Fallout 4

Jams if Random Number between 1 and IntegerRange is Less-Than JamChance

NetJamChance = BaseJamChance * (1 + ((ChancePerLuck / 100) * (ShotCount - Pity Shots)))

IntegerRange = (100 - (MinLuck * ChancePerLuck)) + (LuckInt * ChancePerLuck)

 > MinLuck - Minimum amount of Luck to push the chance back to x/100
 > ChancePerLuck - the amount of chance added per point of Luck. As opposed of simple x/100, it would be at (x/(100 + (ChancePerLuck * Luck))) e.g. 5 Luck with 5 Chance = 1/125. This means that the event is rarer. It also controls how much additional chance is added to the NetJamChance, that increases the chance of jamming when the weapon is used continuously.
 > PityShots - The amount of shots before the weapon is eligible to jam. This resets after jamming, or when switching weapons.

 * Note that the increasing jam-chance cannot be at 0 or a negative number.

The formula I was going for is a pseudo-random distribution, that it acts more consistently and is less frustrating. This means that it allows a leeway of being able to shoot for quite some time, but also ensures that it will jam, EVENTUALLY. 

The Pity Shots are the allotted amount of shots that your weapon wouldn't jam in between instances of jamming. 

The system throws a random number between 1 and X, with X at 100 means it's 1/100 chance, tor 1%. The condition would check if the found number is within the range of the Jam value. So if 1 to 100 is tossed at random, with jam-value of 25, that means if the randomized value either fall between 1 to 25, means it is going to jam.

How I approached the value is that, it's 1/x, with X ranging from 100 that increases with y amount of chance based on your luck. So if your value is at 15/luck, and you have 4 Luck, the chance becomes 1/160 versus 1/100, that is a chance of 0.626% versus 1% chance. Alternatively, there is the MinLuck, that which a user must have an amount of Luck to normalize the value to 100, else if you only have 1 luck with minimum of 4, with the same ChancePerLuck , means the chance becomes at 1/55 instead, or 1.818%

The NetJamChance is the value that is actually compared to the randomized value. It might start at 5, but with the same chance/luck at 15 that would put it 0.15. So if you only have 30 pity shots, and you have made 50 total shots, with a net 20 shots, this means that the JamChance rises up from 5 to 8, or rather it becomes from 5/100 to 8/100. This means that you will inevitably experience a jam at 634 rounds. If you have 15 Chance/Luck, and with maximum luck of 10, with 3 minimum luck, that is 5/205 to 8/205 instead, that you will inevitably jam at 1,313 Rounds.

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