Fallout 4


  1. Ne0pHyt3
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    I am afraid I have bad news. My computer bit the dust, and my backup turned out to be corrupted due to some faulty Windows 10 update. I lost a fair share of work, as well as a lot of source files for my scripts and I do not feel like working all over this again. I am really sorry, but for the time being, I won't continue working on this project.

    I might give it another shot in a few months, but I highly emphasize the "might".
  2. OneShotPaddy4
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    Like some of the others here, I just came across this mod through a Google search for roleplay mods (which are surprisingly rare). I've seen so many mods that have not been updated in years. If a mod author is not dead, I really wish they would take down their mods if they are outdated, or (as in this case) the authors do not plan to work on them anymore. 

    That's no stab at this author, I've just seen this happen so much that it's starting to become a problem. I'd rather just not see the mods, than have the constantly be on the lookout for dead software that hasn't been updated in 4-5 years.
  3. MadsBille
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    Just came across this. Too bad the project was abandoned, though I can certainly understand why. It sounds really interesting. In it's current state, can it be used for a full playthrough?
  4. Kushan Blackrazor
    Kushan Blackrazor
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    Even though this is dead in the water, I'm still using it as the base for my new playthrough. Thank you again for all your hard work! o7
  5. Kushan Blackrazor
    Kushan Blackrazor
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    Alas! For what was lost.
  6. corlies
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    Loving your vision for this mod, when I get my new computer I'll be downloading it immediately for sure. One question though, since you've modified damage to be caliber dependent, how badly would adding standalone weapon mods be for balancing? I'd want to expand on the paltry selection without substantially throwing balance off. As an idea you might consider adding some patches for the more popular weapon mods perhaps? keep up the good stuff, brojangle
  7. Kushan Blackrazor
    Kushan Blackrazor
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    If this delay turns into a more permanent one I may have to just bite the bullet and play it as 0.4a because I just don't see anything else that comes close to touching on everything the way you have and the way I want it to. So regardless of what happens thank you for your hard work!
  8. TheEyeIsBlind
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    i finally installed the mod and i am loving it so far. one thing that i think should be tweaked however is the skill books. i think that sort of thing helps encourage people to explore.

    of course the game always needed a serious overhaul to the exploration incentive.
    1. Kushan Blackrazor
      Kushan Blackrazor
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      I'm curious what you think needs to be tweaked. How would you suggest he change them?
  9. rlilewis
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    Sounds like a cool mod - unfortunately I don't have any DLCs :/
  10. Kushan Blackrazor
    Kushan Blackrazor
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    Some more thoughts that occurred to me since we discussed molotovs. Landmines and traps. There's a couple mods out there now that make them both harder to see (the mines don't have a bright shiny light on them and much harder to see tripwire a, plus invisible lasers) combined with a mod that makes mines go "click, boom" instead of "chirp chirp chirp boom" it adds a lot to the tension. However if you do consider anything like that probably best to make it a modular thing.
    1. Kushan Blackrazor
      Kushan Blackrazor
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      Also a quick question: since you mentioned nearly all power armor spawns are now Raider or T-45 (which I strongly agree with btw) where do you get T-51 parts? Is it a unique suit you have to find, the X-01 being the same?
    2. Kushan Blackrazor
      Kushan Blackrazor
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      Some game balance thoughts since I'm not done bombarding you with this nonsense yet. Did you touch laser turrets yet? I figured you did but since they have a fairly insane rate of fire and damage even against a fully upgraded X-01 suit I felt it was worth asking about. On a similar note it'll be nice to see how the 10mm and 5.56mm turrets do against the player since they were pretty marginal once you had any kind of armor.

      One game balance area (since you removed the teleporting animals) I was hoping you'd assess would be some of the weirder situations like the military sentry bot at the National Guard Depot. You can see it before you break into the armory but once you do he doesn't release like a normal security measure. He actually randomly spawns and bushwhacks the player as they come through the door. I understand the intent (to prevent players from just emp mining the security door) but it really feels a bit cheap.
    3. Ne0pHyt3
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      Those things regarding traps and explosives are already on my list.

      I probably will handplace T51, T60 and X01 parts in high risk areas; also, the Brotherhood will be your main source of T60 and the institute probably the one for X01.

      I've adjusted the weapon damage of every single weapon in the game, that includes turrets. They deal 60 to 70 damage per hit, no changes to firing rate. That's basically the average laser damage in the mod. Wearing Power Armor will drastically decrease it; Pulse Weapons have also greatly increased damage to make them your first choice against robotic enemies.

      Ah, I'll put that on my list, too.

