Fallout 4

Mod articles

  • How to: Create a simple COBJ recipe

    Purpose of this tutorial is to showcase how to create your own COBJ

    Requirements - FO4Edit or CK and a knowledge of the objects you want to add to your plugin.

    With the knowledge you gathered from previous articles, it is time you learn how to create your own plugins with whatever objects you need.

    I. Determine what objects you want to add

    Often times, this is the most difficult. You can either use CK to navigate the game's items, or find them in the cell you found them, or extract the game's meshes and navigate thru, opening the meshes with nifskope to see which is what you want. Whatever method and way, make sure you know what you  want to add and where to find it, because you will need it. If it is comple...

  • How to: Change a COBJ category

    Purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to change the workshop category for any object.

    Requirements: FO4Edit.

    ***For the purpose of this tutorial, I will be exemplifying on VanillaExtensions.esp***

    Make sure the mods you want to change are enabled.
    Open FO4Edit, right click, select none, proceed to select the plugin(s) you want to change.
    Wait for it to load all the items; depending on your cpu power, it will take more or less time. The signal for a successful load is this "Background Loader: finished"

    Once it's all fully loaded, locate your plugin, select from the left panel, and expand its tree.
    Locate Constructible Objects, expand it too. This is where...

  • How to: Delete COBJ

    This tutorial aims to teach you how to open a mod in FO4Edit and delete constructible objects that you don’t want.

    Tools required: FO4Edit and the desired mods installed.

    **This is best viewed on the forums.

    Well, first off, make sure you have installed the mods you want to change, and FO4Edit. For ease of use, place a shortcut of it on desktop.

    Next, launch FO4Edit, it’s going to look like this

    What you do in this screen is right click in the smaller panel, Select none. Now, scroll until you find the mod you want to change (for the purpose of this tutorial, I’m going to load RequestTime.esp, then hit OK and wait for the application to load all the ne
    eded files. It should look something like ...

  • How to: Understand workshop items

    The purpose of this tutorial is to explain how workshop items work, and work as a base for future tutorials.

    Don't be afraid to experiment. The worst that can happen is that you need to reinstall a mod to fix the broken plugin.

    Requirements: FO4Edit and any workshop mod installed.

    Launch FO4Edit, right click and choose Select none, then find the desired plugin, select, hit OK.
    Once it's all loaded and Edit returns the successful load message (Background Loader: finished), look on the left side and find your plugin. Click on the + to expand it, locate Constructible Objects, expand it too, and select any of the records.

    **Tip - Constructible objects is where all workshop item recipes are located, known from now on as C...