Fallout 4
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  1. Mentha
    • premium
    • 343 kudos
    So let me get this straight, this works much like the Vilja mod for Skyrim. It detects when another follower mod, in this case, is present then adds the pertinent dialogue options and assets to the game. This is how Vilja and Inigo can talk together but you don't need Inigo for Vilja to work. If I remember correctly, Anna NPC's has the same sort of scripting to work with Interesting NPC's. I can see where this would be an amazing resource.
  2. ozziefire
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Cool idea, I've been wanting to use assets from other esps in my esp without making them a master. I hope its opensourced so I can copy bits of it and learn the way it works in scripting, I've done a lot of scripting in GECK FONV but yet to write a line of code in FO4, this may work well for my first intro

    Simply put this allows an esp to check if other esms/esps are available for use, it doesn't magically download and steal files.
    1. GeneralLuBu
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      All the .psc's should be in the rar file. Happy modding!
  3. wolflordjsw
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Using DLC assets without requiring DLC is actually violation of the Bethesta EULA (or someone other agreement) AKA illegal.
    1. JimmyRJump
      • premium
      • 242 kudos
      Yep. But that's not what it says on the tin, here. It says it will only make use of the assets if and when the DLC is installed. If not, then it won't...

      It's a bit like in the Civilization games by Sid Meier (if you're familiar with those): low level characters won't see Iron or Coal because they aren't in the Iron or Industrial Age yet. The assets are there, just invisible.

      Same goes for this framework. It has all the assets/ingredients possible, but stuff will only be accessible/visible when the player has the needed DLC/mod/files...
    2. Sharlikran
      • premium
      • 687 kudos
      As long as it requires the DLC then that's all that's needed as GStaff has said before.
  4. wolflordjsw
    • premium
    • 0 kudos

    This does not do that. this uses an IF statement to detect if dlc is present. Afterwards it will load up those assets IF the person has DLCs. It does not violate a thing.

    • Making your mod use DLC assets without it requiring LCs
    That is not an if statement. If what you mean is what you have said in your response to me then I suggest you change this for clarity. 
    1. GeneralLuBu
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      I really don't want this to be a big semantics debate, it has been cleared up both in the description and in these comments.
  5. HadToRegister
    • premium
    • 195 kudos
    People apparently need to get some reading comprehension.

    All this framework does, is it makes it so you can create a mod that can use the assets from other DLC, but if you don't have the DLC, you can still use the mod, you just won't have the assets from the DLC, and the DLC esps won't be required.

    1. blackninja50
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      "Making your mod use DLC assets without it requiring DLCs" Dose not specify how this is done. Seeing that the easiest way for a mod to use DLC assets without requiring a DLC is to rip what you want and add it to a mod I would hardy say I read that wrong.

      Maybe it's you that needs some reading comprehension
    2. HadToRegister
      • premium
      • 195 kudos
      Nope, you're still wrong, sorry.
      It clearly states that it let's you build a mod that CAN use the DLC assets, but if you don't have the DLC assets, you can still use the mod, however, the mod will just leave out those assets.

      It's too bad you're not understanding what this mod is for, because it will make modding a LOT easier all around.

      If modder "B" has all the DLC and makes a mod that uses DLC 1 , 2, 3 and 4 and mod user "x" wants to use the mod, but only has DLC 2, and 4, then he can still use the mod, he will just be missing assets from DLC 1 and 3.

      Understand YET?

      *EDIT*, OK I see farther down in the thread, you 'got it", cool

    3. GeneralLuBu
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      It is somewhat ambiguous, I will add a footer to the description to clear this up.
  6. Err using DLC assets without it requiring DLCs is not allowed as far as I know. Also in order to use another mods resources you need either include said resources (with permission) or make the other mod a requirement.
    1. Calzien
      • supporter
      • 59 kudos
      Not entirely true, while you can't set up a mod to use assets from another mod without needing it you CAN however make it use the assets IF the mod is present. Like using DLC support only if the user has it. For example... Say you wanted to make a food mod. Far Harbor adds new food items like chicken breast. Using scripting you can check if that mod is active. If it is then your recipe which uses the chicken breast is enabled. Maybe you have an armor mod and want to make it compatible with Armorsmith Extended without forcing the user to have it. Using scripts you can check if the plugin is installed and then add your recipe to the workbench while also adding the proper keywords. All without NEEDING to have it installed if the player doesn't want to use that mod. No mod, no support. With mod, add support. One file, no hard requirements.

      AFAIK for Skyrim had this support using SKSE but Fallout 4 has it built in for native support. There IS one big flaw though, if a mod changes the FormID number for the thing your script references then it breaks support. I think scripts are also baked into a save so it may be hard to change details in an existing save. However the same happens for FormIDs with a hard requirement setup so it's not that much of a flaw.
    2. Wenderer
      • premium
      • 272 kudos
      @SamusKnight2K But you can't add forms to recipe in run-time. Plus if don't have DLC you don't know form ID. And even if you search ID in internet... it's just pain in ass.
    3. If a mod changes up a formID, it will not break your mod, papyrus will simply skip over it and functionality with that formID will cease, there wont be too many cases where that instantly makes your mod unuseable, just incomplete.
    4. But to include a check for that I will alter this tutorial slightly and including a counter, if you put 10 formIDs from another mod the value of a formlist should increase by 10, if it doesn't then assume plugin is not installed and run the mod independently from it.
  7. Wenderer
    • premium
    • 272 kudos
    How one will do from overrides while not having forms itself? Nohow. How would you add forms in such things as recipes? Nohow. Add form to leveled list? Well yes, you can, but can not remove it from it. Add keyword to base form? No. And should i mentioned that medium size mod needs several dozens of form IDs, you suggest to look every in ID in wiki? And if one need model, texture, material, how one will find out resource paths?
    Unfortunately i don't see anything valuable here. Not everything can be build in run-time. That's why game made with CK as well, not only papyrus.
    1. GeneralLuBu
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      I agree with you, not every mod is going to find a use for this. But a lot will and it's encouraging a style that will make those mods much more effective and well-rounded.
    2. GeneralLuBu
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Also, I did it with my mods, my Far Barber is over 1700 lines of coding in total, another has 140 lines just for adding forms into form lists. It's tedious but it makes for a great product.
  8. GeneralLuBu
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    This does not do that. this uses an IF statement to detect if dlc is present. Afterwards it will load up those assets IF the person has DLCs. It does not violate a thing.
    1. blackninja50
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Okay. So this is a framework that allows mods to load and run without there master files. That makes sense.