Fallout 4
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  1. Qrsr
    • premium
    • 137 kudos
    For anyone who is interested in, i created an alternative version which is covering the DLC files and removes more quest related furniture.
  2. neokio
    • supporter
    • 24 kudos
    FINALLY. This has been desperately needed since day 1.
    However it breaks several quests that require you to sit (Covenant for one, I forget the other).

    Ideally ... if player has weapons drawn or is sneaking, no sitting, ever. Otherwise, sitting is allowed.
  3. Drummer08
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Could we get a version where if you acidently click on a chair, Fallout 4 uninstalls completely from your PC?
    1. giorestZoneside
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      That was completely unnecessary, maybe you don't need this, but someone does find it useful.

      Admittedly i don't but still....

      Now, there was a mod that completely disabled all vendors and any barter option, this comment would fit well there, unless he disabled those too of course.
    2. Drummer08
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      I wasn't having a go at the mod or author. This was an attempt at humor and it obviously failed...

      If anything I was having a go at the actual game.
  4. Phnx
    • premium
    • 76 kudos
    What sometimes gets on my nerves is when I try to jump over bodies and then end up with a "dark craving".
  5. carnagefiend
    • premium
    • 211 kudos
    I don't understand all the snark, nor the comments about people accidentally sitting down and 'uninstalling their game' if they did that.

    I never wait. I play Survival through-and-through and waiting is just wasted time when you HAVE to sleep. I have enough trouble getting work done in my settlements. I always end up sitting when I'm looting places. Offices are huge problems, and accidentally sitting down when you're trying to get that fuse in a desk is just plain obnoxious.

    It pulls the camera out, then you spend 5 seconds watching yourself meticulously plant their asses in a chair. For what? UGH, then you have to get up.

    So this mod is for me. Don't need to wait, don't want to wait, just want to spam the 'loot' button and move on.

    Thank you, thank you, and thank you. Hat's off to you sir.
  6. MasterVegito2012
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    So now you can't wait?
    1. carnagefiend
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
      It says on the mod description page that it effectively disables waiting.
  7. darthxanxus
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    The other one that always screws me up is the stupid drink water activator. Especially if your trying to loot something or someone that happens to be in the water.
    1. UlithiumDragon
      • premium
      • 144 kudos
      I've tried to fix this one, but the engine just seems to laugh at you and claim "total overwritesies" for some things in Fallout 4, and water source drinking is one of em. I tried:

      - Turning off activation COMPLETELY
      - Disabling the popup prompt for drinking.
      - Changing the drink command to separate key like R (bizarrely it showed TWO options for drinking instead of removing the normal one as it SHOULD HAVE...)
      - Using condition chains to only be able to activate it *sometimes*, including:
      * Only while sneaking
      * Only with weapon drawn.
      * Only when not in combat.
      * Only when zooming in with ironsight aiming.
      * Only while not in combat while sneaking with weapons drawn AND in ironsight aiming.

      All failed. All options work for every other motherf*cking activator object type, so it's just one of the GROWING number of things Bethesda's all like: "HAHAHAHAHA! No. You can't mod that one." Y_Y

      Sorry for the mini-rant, it's just that THIS ONE REALLY pissed me off... =.=
    2. darthxanxus
      • member
      • 4 kudos
    3. Gawl40
      • supporter
      • 45 kudos
      Check out Cobb Water Options for all your drink blocking needs. It does use script though.
  8. tontonzanmi
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Nice idea. It's really annoying when you try to gather loots and end sitting/sleeping/drinking irradiated water having that f***ing dog***t come running all over the loot making it fly accross the room/clip trough the floor and fall into the grey void .... bethesda wonky meshes dont help either in that matter.

    Still I think a condition would be the best workaround. Something like only when weapon holstered and out of combat.

    And yes I feel you about this, it' has become one of the trademark of bugthesda to hardcode the poorests choices it makes...
  9. Scourgor
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I don't understand the sarcastic comments here, if you don't want to install this mod, simply don't install it. But it's actually a hugely useful mod IMO, especially when I'm trying to scavenge a lot of items from one of those picnic bench-type things and keep clicking sit instead of loot. Thanks for making this!
    1. UlithiumDragon
      • premium
      • 144 kudos
      Mmm, picnic benches and the booths inside those diners are the worst offenders of this kind of "ninja furniture". Hard to be prepared for it when almost all furniture objects in the game are NOT activated by looking at a *TABLE*. :P

      Why did they have to be lazy and just use the furniture animations from SKyrim - they were just as awful in that game, too... T_T
  10. Calzien
    • supporter
    • 59 kudos
    May I offer a suggestion? What about applying the effect via script one can toggle? Perhaps by drawing your weapon or via holotape. When active it blocks all furniture. This lets you loot to your heart's content. Deactivate when you want to use furniture like normal. This way it doesn't permanently block the player from using furniture unless they uninstall the mod first.
    1. Sir_korax
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      If you know a way to add "keyword" to furniture with a script, please tell us.

      I was about your method described trying for a long time. For Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas this was feasible using the script exteneder (FOSE, FNVE). F4SE it still does not allow.
    2. UlithiumDragon
      • premium
      • 144 kudos
      You don't even need to go so far - just use condition chains instead of keywords. Then you can set it to be something like "if sneaking, can activate", or "if weapon sheathed, can activate" etc.

      I tried doing something like this for all the MOTHERF*CKING water sources that you can "drink from" in the game (i.e. rivers), but in Fallout 4 there are just some things that the game's engine will REFUSE to let you edit even though there's no good-ass reason as to WHY it shouldn't be working. After the above condition check system I described failed to work for water sources, I applied it to a chair to make sure it would work at all and it did, so I said "F*ck you too Bethesda!" and gave up. =.=