1. kinggath
    • premium
    • 4,398 kudos
    Conqueror is now live! The third expansion pack for Sim Settlements adds the ability to start your game with settlements built up, the ability to attack and conquer settlements, tons of Raider themed options, and even a raider-based quest line!: Conqueror
  2. kinggath
    • premium
    • 4,398 kudos
    SimSettlements.com is now live! Includes a wiki with detailed information on the mod (still a work in progress! ) and forums for comments, suggestions, bug reports, or just hanging out!

    Please make suggestions and help requests here: SimSettlements.com

    If you find what you believe to be a bug, make a Help post on the simsettlements.com forums. Lots of people can help to solve the issue or chime in and confirm it is a bug so we can address it.

  3. damanding
    • premium
    • 241 kudos
    For all those having trouble with Sanctuary, Red Rocket, and Abernathy farm please check this out.

    Triangle Of Death
  4. kinggath
    • premium
    • 4,398 kudos
    Attention VR Players and Pirates -

    Late 2019, Bethesda made a change to the Creation Kit, all mods saved in it are marked with header version 1.00.

    Your version of the game does not support this, you either need to go back to an older version of Sim Settlements (likely 4.1.7), or use FO4Edit to change the header version to 0.95. (This applies to any of my mods updated after November 2019)
  5. MagicMorales
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    This is an older version of Sim settlements, Get the improved version Of SS its called SS2 (download all chapters)
    1. Ecthos
      • supporter
      • 127 kudos
      Don't do it folks. SS2 is NOT like SS1. 
    2. jbcapps
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Why shouldn’t you?
    3. Gildergreens
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      For me at the least, SS2 is just way too much modding. I'm perfectly happy with this older version and it works well on my setup.
  6. Sam465
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  7. Kaenji95
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    An mod that advertises self sustainable settlements shouldn't be difficult to use nor take an hour checking tutorials, videos and freaking bad websites just to understand it. that kind of defeats the purpose of it in my opinion
    1. Mayoluck
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
    2. chaos3176
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Agree. I can't get the game to even show a mod is there let alone activate it. It is installed in the game files but refuses to work. Mechwarrior6 knows how to do it right. Too bad Bethesda doesn't.
  8. jeffersoncalva
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    a simple question how do i make a settler settlement leader i don't want my fellow settlers to be settlement leaders help please?
  9. red85
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Im kinda stuck. At the Quest "Computer research assistant" with Mister Genius at Industrial revolution, they ask für a safety test for a rod. No matter what i answer,
    the answer ist always, that i am not quelified for the rod. Is there a
    walktrough for the Quest or what are the answers for the safety test?
  10. killemloud
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Both SS1 and SS2 are amazing mods but I prefer the simplicity of SS1 and prefer to actually not to have a story line to go along with it I am also playing in VR and I was curious which version from this mod page is the best version to use with Fallout VR? I also have V-Check patcher installed. 
  11. eebaa
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi guys, i dont know if i install correctly here, the mod works just fine to the point of rebuilding foundation of Sanctuary and setting Mayor, but when I try to choose blueprints layout the "trade" window just close and when reopen the one that i chose would be gone.
    Question 1: is this how i choose to EXCLUDE the design and the rest would be chose randomly to build?
    If yes, i dont choose anything and the plot design would be totally random from the list ?

    Question 2: How long would they take to build ? I've done quests for almost 6 hours realtime, and still 0% progress with 5 staring settlers when I check settlement status. Also tried sleeping in game for almost a week of time. When checked in workshop, everyone seems to busy busy with some job but dont know what or where though.

    i only installed the three-in-one 389.7MB in download section. Do i need to install everything in the requirment section too ?
    1. a4alaughingman
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      mods broken
    2. eebaa
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      meaning ? reinstall or the mod is not working anymore and i should just uninstall the mod ?

      cant seem to work anywhere vault 88 and other few places i tried, all just stuck with 0 progress.
  12. imartinc4
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Im loving this mod so far this is my second playthrough with it, but im just having a small issue; when i go into crafting there isn't a category for the Sim Settlements buildings and while its not game breaking, I also can't find the Builder's Desk because of this so im not sure what to do. I also don't think I installed it wrong because the few ASAM plots I have running are working just fine. That's all let me know! 
  13. TransbianKat
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Small issue, I really hate how the pip boy entry addresses me as 'Mr' because I'm a woman
  14. Keldjin
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'd wanted to use this mod so I don't have to worry about settlements.

    After finally figuring out how to start rebuilding Sanctuary using a supplied plan, I found out that the armor workshop, the heavy armor workshop, the weapons workshop, and the city planner were all destroyed.

    Is there any way of avoiding this when using a supplied city plan?
    1. redeemer567
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Move the workshops to the road maybe then move then where you want after SS city plan activates. Alternatively just store the workshops