Fallout 4

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  1. Tortolian
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I really like this mod. It works well and is great for an Institute playthrough.  I typically have a Gen-1 salvager and one or two Gen-2 guards with synth uniform and armor.
  2. gungho95
    • BANNED
    • 4 kudos
    You know, instead of totally silent synths you could swap out voices for the Automatron voices 
  3. avahzd
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    I know this one is probably the final update; but, here is hoping...

    Is it possible to do one for the children of Atom? I know there is a mod that adds a few settlements that recruits CoA settlers, but they only have regular settler dialogue...

    1. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      It should be quite easy if you wanted to do it yourself, at least to the level of polish in this mod. I didn't do any custom dialogue or anything.

      You would create a new copy of one set of the mod's NPCs, Weapons, Projectiles, Explosions, and crafting recipes. Then match all of your new ones up, e.g. the explosion is referenced by the projectile, the projectile is reference by the weapon, et cetera. And then just change your new NPC to be base on a Children of Atom Leveled NPC, rather than e.g. a Raider Leveled NPC, and give it the right factions. Make sure to update the script settings on the NPC, just alter the faction specific parts.
  4. axfvh
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    the gen 1 synths look like damaged gen 2s, could you enable the intact gen 1s like those in the institute
    1. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      There isn't a lot of distinction made between Gen-1 or Gen-2 Synths in the normal game, the Gen-2s are just clean Gen-1s. You'll get different ones depending on the level of the area you summon them in.
    2. axfvh
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      thank you. sometimes the gen-2s spawn with the "trooper" outfit with a helmet and different uniform, would it be possible to add these as a separate type
    3. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      You mean the ones with black armor? I can't remember if I had meant to allow them or not.

      Or do you just mean ones with any armor? I figured it would make sense to come with some equipment, and you can just take it off of them. They take their inventory from vanilla synth spawnlists, so it's as balanced as they are. To change this without affecting much else: Remove all except "encSynthGen201" from the "FWorkerLCharSynthG2Base" Leveled Character record.
  5. HenryBAKAE
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, just a couple of quick questions. I want to build a settlement for the Railroad that has Gen 2 synths in it. I would normally just use the Railroad gen 2 synths, but you said that they no dialogue, so I would have to use the institute gen 2 synths. If I craft a whole bunch of gen 2 synth grenades before I become enemies with the institute, will I be able to use those grenades after I become enemies with the Institute, and will they be hostile to me?

    Also, are there options to craft BOS soldiers in Power Armor?

    Thanks for any info you can provide for me
    1. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      I really should have been following this thread.

      Well sure the Railroad Synths are completely silent, but the normal ones aren't that much better. And they are your only option if you go Railroad, the institute Synths will turn on you as normal.

      I did add a few things to make it seem less odd when that happens, for example; if are in a settlement when you turn against a faction they will attack you - and maybe your allies too, don't remember - but if you were away from that settlement and then return to it, they will be either dead or gone. And if you call in enemies they will attack you while they attempt to teleport back out.

      And no, no Brotherhood in power armor, they would just leave those things littered all over the place.
    2. HenryBAKAE
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well thanks for getting back to me. I appreciate it when mod authors answer any questions that users ask. I think I'll go with your mod for synth settlers, as the only other mod that adds gen 2 synths also adds a whole bunch of other stuff that I don't need, and the synths have voice problems. Thanks again for your help.
  6. VCrakeV
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Have you thought about adding gen 3 synth workers (like the ones in the Institute)? Seems a little weird to only be able to use older models, given the Institute is rolling the new ones out like Apple with their iPhones.
    1. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      I had, but to me it wouldn't be much different from dressing normal settlers in synth suits. And it would probably have required me to learn the dialog system.

      Besides the Institute seems loath to use Gen-3s in any large numbers for surface operations, like searching ruins or holding areas, prefering to use the old models they seem to have thousands of.
  7. Grumpyhouse
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Awwww, I was totally hoping for the gen 2 synths, but I destroyed the institute.

    I had a sweet Railroad faction theme going at Oberland Station on a broken save I was hoping to kinda reproduce. At the time I had some Gen 1s & 2s farming & guarding from Robot Home Defense but I've dropped that mod for various reasons. Partly because that was all they could do & it felt kinda sencond-class citizen-y. More-so after doing Far Harbor. I was hoping as a Railroad agent & friend of Acadia to start incorporating a few into vendor positions.


    EDIT: Missed the notes about Railroad Gen 1s & 2s. Cool! Too bad they're queit, but hey.
  8. Farscape1001
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Don't know what did it but just set up an all synth settlement using this and for whatever reason after traveling to another settlement and back half of the synths just plain disappeared. Totally gone, don't even have them counting toward the population anymore.

    Also they all acted a bit weird prior to the disappearance. I had them all set up at scavenging stations but only some of them would animate properly and the rest would just stand off to the side where they were when I assigned them. And the ones I assigned to shops did the same thing and wouldn't do anything but trade their inventory, though for whatever reason when I came back and found the rest missing the shopkeepers were fixed.
    1. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      That's what I get for forgetting to test certain things. The disapearing should be fixed now.

