Fallout 4
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KimChi Benny

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  1. williamasmith22
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    doesnt work for nukaworld
  2. flyboy420
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Why this is 5 different files is beyond me, why there isn't a merger is even more questionable....
  3. TheCretanArcher
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Liking this so far, however I think it might be making the game a bit too easy. I can 1-hit kill almost anything with a bolt-action rifle, which means than my very low HP (END 1) isn't really a problem.
    1. ConnorWoodhams
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      My thinking was that if it can happen to me then it can happen to them, I love glass cannon builds but not when it's against bullet sponge enemies that realistically are as weak as I am :P
  4. Peace52
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this updated for the dlc's?
  5. EonSpirit
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Hey, can anyone tell me can this be used nicely along with Project Overlord and also does it affect mods like Raider/Supermutant Overhaul? Finally, should it be, as LOOT suggests put early on in the load order or should you put it way later, so that its changes do not get overwritten?
  6. kraad81
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My ghouls have too much hp, is that intended? Thx, very nice mod by the way
    1. KimChiBenny
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      What level are you and what sort of ghouls are you running into? like Reavers, glowing ones, etc. - it would be good to know exactly which ghouls you think are overpowered so I can take a look. Thanks for the feedback!
    2. shakahell
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      • 0 kudos
      I noticed some NPC's are ok and working fine and others are just like some ultra super duper HP bullet sponge that take all of my inventory of bullets to kill (Super Mutants in Trinity Tower for example or Molerats). Some npc's will go legendary (Probably due to the multiplier chance in survival) and become literally bullet sponges again. I don't know if this is the intention of the mod or not. I do like the idea of how everything works and it's awesome, but some NPC's are near impossible to kill without carrying tons of ammo.

      And then there are molerats. Also have way too much HP and I am unable to kill them, but boy they have no problem killing me in less than second. I don't know if this is a conflict with a mod or not, I placed the mod load order to load last. The only mod I have affecting creatures is just textures. A group of molerats completely wiped out a group of Synths like it was nothing.
  7. chomp
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Do I need:
    Survival Health Model ReBalance
    if I use:
    Survival ReBalance

    Survival ReBalance seem to do everything Survival Health Model ReBalance does and more.
    1. chomp
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      NM - just realized that Survival ReBalance is the all-in-one version.
  8. mellowroot
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for this, the Armor module is just what I was looking for. Endorsed.
  9. MaianTrey
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I do agree with what everyone else is saying regarding the mod pages. Just put everything on this page: Make the Main/Primary download the full version, and include optional downloads that are the separate modules. It keeps it a little more tidy, and makes it easier for everyone (yourself included) to manage the mod.
    1. KimChiBenny
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      • 10 kudos
      I just want folks to know that I am hearing this feedback. I am fairly new to modding and Nexus, so I am still learning the tools. I will try to figure out how to do what you are all suggesting, it'll just take me some time to figure it out. In the mean time, the mods will still be separate until I can unite them under one page.
  10. Nitotheblack
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    why it needs ''AWKCR''? ... i dont need a dunamic items naming..... especially in survival....
    BUT i avare of keywords added by that mod because im not shure it done properly..... (Armorsmith Extended and Concealed Armor are just replasing one idiotic situation with armor to another one. thats all them both do.)
    so what about AWKCR-less wersion? will it happen? and why if your answer is no.....?
    1. Sable17
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      What are you trying to say?
    2. Nitotheblack
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      This mod requires AWKCR.....
      what about standalone(AWKCR-less) version?
    3. Sable17
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      What's wrong with AWKCR? It's a very useful and well made mod. It doesn't do any "dunamic items naming".
    4. Nitotheblack
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      well if you asking...
      in my opuinion the whole AWKCR must be separated to parts... the mod autor didnt actually writed what exactly he changed in it and what way was chosen to do that.. have he changed every actor? or its an insertion by script?
      so i expecting issues in the very start.....
    5. Sable17
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      If you're confused about a mod, open it up in FO4Edit and look for yourself, don't go around saying it's not done properly.
    6. Nitotheblack
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      FOR WHAT? its stupid ant time consuming!
      When more then one global "rebalance/overwhole" mods that changes nearly the same are installed both, then its where s#*! always happens. Its because when some major parts becomes balanced - other parts becomes unbalanced....
      AWKCR trys to fix all problems in one... this is a bad idea...
    7. KimChiBenny
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      I made the mod use AWKCR to make it compatible with existing mods. I suppose I could release a non-AWKCR version, but I never anticipated people wanting this mod on its own really. As for how it was made, everything that was changed was done by hand, no scripts. I've tested it to some extent, but I just don't have enough free time to test everything. That's why this is a beta release - I can get feedback from people who are exploring all the nooks and crannies and implement fixes as the need arises.
    8. Nitotheblack
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      "people wanting this mod on its own really" what do you mean?
      i actually didnt understood what part of your mod needs that ''AWKCR' and why? and its what im asking...
    9. Sable17
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      It's stupid and time consuming to load a program that takes all of 30 seconds to load and look at some data entries to try to understand what you don't understand? It's better to not understand it and condemn it for the witchcraft it obviously does? Okay.

      How is it a bad idea for ONE umbrella to cover mods and make them compatible? Rather we should have each individual mod have it's own crafting station/keywords? So you get bogged down with, oh, 30 of them in your menu: 1 for each new armor mod? Or worse, have them all on the chem station. Ick.

      It changes very little in the game at all. It's a friggin' keyword RESOURCE.
    10. Nitotheblack
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      man! looks like you never used that fo4edit before... that tool have some good features to use even after creaiton kit is allredy avaible. BUT its anyway not that quick as im not a veteran modder.
      the crafting in my opinion is anyway whole wrong.. and that ''AWKCR'' fix will fix nothing to me. In gameplay it changes nothing! But if someone will fix the whole crafting in the game than your ''AWKCR'' will be unneeded anyway....
      when a metal robot corpse drops just a lamp instead 45kg of steel, while plasmagun just made from to pices of fiberglass and etec that somewhy dropped from telephone... its nothing to discuss a workstations....

      i have some plans in doing that by split fine items into parts and creating process in stages. Like components of depleted powercore to be used in crafting and sometimes in repairing powercore by replacing burnt item...
      but all this in the distant future after i will end up body-suits-powerarmor-components-recipes.
    11. Sable17
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      You're literally making no sense. "when a metal robot corpse drops just a lamp instead 45kg of steel, while plasmagun just made from to pices of fiberglass and etec that somewhy dropped from telephone... its nothing to discuss a workstations.... "

      What on earth does that have to do with AWKCR? Load the thing up in FO4Edit. It literally just adds new KEYWORDS, WORKSTATIONS, and adds KEYWORDS to come vanilla items. That's it. It doesn't edit anything in the world at all. No leveled lists, no nothing.

      The only way to "fix" crafting is if Bethesda added an Armor and Weapons crafting station themselves. Since that's not going to happen, we have AWKCR.
    12. Nitotheblack
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Man! if supermutants are not using the newly made supermutantarmor key(made by mod) than what the hell that ''AWKCR'' mod needed for?? You will made your onw keys and they will most likly never be replaced by new one from another mod...
      just read what i writed to you.
    13. VaultBoy113
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Nitotheblack If you don't like how the mod is made, then get off the page. The modder doesn't have to do s#*! for you
    14. Nitotheblack
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      did you read this stupid discussion? or you "made this opinion from a finger"(joke).