Fallout 4


  1. Rustbucket1990
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Update please? Like maybe taping a brick to it? Or filling it with concrete? Even with the hot plate, I'm getting to the point where the damage is just too low :(
  2. pigeonpie133
    • member
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    Can it also be used as a drying pan?
  3. OutlawShark
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Great mod! Thanks MM! Its a 'Gotta Have' for me. I got one under the seat in my truck right now. Been there several years. Oh yeah, 10" cast iron baby!  "Feel lucky punk? Go ahead...Make my day!"
  4. Swordbomb
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    You said you made the sound effects by hitting your own knee with an actual frying pan. I have some questions.
    1. Are you alright there?
    2. Are you CERTAIN that self-pain is the key to great mods?
    3. Demopan?

    All jokes aside, this is great work you're doing.
  5. TheTerminationXI
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    The Frying Pan SFX doesn't play on enemies, but it plays when I hit a wall? Help?
  6. AtomicHobo
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I love this mod! I wanted a frying pan as a usable weapon from the very beginning. Great job on this. A couple suggestions/requests though. As you said in the description, this is a low level (hence relatively weak) weapon. Maybe add the ability to craft extremely expensive but powerful mods (materials maybe?) that make it viable for mid-late game? Also, and this is the most important in my opinion, if possible, could you please change the impact sound to that of the frying pan from Left 4 Dead 2? That one was epic XD
    Anyway, once again, great mod and thanks for your hard work.
    1. MikeMoore
      • supporter
      • 483 kudos
      To the l4d2 sound effects, no. I'm not using sound effects from other games, as I could get nailed with a copyright strike by some unhappy intern.

      To the upper level mods.. Yes.

      I don't know what I'll do, but I'll probably make a laser frying pan or something insane eventually.
    2. sorrowscythe
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      or you could change the material i guess as an ad-hoc way to improve panning capability for mid-late.

    3. MikeMoore
      • supporter
      • 483 kudos
      I'll probably make a cast iron version that will do more damage.
    4. ivanbqnov
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      that's be awesome!
  7. copperhamster
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Possible mods...
    Spiked pan: the drove spikes through the pan and kinda welded them in place. Adds damage.
    Barb wire wrapped pan: Obvious. Adds damage and bleed.
    Boompan (kinda super silly) Has a mine attached. Adds explosive damage and knockback. Makes no sense but this IS Fallout.
    Long handle: makeshift longer handle, adds more damage (I don't think the game will let you convert a weapon from 1-h to 2-h in animations, eh well).
  8. Atama1000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just of curiosity, does this use the vanilla frying pan's appearance, or does it have custom meshes/textures?
  9. panurgy
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Nice. I didn't realize what was missing in my life until I pried a frying pan out of the cold, dead finger of some raider scum. Now I am complete.

    I've been using MCAM for a while, but didn't realize until today that the Frying Pan was your work.
  10. 0SM
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will this weapon spawn as a legendsry? I have yet to come across a legendary version and ai have gotten many legendary batons and rolling pins in my time using this mod.
    1. MikeMoore
      • supporter
      • 483 kudos
      It kind of does but the legendary spawning is weird in fallout so I'm working on getting it fixed.