      Do you have any mod that change the conditions for animations? Because you'll need to make a patch for that.
    2. Farscape1001
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Updated to the new version but still having the same problem. The only ones disappearing for whatever reason both times are the ones assigned as scavengers and farmers, the shopkeepers and guards have been fine.
    3. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      I'm having trouble replicating your problem, can you give me more detail on your situation?

      Which workers are you using? Synths, raiders?
      Are the workers in a dangerous area?
      Are you an enemy of the faction they're supposed to be a part of?
      Are you using the UFO4P, and what version?
      Are you using any settlement mods, for example "Don't Call Me Settler"?
    4. Farscape1001
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Synth Gen2.
      Hangman's Alley.
      Friendly with the Institute.
      Using UFO4P but don't know which version and haven't updated it in a while.
      Yes, in particular "Don't Call Me Settler".

      So far both times the only Synths to disappear have been my scavengers and farmers. The scavengers were using the stations from "Housekeeping - Scavenging Deluxe" and the farmers were assigned to gather Fresh Mutfruit. Though the synths assigned as shopkeepers and as guards are still where I placed them the first time though their behavior has been a bit erratic as half the time I talk to them it just brings up their inventory and half the time their actual shop.
    5. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Honestly I have no idea what's causing them to disappear on you then, the only thing is that if they die and are then unloaded (for example by leaving the area) they are set to be deleted.

      As for the dialogue, I can't control that without changing the conditions/priorities. And I'd rather not mess with the dialogue stuff, partially because I'd need to worry alot more about compatabilty, but mostly because it's all black magic to me.
    6. Farscape1001
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I may have figured something out.

      Traveling between settlements was all I was doing between the disappearances so I figured I'd try testing out if that's what was causing it. I've been playing on survival so when goofing off I would use coc to jump around between settlements.

      I installed a fast travel unlock for survival, spawned a synth and assigned them to the mutfruit and then fast traveled away and back to my settlement and the synth was still there. Then I used coc to jump to the same settlement and then again back and he was gone. Then I tried the whole process over again and after using coc to jump away and back again the synth disappeared.

      So it seems like it's an issue tied to the coc command? Though why it only hits the farmers/scavengers and leaves the guards/shopkeepers alone is beyond me. Worth trying to replicate on your end at least.

      EDIT: Also on a side note, is it normal for the mod to be running a bunch of initializing scripts on the settlers every time you travel to the settlement?
    7. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      I'll try that out, thanks. And no it shouldn't be doing that, but I've done all I can to stop them from reinitialising. Atleast without rethinking the way I do a few things. It shouldn't be harmful though.

      However I'm wondering why you know this, is it still showing the debug messages to you? Because version 1.1 & 1.2 should not have those.

      EDIT- Nope, can't replicate COC issues either. Could be survival mode?
    8. Farscape1001
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Went to check the version since I was seeing the debug stuff and... I am a giant dumbass...

      I downloaded 1.2, disabled 1.0 and then... re-enabled 1.0...

      Did the coc stuff again and synth is right where I left him, so looks like you fixed it the first time.

      Good thing I asked about the scripts and didn't just ignore it like I was going to.
    9. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Haha, well it's alright. Partially my fault for releasing it broken like that.
  9. Blupditz
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I have a question, can the called in NPC's work the settlement vendor stalls? I ask because I have a robot only settlement and Bethesda still haven't fixed the auto'moron' robots to be able to do it.

    Off topic: you'd think they would make sure paid DLC content ai was working before a free mod wouldn't you XD
    1. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      It worked at one point, might still work.
    2. Blupditz
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Thx dude, I'll give it a try and see, appreciate you sharing your mod.
    3. n337speak
      • premium
      • 65 kudos
      Can confirm that this is currently working great in my game. I've set up Covenant as kind of an 'everything these people hated' location and moved Gen 2 synths in as the new vendor and doctor. Both are currently working fine.
  10. 420sublime
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Just curious, do the faction workers count against the total number of settlers? In other words, if I already have my max settlers at say 21, can I still add the faction workers to the settlement? It looks like a solid mod. Thanks.
    1. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Yes they should count for population, though the relay grenades don't check against pop cap.
    2. 420sublime
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Awesome! I'll try it out. Thanks.
    3. 420sublime
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      So I installed it, but I don't have the option for the relay grenades in the chemistry station. I'm thinking maybe it's because I'm not affiliated with the institute?

      Nevermind, I'm an idiot, they were hiding from me, lol.
    4. 420sublime
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Well, i have everything but the synths for some reason available for crating in the chemistry station. I sent a Brotherhood Scribe to The Castle so I'll see how that works out. Thanks.
    5. Galvon94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Are you an enemy of the Insitute? Because that prevents you from crafting them.
    6. 420sublime
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yep, I already destroyed the Institute so that makes sense.