Fallout 4

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  1. registrator2000
    • premium
    • 2,417 kudos
    Compatible with FO4Hotkeys.

    I highly recommend using Take Cover in conjunction with FO4 Hotkeys!

    You can grab the optional file in the Files tab to add a binding for <Shift + Right Mouse Button> to activate Take Cover.

    You can also assign the Take Cover activator to a slot in FO4Hotkeys' Hotkey Manager.

    Protips for Taking Cover!

    Check out this article for some tips to maximize your cover experience.
  2. registrator2000
    • premium
    • 2,417 kudos
    - New dynamic camera mode (automatic shoulder switching)
    - Exiting cover is snappier.
    - New activation method: double tap forward key to enter cover / vault over cover / exit cover.
    - Better first / third person detection.
    - Auto switch back to first person if you entered cover from first person.

    - Recompiled with the Creation Kit + minor misc. fixes.
    - Fixed config item being given before the player has a Pip-Boy when starting a new game.
    - Fixed display issue with double tap status.
    - Double tap to enter cover changed to disabled by default.
    - Fixed issue with taking cover causing thirst in Survival mode.

    - Improvements to cover-side switching responsiveness
    - Improvements to right crouched cover camera settings
    - Major improvements in controller support for side-switching
    - Support for direct FO4Hotkeys integration
    - Misc improvements

    Click here to view a list of current issues.

    Existing users:

    1.1 and below:
    Completely uninstall 1.1 and make a clean save without the mod installed before upgrading! Please ensure that there are no loose files left behind.
    No special procedure required - simply replace the files.

    After installing 1.3, make sure to open the Config once for the update to be applied BEFORE entering cover!

    1.3 will apply new default camera settings that will replace your custom settings (if you have changed them). If you have them, re-apply your custom camera settings after upgrading!
  3. if mod requires the script extender then for f*#@ sake info it as required mod like any others got lot crashes because taken cover and i dont gonna load script extender because those damm updates thank you not fixing crashes let always script exterder do job
  4. RustledMyJims
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Beware that this mod may conflict certain mods, always check up on your other mods that affect third person or animations and as always READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION!
  5. ZenVader
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    can this be used with 3rd to 1st person aiming mods like mgs aiming? (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23646)
  6. SolarLZS
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The biggest issue with this mod right now is that when the camera mode is set to dynamic in the mod settings, there will be a bug when leaving cover. It would be great if someone could fix this issue.
  7. Hackerman1969
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Not sure what's causing this but when in cover I cannot walk to the right. only walking left moves me along cover. 
    1. Timmeman123
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Having the same issue. Did you find a fix for it?
    2. Ajohn345
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      did you try reading more than just the mod name?? 

       Known Issues ★

      ☢  Weapons switched while in cover using a favorites hotkey will be invisible. Switch weapons with your Pip-Boy, or pop into VATS and back out.
      ☢  You cannot move directly rightwards in cover. To move right, you must move diagonally front-right or back-right, or you can face the right and move front.
      ☢  Not compatible with melee weapons, heavy weapons (miniguns) and sniper rifles that bring you into first person scope.

      Without animation tools, it will be difficult to address the first and second issues as these are limitations in Bethesda's animation files.
      If you are an animator and you'd like to help with the animations, please do get in touch!

      Integrating third-person cover hasn't been a trivial task at all. Thank you for your patience and support!
    3. Hackerman1969
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I read most of the description before I was sold on it, my fault. Thanks for pointing that out, real shame, because that on top of some other quirks makes me not want to use it. really good concept though. pretty neat the creator was able to do this at all though.
  8. GawainBS
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Long shot: It works, but after using cover, my character aims downward in 3rd person. In my previous install, I could fix this by getting back into cover or something, but this time, nothing works, making the mod useless.

    Does anybody have an idea how to make it work again, please?
  9. Sepi21
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Was there ever another mod like this? The concept is cool, but the camera in third person just does not work very well. It kind of defeats the whole mod's purpose, which is so annoying

    It is such a Bethesda move to begin with, to build a game with an inbuilt cover system, and half ass it's implementation on playerside, the inbuilt system only works in first person mode by standard
  10. JeriLee93
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    After leaving cover my camera acts terrible.
  11. HiroD94
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    why nobody is fixing or updating this mod?
  12. zinq30
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    A few problems that i found while using this (possible bugs report): character entering cover by himself while just walking;
    character entering cover when running with the option to enter cover while running turned off;
    character entering and vaulting cover multiple consecutively out of nothing;
    character not exiting cover when prompted to;
    character can only walk left and backwards while in cover, no walking to the right.

    But it´s a great mod and idea, really helps in some closed spaces portions of the game