Fallout 4

dramatic lyric* Flames that are reflected on the metallic face of A.D.A atomicservitron...
A.D.A had created an army of her twins (the narrator's wet dream), now that she had finished Russia,
literally if you could quantify the total 0 level of destruction it could be compared to having platinumed the game.
A.D.A had decided to cancel Mickinsoft everywhere and everywhere they was known by another name "The Institute".
On the ants' method, A.D.A decided to send one of her twins to gather information.
The further she went, the more she found propaganda posters scattered throughout the arid lands because...
Only God makes you leader of the pack!

The republic of lions:
...Because our Republic is represented by lions and not by wolves you may be wondering...
AHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHAH!But why did the Romans write "Hic sunt leones" on the map,from now on only lions, and this is why raiders do not exist but are only an invention of the press in what may be OUR republic.(seriously in The witcher 3 they just replaced lions with dragons and copied the story)You have been selected to participate in the great divine plan by glorifying the Lord with evolution, our only purpose as men is dominion!
Domination over land and sea fish!At the end of the speech, A.D.A also applauded, it's still a mystery whether or not how ChatGPT idolized The Comedian.
It was the first time that the comedian had a sentient robot as an audience, he immediately began his proselytism given that the Republic accepted everyone.
I can tell you in a fictional way which is very disadvantageous with the translator but I can summarize that Fallout fans will already have known a famous reference to the Roman Empire...
Now I wonder what can make a handful of raiders and failures a power and legion if not a leader of the pack.
War is kept away from life
Life continues but the story and the war all take place there...
In the continent of spies and betrayals.
In this history and in this world there can only be one Republic and it is certainly not the new republic of California it was the case that the Republic of Lions took the reins of the war against the institute and since in the Republic of Lions they are all lions with equal rights...Everyone else couldn't understand the importance of achieving this victory,
so The Comedian and A.D.A went on an incredible adventure.
The man in high castle intro*

Characters' backstory:
yes basically I lost my glasses and my cap...laughs* so A.D.A and I had the urgent need to fight hard,
basically if I were you I wouldn't touch that fusion core because it got stuck several times and the lights went on and off, then we also played switch!!!
And I fell for it ;-) Because A.D.A has too much repressed anger.

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