About this mod
Audio samples ported over from various sources, to make wasteland weapons sound more realistic. Or "beefier" in some regards.
- Permissions and credits
I am also in the need for an explanation on distant weapon sounds. As Bethesda decided to do that in layers, as opposed to coding.
I aim to make the weapon sound of the wasteland more realistic, and/or better sounding. In starting, I plan to only mod the ballistic weapons to sound better, I may add onto this. I may or may not touch certain sounds that are not weapon sounds (Handling, Explosives, Etc)
Disclaimer: I cannot record in game video. I apologize.
The following video is very outdated.
The first sound is the ORIGINAL, the second is the MODDED sound. The sounds in the video will be louder than in the game.
Usermade videos:
Tyrannicon / iKatukaz
Sound Completion Colors
Done - Sounds are 100% done and modified. (this may change due to any audio issues/bugs)
In Progress - Some of these sounds have been modified (They may NOT work)
Untouched - None of these sounds have been modified
Player gun sounds (when YOU fire the gun)
10MM Pistol
- Semi Auto
- Suppressed
- Full Auto
- Full Auto Suppressed
- Distant
- Semi Auto
- Suppressed
- Distant
- Semi Auto
- Full Auto
- Semi Suppressed
- Auto Suppressed
- Distant
- Normal Shot
- Suppressed Shot
- Distant
- Normal Shot
- Distant
- Normal Shot
- Semi Auto
- Full Auto
- Distant
- Semi Auto
- Semi Suppressed
- Full Auto
- Full Suppressed
- Distant
- Mag Change (Out and In)
- Normal Shot (.38 and .308)
- Normal Shot (.50 Cal)
- Suppressed Shot
- Distant
- Semi Auto
- Semi Suppressed
- Full Auto
- Full Auto Suppressed
- Distant
- Normal Shot
- Distant
- Full Auto
- Full Auto Suppressed
- Distant
Rocket Launcher fire sound
Grenade "ready" pin pull sound
Pistol and rifle aiming sounds
Sound Credits:
New World Interactive (https://newworldinteractive.com/)
- Added Combat rifle Automatic sounds
- Changed the Assault Rifle sound (It was too similar to the combat rifle)
- Added Pipe Rifle Automatic sounds
- Added Pipe Rifle Suppressed Auto sounds
- Added 10mm Automatic sounds
- Added 10mm Suppressed Automatic sounds
- Started work on pipe weapons
- Added note about Automatic sound request
- Hours wasted trying to get my own automatic sounds to work correctly
- Minutes spent cursing about how dumb bethesda made their sounds
- Added new flare gun sound, may sound too similar to a normal gun.
- Added Assault Rifle Semi Auto Sound
- Added AR Magazine Change sound
- Added .44 Magnum sound
- Changed the Double Barrel shotgun sound
- Changed the Combat shotgun sound
- Changed the Combat/Assault Rifle sound
- Changed the Pipe gun sound
- Lowered the volume of many sounds