Fallout 4
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Created by

OverLord of Chaos

Uploaded by

OverLord of Chaos

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  1. EnderBro777
    • premium
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    Would it be possible for someone to increase the frequency at which killmove animations occur? The only mod on the nexus that claims to do this is extremely old and doesn't work. It needs an update.

    I know this mod doesn't do that, but is it possible to edit an ini file or something to increase the frequency myself?
    1. Kagezod
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      I agree, unique kill animations are too rare, I'm tired of watching my character just punch enemies. Only once did I see him break an enemy's neck, it was a deadly stealth attack.
  2. ZFret
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    I thought I already posted this comment, but I don't see it anywhere in this thread, so sorry if I'm reiterating. 

    I've been using this for a couple years and I love it, thank you. However I was hoping you could release an additional optional file similar to the "just judo neck break" but that would include the "under arm standing neck break" so that the game will execute either of those two neck break animations on a killmove. I tried to follow your steps to do this myself in creation kit, but I couldn't figure it out.

    I appreciate this mod very much, so thank you again. 
  3. noiro
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Totally Fixes my constantly getting Knee kick to the head kill move.  THANK YOU!
  4. HybridMao
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    I get very samey killmoves. Is there just few with the bat?
  5. InterestingRecipe
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    id like to see a version where this works in vats, everytime you kill someone in vats, instead of them just falling over all boring like, you finish them off with a suplex/neckbreak etc. IM not talkign instant kill, but the final blow, the hit that would have killed them etc
    1. mangjose170
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      • 4 kudos
      you can do that to critical vats by immediately pressing "alt" as long as it kills the enemy in one hit. I didn't know about that feature recently.
    2. InterestingRecipe
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      I know about Vats Crit attacks "Spacebar while in vats" can trigger the kill moves, but you have to have full crit meter. sometimes it takes 2-3 hits before i can fill it, and they die in 1-2 hits sometimes so it doesn't always work. I am curious if your talking vats crit, or if your sayign that you can hit "alt" to do a power attack, but then quickly go into vats and it will power attack in vats etc. is that what your saying?
  6. napafo
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    • 2 kudos
    Would it be possible to make all animations trigger in first person (outside vats) as well? Right now whenever i do a killmove in fp its always one of two which got boring really fast. Also do you need to crit for killmoves to appear in vats?
  7. SolonX
    • premium
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    Thank you very much for this! Without this mod I couldn't consider playing an unarmed character.
    Would you be able to tell me what it was that you edited to change the frequency of certain killmoves? If, for example, I wished to reduce or eliminate the chance of the suplex killmove, how would I go about doing it?
    Thanks again!
    1. OverLord of Chaos
      OverLord of Chaos
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      • 21 kudos
      Okay, after loading everything up in the Creation Kit, go to "Gameplay", and then click on "Animations...". Then go to "actors\Character\Behaviors\RaiderRootBehavior.hkx" (expand it) -> "ActionRightSyncAttack" -> "MeleeRightSyncRoot" -> "MeleeRightSync_KillRoot". After expanding the last one you should see two new lists, "MeleeRightSyncKill_HumanRoot" and "SneakMeleeRightSyncKill_HumanRoot". The stuff I have edited are under the former list (but the suplex you mentioned is in the latter). If you expand it, you should see a list of various "combat situations" and the killmoves associated with each of them. For example, "MeleeRightSyncKillHuman_H2H" contains killmoves that can happen in an unarmed combat situation (there are 7 of them with Far Harbor, 4 without it). If you click on a killmove, you can see the chance that it has of happening under where it says "Value" in the "Conditions" area. Now, my understanding is that when a killmove is about to happen, the game starts reading killmoves relevant to the combat situation from first to last, and stops at the first one which gets a favourable roll. So, if the first killmove of a certain weapon has a 50% chance of happening (as was the case of the Far Harbor killmoves), then you will see that killmove happen half the time when an execution with this weapon happens. This is why things like the knee smash and the uppercut triggered so often previously. To balance things, killmoves should have a 1/x chance of happening, with x being the killmove's position relevant to the bottom of the killmove list it is part of. For example, the bottom killmove should have a 1/1 = 100% chance of happening, the second to last should have a 1/2 = 50% chance, the third from the bottom 1/3, and so on. This was the pattern I noticed before Far Harbor, and I went with it.

      As to your specific question, the suplex can be found under "SneakMeleeRightSyncKill_HumanRoot" (I described where this is above) -> "SneakMeleeRightSyncKillHuman_H2H" listed as "SneakPairedKillSuplex". If you want to reduce or eliminate its chance of happening, one way you can do it is by altering the chance of the killmove above it, "PairedKillNeckBreak", appropriately. A value of 100 would make the neck break killmove always happen so the suplex never does.

      If there's any confusion about all this, I can just make a mod for you if you want.
    2. SolonX
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      That was one hell of reply! Above and beyond the level of detail and clarity I'd expected. I followed your method and after extensive testing on many (many) raiders, I can confirm that the suplex has been eradicated! Thanks for the offer of creating the mod for me, but we've put the 'Give a man a fish/Teach a man to fish' proverb into action and I'm all the better for it. Sorry for leaving it so long to reply, didn't have a chance to try this out until this evening. Thanks again and I look forward to seeing more of your work.

      P.S. Not sure if you've got the time/inclination but your clarity of expression/knowledge would lend itself very well to tutorial creation. Might be worth some consideration!
    3. OverLord of Chaos
      OverLord of Chaos
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      • 21 kudos
      Haha thanks, I'm not that knowledgeable though, I just have a bit of basic experience with how things work, and the rest was just the result of search and experimentation in the Creation Kit, since no one else was bothering to address the killmove issue. Anyways, I'm glad I could help :)
    4. Vladarthurdracu
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      Hi I need a mod ... if you read this comment i need a mod that have only neck break kill move ... i don't want to smash him or suplex kill move ... please help :(
    5. ChaosAvenger06
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      Alright, I made a mod which removes the suplex finisher. Check the files.
    6. Vladarthurdracu
      • member
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      Thank you Very much ! but my friend can you do sth about judo neck break ... it is very important for me ... i know you are busy but please help me i want that judo neck break be my only kill move in front ... i try to change the re balance and make it the primary move but i failed :(( ... if you can make a mod that judo neck break be the primary kill move ... thanks for suplex kill move mod ...
    7. ChaosAvenger06
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      Sure. I made it and uploaded it in the files.
  8. BillyMays18920
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    Hey brother, is this mod available on xbone?
    1. ChaosAvenger06
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      I made it for PC, I don't know about other platforms.
  9. PilotZJH
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    mines are not working, I have the dlc installed and all I see is the killmove from the original game, and it seems doesn't happened that much either. what should I do?(is it because I never been to far harbor?)
  10. phendra07
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