      I am just afraid my computer is acting up - I think the last Windows 10 update has messed with my system a lot. I probably won`t be able to mod for the next few weeks until I figure out the culprit.
    4. Kushan Blackrazor
      Kushan Blackrazor
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      I had a lot of trouble with Windows 10 and eventually went back to 7, so I understand that pain. Good luck with things!
  11. Kushan Blackrazor
    Kushan Blackrazor
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    I like what I'm seeing, and I suspect you have similar notions to a lot of other mods. In particular this one http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17569/? may be worth taking a look at and perhaps making allowances for them to work side by side, as I find it does a fair job of emulating the original feeling of the first two games, along with Some Assembly Required.
    1. Ne0pHyt3
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      • 3 kudos
      Thanks for the suggestion. I'll take a look. :-)
    2. Kushan Blackrazor
      Kushan Blackrazor
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      As a followup I had some additional thoughts on what you've got here. For a base overhaul and tweak mod I think you're right on the money and as long as you thoroughly document what changed (and why) then I love it.

      My two concerns are as follows: For power armor if you only want one model of each then may I suggest renaming the parts appropriately? E.g. T-45d (instead of T-45a), T-51b, T-60a and X-01 Advanced as suggestions.

      My other concern is a lot of us love adding new weapons in. So you've eliminated damage increases: cool that's fine, I can exercise self restraint and not pimp out my Desert Eagle to do more damage than a fat man. But enemies might spawn with improved parts when those mods inject them into leveled lists. That could upset the balance rather fast.
    3. Kushan Blackrazor
      Kushan Blackrazor
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      Oh and just to annoy you further: two fairly Fallout lore friendlymods you may want to keep in mind as far as compatability goes would be Wasteland Imports and Browncoat Garrus's Caliber mod. Both I could easily see slotting in nicely with appropriate compatability patches.
    4. Ne0pHyt3
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      Roger that.

      I'd gladly make compatibility patches. That does not really take a lot of time. Most of it usually is spent talking with people about whether or not you're allowed to do this and that than the actual editing. After all, you just need to alter the weapon damage (and maybe that of the mods); you can easily do that with FO4Edit, too. Also, If the new weapons roughly follow the vanilla values, it should not turn out too bad.
    5. Kushan Blackrazor
      Kushan Blackrazor
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      I'd be shocked if they had issues with you making a compatability patch (especially if you're doing the work instead of them!) but it probably is considered polite at least.

      But you're right about using FO4Edit, sometimes its a bit more complex for the end user so I figure its worth mentioning.
    6. Ne0pHyt3
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      I actually had a rather disturbing encounter when I wanted to make a compatibility patch for another Overhaul I once made for Skyrim. So, yeah, since then, I always make absolutely sure people are ok with it. xD
    7. Kushan Blackrazor
      Kushan Blackrazor
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      I can understand after something like that! Also, one more thing (its always one more thing isn't it?) Molotov Cocktails, how're you going to handle these? Raiders seem to have an unlimited supply and the way they "explode" like a grenade and kill you is rather frustrating in Survival mode. If there's a satisfactory way to limit their usage and make them doing damage over time instead of a big boom it'd be quite nice.
    8. Ne0pHyt3
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      They still have unlimited supplies? I thought I checked the "NPCs use Ammo" flag for those... Gonna take another look.
    9. Kushan Blackrazor
      Kushan Blackrazor
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      I've not had a chance to thoroughly test yet, and I saw no reference to grenades or molotovs in the notes. I wasn't sure what you considered heavy ordinance! Sorry for the scare.
    10. Ne0pHyt3
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      Ah, roger that! No problem. :-)

      NPCs should use up everything that is a Grenade, Mini Nuke, Missile and the following ammo types: 5mm, .308, .45-70, 2mm EC, Plasma Catridges
    11. Kushan Blackrazor
      Kushan Blackrazor
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      Appreciate the clarification. Have you revised how molotovs deal damage or were you going to leave that alone for now? I know it's been a thorny issue for some modderst to satisfactorily resolve.
    12. Ne0pHyt3
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      I am just working on that.

      I've reduced the initial explosion damage to 20 points plus 5 if the bottle actually makes contact with the target, the lingering fire effects stays on longer and burns for an additional 75 damage that cannot be reduced by Energy Resistance, but avoided entirely by having a high enough value (aka power armor, mariner armor or something else that seems like it could prevent you from catching fire; the power armor will only work if it is relatively intact.) Also, fire will be extinguised if you are in water deep enough to swim in.

      I probably will tinker with it some more, though. If I can find a more suitable explosion and hazard object to associate with them, I'll play around with that, too. Also, I would like to include a magic effect that makes targets set ablaze to run away similar to how it was in Deus Ex.
    13. Kushan Blackrazor
      Kushan Blackrazor
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      • 4 kudos
      Or like in Fallout classic where they run around shrieking
    14. Ne0pHyt3
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    15. Kushan Blackrazor
      Kushan Blackrazor
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      You've got me excited for my next playthrough now lol. Especially once it's Version 1.0. Don't be afraid to ask us to test specific things, because that's one area those of us in the comments can definitely help with.
    16. Ne0pHyt3
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      • 3 kudos
      Haha. Great!

      Hopefully I can deliver what you hope for.

      At the moment, I do not have anything in specific in mind - I am more interested in general suggestions and bug reports of all kinds.

      In any case. Many thanks in advance.