Fallout 4

I made this here guide because I cannot (do not want) to simply patch every standalone weapon that will ever exist. So here is a guide if you want to do it yourself when I cannot (do not want to).

Note that this is with FO4Edit, and knowing how to navigate and use it is a pre-requisite. I will not be holding your hand any more than I already have with this guide.

Weapons Overhaul System has an optional, but still built-in ammo-system, that uses a universal switcher and a roster of Ammunition-System. Once you understood how the Ammo-System works, you should be able to add, or fiddle with the current ammo types.

Note that you should know the basics at this point, such as how to make MGEF, ENCH and SPELs, custom Explosion and Projectiles. It will just make things easier. I can't hold your hand the entire way!

Step 1: Make your Ammo Selection


> Description is not needed, but it does show up when being crafted so it's nice to have.
> At this point, you must have your own ma_* ammo keyword.
> This only uses the Fusion Cores AS EXAMPLEs, and to note to not touch the Capacity of the standard Fusion Core.

Step 2: Make your Ammo-Naming Widget MGEF and then ENCH


> This is used to assign the names of the current equipped ammo, and will be equipped in the OMOD.


> This is used to brute-force ammunition into the NPC, as apparently the LL can screw up with different ammos.


> You can now assemble the ENCH, note that the ANW component is player-exclusive, the brute-force ammo-spawn on NPC is NPC exclusive.

Intermission: Double-Fire



> If you want to make double-fire variant, you have to make a MGEF and an ENCH for it, to specifically apply a double-damage effect, and consume an extra ammo.

Step 3: Make your Ammo-Check Perk MGEF and ENCH


> Note that you must have created your own ENCH and Perk at this point. The "Passive" script is universal that has to be on every MGEF and and must not be altered, but the perk is different and specific.

Step 4: Make your Leveled List


> Note that you also have to create Leveled-List with it, and is integrated within the system. You also don't need an external script, if you have Far-Harbor, or the Nuka-World DLC, they basically have a Leveled-List injector already. Hell, the Main ESM has a template that you can basically copy-paste.

Step 5: Make your Ammo Roster


> If you intend to have a separate Explosive Legendary, you also need to make a duplicate explosion, with a duplicate projectile both VATs and normal that which the weapon uses.
> Once you got your ammo and LLs, you can now set up your Ammo-Attachment Roster. How the Ammo-System works is that one can just dynamically change attachments, and thereby change the ammo property, along with other properties that change the performance of the weapon. Unlike FNV, this ain't a consumable, it has to be done like this even Vanilla with their rechamber receivers.
> Note to put the appropriate ANW enchantment so the right name shows up.


> You don't have to, but it's nice to have that there's separate attachments for the Explosive Legendary ammo-selection variant, with a different projectile. This is because of how the projectile override works in game, as there can be only one. So if you have a custom projectile, either that will be overridden by the projectile that has an explosion, or if not then the Explosive Legendary wouldn't have any point. And that's why you have to make your own that accounts for both.
 > This is also the same case for the "Double-Fire" ability.

Step 6: Make your Ammo-Switch Menu


> Now make a Menu via the Message system. Note that you can just duplicate an existing one.
> the 0th selection is ALWAYS the cancel button.
> Note that I chose to have "Explosive-Legendary" variants.
> Note that this must have the same order as with your Form-List ID.

Step 7: Make your Ammo OMOD FormList


> Now create the form-list ID. This is the OMOD list, in order, based on your Menu. Don't screw this up!
> I know I used the 5mm instead of the Shotgun this time. But same thought really!

Step 8: Make your Ammo-Switching MGEF


> Now assemble your MGEF. You are now to put your custom ma_keyword, your OMOD form-list, and the menu.

Step 9: Make your Ammo-Switching Spell


> Now make a different SPEL using the previous MGEF. This will be applied to your character, and there by instigate the ammo-switching when the relevant perk is applied.

Step 10: Make your Update List Pair


> Now assemble a pair of FormList, with equal order to spell and perk.

Step 11: Make the Quest that will update the Master FormLists


> You are now to Inject the Perk-List and Spell-List to the master-list. It's just a quest ran in the start.
> Don't change anything else but the squared-off portions.


you now know how to assemble your own ammunition system!

That is basically how the rest of the ammo-system works. If you seek to simply add more ammo-types to the already existing ammos, you basically just have to apply this, but abridged, but it's basically the same thought!

Having a way to make your custom ammunition SHOULD be common sense, and you SHOULD know how an item constructible works; but I did some things differently enough that might warrant some explanation. So for the sake of it, lets do it here:

Step 1: Make your Bulk-Item Scrappable


> These are special Misc-Items designed to unpack as soon as it goes in your inventory. As opposed of simply crafting one item-type at a time as engine limitation, the Bulk-Item Scrappable will allow multiple distinct items at once, through the use of Bulk-Item Array script.
> The Scrappables should have 1:1 crafting parts as you are crafting, but that presents easy conversion of ammo into one to another, because there's no consequence to scrapping. So what I did is that Adhesive is not retrievable when scrapping, and it costs more to scrap than it is to craft.
> Ideally, you don't even have to technically do this, as I already have a much universal system that are pre-crafted. You only do this when you DEVIATE from the norm of ammo-crafting.

Step 2: Make your Craftable Ammo - This basic AF, you should know this...


> Note that you should have a Recipe Keyword, and it is on the Chemistry Workbench for simplicity. And both Crafting and Scrapping must use the SAME category to simplify things.
> You can just basically copy-paste the pre-built cost that I already devised, and only play around the created amount of ammunition. Just fiddle with the components if you do intend to craft outside of the norm.

Step 3: Make your Constructible for the Scrap Misc-Items


> Same as step 2, but in reverse. As said before, it refers to the Misc-Item, that which SHOULD have 1:1 crafting parts, that requires equal amount of ammunition. BUTT (ass), I approached it with not giving back adhesive and costing more ammo to scrap than it is to craft to provide diminishing returns.
> Conditions apply, the perk requirement is basically just Scrapper, with stronger ammo using different levels. But you CAN (but doesn't mean you should) deviate from the norm.

You're done like Dinner!

That is the entire thought of the Ammo-System, more or less.

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