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About this mod

HD retexture for the raider mod armor, sack hood, sack hood with hoses, and sack hood with straps.

Permissions and credits
This mod simply adds new HD textures to the raider mod armor and some helmets. I may add more in time. I tried to keep the overall look as close to the concept art for the game as possible. So there is a couple red stripes and as a whole it is pretty dark. Ive also added a simple retexture for the Raider Leathers (NOT HD) to make them fit the look more.

Included Items Retextured:

Raider Mod Armor
Sack Hood
Sack Hood with Straps
Sack Hood with Hoses
Long Johns

Future Goals:

Buttressed Raider Armor
Raider Harness
Raider Leathers

Just use the Nexus Mod Manager, couldnt be easier. Load order doesnt matter.