Fallout 4

This is a short tutorial to show where Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) plugins should be installed. Vortex and MO2 will install these to the correct place, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to manually verify.

F4SE plugins are located in Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\

Here I underlined the plugins used by this mod. If these files are missing, either re-install through your mod manager or manually extract the files from the archive to this directory.

You can verify F4SE is loading the plugins by looking at the F4SE.log file located in My Documents\My Games\Fallout4\F4SE\

The log file will tell you if a plugin was loaded correctly or not.

Here are some video tutorials on how to install F4SE.

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