Fallout 4

Mod articles

  • Feature: Location Changes

    A newly implemented Subway System with over 22 large new cells (including 1 friendly city) that connects each of the vanilla Fallout 4 subway stations and adds new subway stations....

  • A small note: Read this please

    FROST does a lot of edits to the game, from locations to perks. For more information, read the articles here and check out the FROST Fandom Wiki. The articles here just exists to give you a better overview of what you can expect while playing FROST....

  • Feature: Hostility

    95% of all NPCs in FROST will attack you on sight or are territorial. Keep this in mind while playing FROST. There is one friendly settlements and a few traders and non-hostile NPCs on the map....

  • Feature: New Factions and Lore and Characters

    FROST adds new factions, lore and characters to the game. Most of the background and lore will be told by visual storytelling and by reading notes and journals. Do not expect quests and voiced characters like in Sim Settlements 2. FROST tells its stories in a more athmospheric and subtle way, and not with in your face dialogue like int he vanilla game.

    Addendum: The mod FROST Plus adds several voiced characters and quests. It is heavily recommended to use that mod, but even with it you will not get topns of quests and voiced characters like in the vanilla game....

  • Feature: Accuracy System

    You will need certain perks like Riflemen or Gunslinger to use guns properly. Otherwise your accuracy with guns will be very bad. ...

  • Feature: Sanity System

    Using certain items or killing certain NPCs will affect your sanity. Sanity is a value between 100 and minus infinity. As soon as you get down to 0 Sanity, your character will become insane. Insane player characters are very bad at using guns and have reduced charisma, but do more melee damage and can sneak better.

    Cooked Meat, Alcohol and Chems can all affect your sanity. Take your of your sanity by using those items to avoid going insane! Or don't... and become a sneaky melee cannibal...

  • Feature: Lore-Friendliness

    FROST is set 5 years after the Great Nuclear War from 2077 (=> FROST is set in the year 2082, 200 years before the vanilla game).

    FROST does its best to not break lore or "future events" in any way. It does introduce new factions, NPCs and stories, but all of them are lore-friendly and respecting the Fallout canon. Everything has been carefully discussed and researched to ensure this.
    Certain locations are not accessible or do not appear, like the Prydwen for example. Several objects, items and names have been changed in some way to ensure lore-friendliness (by renaming them for example: The Disciples Armor parts are now called "Cultist" instead of "Disciples").

    Basically all vanilla factions have been removed or changed drastically to ensure lore-friendlin...

  • Feature: More realism and no legendaries

    Legendary enemies and weapon have been removed (there are some weapons and armors that are similar to legendary weapons, but very rare and less strong). No more OP weapons for you...

  • Feature: Radiation and Weather Tweaks

    Radiation and certain weathers are a lot more dangerous now. Take your Rad-X, and use Rad-Away or new items like Fungal Purge to deal with radiation.
    Rad-Storms are more dangerous as well. Certain areas of the map have a higher chances to let certain weathers appear.

    The air on the surface is irradiated, so make sure to wear a Gas Mask or you will die quickly of radiation poisoning.

    All Feral Ghouls deal radiation damage if you stand to close to them, so think twice before diving into a horde of them or else you will bathe in radiation....

  • Feature: Scarcity

    Loot has been heavily adjusted in FROST. Ammo, Bobby Pins, Stimpaks etc. are not as common as in the vanilla game, and are in fact very rare.
    Use the resources you find! In the vanilla game you might never have used Chems because you didn't need them, in FROST they might save your life.
    Melee weapons are more common then guns, and less NPCs will have guns.
    Most NPCs can also run out of ammo, use this to your advantage.

  • Feature: Locational Body Damage

    Similar to Better Locational Damage and MAIM, it actually matters where you hit enemies. A headshot does way more damage then a shooting the foot of an enemy. This applies to all kinds of NPCs, from rats to humans....

  • Feature: Unleveled World

    In vanilla Fallout 4, everything (weapons, armor, junk and enemies) level with the player to a certain degree. This means that certain enemies and weapons (like the Gauss Rifle) only appear if the player reached a certain level.

    FROST changes this: Any enemy and item can be found at any level, and these things do not scale with the player's level anymore. To balance this, bad and previously low-level things are more common then good and previously high-level things. It is possible to get a 4-barrel missile launcher at level 1 in FROST for example. In order to balance this further, NPCs and weapons have been adjusted so that killing certain enemies is easier and more realistic....