up that one two.

       STEP 1.   Make sure you go to DOCUMENTS / MY GAME / FALLOUT 4
                        You need to add the following to Fallout4Custom.ini file:

     STEP 2.   INSTALL Nexus Mod Manager version 0.72.2    (GET IT HERE -  https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases  )
     STEP 3.   INSTALL Fallout 4 Script Extender version 0_06_21  ( GET IT HERE  -  https://f4se.silverlock.org/ )

     STEP 4.   INSTALL fallout4_tools_0003  (GET IT HERE - https://f4se.silverlock.org/  )
     STEP 5.   INSTALL Workshop Framework v2.0.3-35004-2-0-3-1598627074   (GET IT HERE - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35004 )

     STEP 6.   INSTALL Diamond City Outskirts V.1.16.1 - Pre-Combines Fixed-22798-1-16-1-1597213091 ( https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22798)

    STEP 7.    INSTALL  The Bleachers - A Diamond City Story - Main File-40267--96-1571518106 (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/40267)

    STEP 8.   INSTALL  A Diamond City Story - Smaller Textures-40267--95S-1570845669 (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/40267)

    STEP 9.   INSTALL Diamond City Expansion 1.6.2

    STEP 10. You must run the game using Fallout 4 Script Extender in Nexus Mod Manager.  

    Under Launch game it has the option Launch F4SE that is what you want.


    1. Fallout.esm
    2. DLCRobot.esm
    3. DLCworshop01.esm
    4. DLCCoast.esm
    5. DLCworkshop02.esm
    6. DLCworkshop03.esm
    7. DLCNukaWorld.esm
    8. WorkshopFramework.esm
    9. DiamondNewVendors.esp
    10. DCGaurd_Overhaul.esp
    11. Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp

  6. el0quenz
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Hey, love this mod. Gives a whole new vibe to DC.

    However, I am somewhat curious about the "Bulk Ammo Terminal". To me, it is inaccessible, Am I missing a quest or some sort of keycard to get it to work, or is the terminal not actually in service and basically just decoration? (Because it has a huge a** Out of Order shield next to it).

    On the mod description page, it's advertised but if read some Bug reports that it's not working and maybe you decided to take it out of order?
    I would just like to know if there is a way to get it functional.
  7. craigdown
    • member
    • 6 kudos
  8. Qrsr
    • premium
    • 145 kudos
    Hey SGTMikey, would you allow me to create a merge patch for the Subway Runner Revised mod and to make some small changes in order to fit the revision of subway runner? I think i can fix the PreCombines and PreVis issues very easily... :)
    Anyway thanks for sharing your mod and work you put in.
  9. Poacher886
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Vortex tells me this mod is redundant ?
  10. rockyx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    1.15 is safe only adds the merchant area and some edits to the junkyard. 1.16 was giving me issues where the ground and stairs clip all around the modded area. couldnt find what each version did so i just tested it out myself.
  11. walrossmaus2
    • member
    • 2 kudos

    is this mod compatible with "The Fens Sheriffs Department - Bleachers 2"?
    Anybody knows?

    Or could maybe the old version of this mod be compatible with TFSD, because it's "smaller"?

    Thx and best regards!
    1. StarSpadek
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      From reading some other posts it may not conflict, at least with Bleachers pt.1
    2. captinjar
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Think it will for Bleachers part 2, maybe someone will make a patch for it?
  12. udcplayer
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Just to let anyone know this mod is INCOMPATIBLE with PRP. It only works when it's loaded after PRP (bc PRP cell edits blocks off the entrance) but breaks PRP from fixing any diamond city cells so it breaks it anyways.
    1. TheDailyXPerience
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      How confident are you that it is those two mods? 
    2. litlesmall
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yup agreed.
    3. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      Just stop using PRP. This is always the problem with PRP and it's different versions. For all the faff that PRP and fault-finding, hunting & ordering patches causes, the benefits are not worth it compared to just avoiding mods which don't break precombines (or which at least regenerate them back to vanilla). Aiming for vanilla may or may not be quite as corrected & optimised as PRP aims to be but it's a lot simpler and more compatible with other mods. And doing so keeps my modest rig at a steady 60fps even downtown.
  13. willyamer999
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    what i have to download mega patch file too?
  14. Jayjustjay343
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I love this mod but sadly for my game it removes textures all over the city. :(
  15. Enriador
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Any chance of an updated port for Xbox? The version up is an old one from 2018, with, I assume, broken precombines.