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  1. drbobertman
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    Thank you all for the Overwhelming support

    this mod was to fix the title of a few NPCs using a non word as the title

    I changed them to use the Gender neutral 'man' instead
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_neutrality_in_English (thanks djjoejoe for the link)

    I have also since updated the mod with additional titles for those wanting something else

    1. orlar
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Thanks bud for opening a great place for a little fun, keep up your modding and all the best.


      ps you got to add harborvegan
  2. johnhaslam
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    why tho
    1. mikejosef6
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      yeah why? unless you give us a reason it seems a bit sexist.
    2. djjoejoe
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Actually I think he's trying to use neutral gender language here, maybe. The use of 'man' as in human as in genderless... as in just the job title and not specifically a 'female' version of it like 'harborwoman'.
    3. SaturnVII
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      • 4 kudos
      'Man' is gender neutral.
    4. drbobertman
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Thank you djjoejoe, you are 100% correct there is no sexist intent with this mod
    5. jet4571
      • premium
      • 450 kudos
      Harborman or Harbormen is actually the correct way to say it. Mankind isn't just males and Men is plural for Man. Yes Woman/Women signifies the females of our species and Man/Men signifies the males but that's only when it is gender specific. When it comes to professions Man/Men signifies our species and plural or not, what it doesn't signify is our gender in this form. Only militant feminists would have a fit over this and want Mankind changed to Womankind because they are angry and refuse to see it is basic language they are fighting.

      If they want to fight basic language then they could please direct there/their/they're attention at words that are pronounced the same as other but complete different spelling. Your you're yore? there their they're? Then make the effing rules actually apply like the I before E except after C that seems to not apply to way too many words to be considered a rule. Then E should be pronounced as an E No need for an I in there. So all those that want to have a fit about a base word that describes Human.. wait Man is in the word human... Oh the patriarchy even though it was the same in a matriarchy. How about all our *archy are spelled *arky instead and get mad at real issues with our language.
    6. orlar
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      the title Harborwomen notes a women from far harbor would you call a women from England a Englishman, its not a job title its a loction title a job title would be fisherman or docker etc.
    7. pokerguy365
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Sticky that
    8. pokerguy365
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      @orlar, In case you've forgotten Fallout 4 is set in the United States of America. And yes I would call women from England Englishmen or for one a woman Englishman
    9. orlar
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos

      lol i would slap you then hun I don't look that butch.. Englishwoman - (n.) Fem. of Englishman. as stated in the Oxford. and i know its in the US or it be Harbourwomen. I would like to thankyou all for the laugh some replys was funny. have a good live all..
    10. PWWI
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
    11. kljadfjhadf
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      • 8 kudos
      "Man" isn't always genderless as a suffix, it depends on context. Englishman, Frenchman etc were always gendered words, and no one at any point in history would have called a woman from England an Englishman.

      This comes off as an attempt to retroactively redefine the English language for the sake of people who are enraged by inclusive language because they think it is "too PC".

      Also, Far Harbour is a fictional place, and Beth gets to decide what the correct terms for their citizens are, whether the anti-PC brigade think it's linguistically correct or not.
  3. Vasellias
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Thank you. All this PC crap is getting way out of control. As a gamerman (kek) of the female persuasion, I adore any attempt at returning sanity to my world.
  4. orlar
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    person is the correct PC term, At this moment in time. man and men are gender id Tags as is woman and women. this is at the moment the tag I have to use when posting jobs for a local UK goverment body.

    Edit after speaking to this NPC she is very happy and agrees to the gender tag you gave her. so I will not be supporting her in the Commonwealth small claims court. but you have been warned. I'm keeping my eye on you. now back to taking the brotherhood to court so should be the "Siblings of steel"

    1. azxcvbnm321
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      There is no such thing as a harborperson. Harborman is the correct English term. You might try telling your fellow British to learn proper English. Don't they teach anything in school nowadays?
    2. PensiveWolF
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      at this moment it time men are the oppressed while women are on top, blah blah blah, but who cares about reality. . . this is a damn game!
    3. orlar
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      @azxcvbnm321 learn to spell Harbour the English way first and take it you are from the US may I point out English is no longer your first lauguage, to hear/read English in it purist form you need to listen/read something from a Australian.

      no such thing as Harborman too

      Oxford English Dictionary

      No exact match found for “Harborman” in British & World English
    4. ColonelGrimm
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      • 7 kudos
      A person is lesser status then man. An example would be that corporations are legally persons.

      Also, I love how non-American English speakers are so pompous that they will continue to smugly sneer, belittle, and talk down on Americans for things like spelling and grammar, and act as if it matters that they spoke English first, and how they are the proper speakers of it, while they simultaneously ironically allow their culture on the whole be destroyed and marginalized, and even it's very existence be questioned. lol

  5. drhax01234
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    For those who dont know Man is a generic term for a human being. So a Policeman is just a human who is in the police.
    1. orlar
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      so in you mind a women from England is called a Englishman? look up the meaning of Policeman "a male member of a police force" the correct title is Police Officer. Harbor women is a women from far harbor not a women who works on a harbor thats a dock worker or docker etc
    2. drhax01234
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Man :
      a human being of either sex; a person.

      So yes a Woman from England would be a Englishman.

      po•lice•man (p??lis m?n)

      n., pl. -men.
      a member of a police force.

      Only recently has Policeman become a gendered thing due to feminists not knowing the history of the language they speak. Woman is the term used for a females and werman or wyfman were used to designate male or female with werman being the male term. Later the wer was dropped off but Man continued to be the gender neutral term when used in Fireman, Policeman, Englishman etc.
  6. phoenix12829
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    I'm vegan and I find this offensive
    1. Spencer033
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    2. orlar
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      love it

      worth a kudo for the lol
    3. AtirusGaming
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
  7. UnderdogSMO
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    • 0 kudos
    came in here looking for all the people upset by this mod. was not disappointed. If you don't like it don't download it why the hell do you got to cry about it like it effects you negatively in some why. I genuinely don't see this kinda negative reaction to big tit body mods but OH GOD you better not change the word women to the more gender neutral use of men.

    some time's i wonder who Bitches more the PC crowd or the Anti PC crowd.

    because from were I am sitting high on who gives a f*#@ hill it seems to be a lot of BS from both sides.
    1. orlar
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      bud you got to read between the lines it a bit of fun.
  8. RaiderJericho92
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    get out of my fandom Tumblr PC crew, like seriously. You ruin everything you touch with your whining.
    1. orlar
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      TOUCH *wink
    2. BlackStorm999
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      yeah.... they do.... but I don't think most of the people are actually serious in the comments here, but rather are just joking..... you can tell by the way they word things that they are not actually the "tumbler PC crew"... but rather are making fun of them... also the mod is technically the correct term.... I've never heard the term "harborwoman" in my life.... (and I used to live near a harbor)... in fact, as I'm typing this... the spellcheck is coining that term as incorrect... so it's not even a word....
    3. PensiveWolF
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      not until they change that and put it in the damn dictionary too.
  9. mkultra23
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I identify as a harborwoman, and I think this is very offensive. ;}
    1. bdowner60
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I for one was hoping for wild harbarslut , left disappointed !!
    2. wngofpestilence
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