Fallout 4

So, I've decided to perhaps get back to modding now. Not completely, still have my other projects. But I'm making one mod. It'll be an expansion of my current Ultimate series. The Panther Pack.

That's right. Panthers. As you know, I am your garden variety anarchist gypsy, and reason we're associated with criminal behaviour is due to our close African ancestry. I like to think of myself as a soul half-brother if you will. This, along with how awesome they are, is why I'm a big fan of the Panther movement.

You may have noticed that I call it the Panther movement, and not the Black Panther movement. That's because, while most Panthers were indeed Black Panthers, there were also White Panthers, a Black Panther ally, in the rainbow coalition, which also included the Puerto Rican civil rights group known as the Young Lords. Panthers wanted people of all colours, and only jive ass historical revisionist turkeys would say otherwise, you dig?

So, get a leather jacket, put on those sunglasses, and prepare for emancipation, soul music and community work, because the Panthers are coming to the wasteland!

And this'll be a standalone addition to the game. So you can use it in conjunction with your Partisan or Anarchist mods. I'll also make an optional Panther radio station. Most likely replacer, unless the GECK will allow me to make a proper one.

(I might also update D.E.C.A.Y once, we'll see.)

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  1. tartarsauce2
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    In response to post #37780475.

    I've always been rubbish at making quests, to be honest. I'm hoping to make some constructible objects perhaps that allows you to distribute food. But I figured the player would do stuff like this through roleplay, the minuteman quests are basically a food distribution job when you think about it. Kill raiders, gain trust, distribute food, and so on.

    But yeah, I'll see what I can do.

    oh did I make a request?  I guess I was, I was trying to be partly jokey
    hmmm...  only do as much as you feel inspired for, a food distribution system will be done eventually I'm sure
    if I'm to ever get into modding properly myself I think small systems are what I'll start with myself...
    just thought you'd like the thing, I don't really do RP except "I murder things" unless the game mechanics enforce it more or less
    so I guess that works?  I mean, do minutemen quests require food distribution, or just planting?
    because while the quests to places does resemble setting up community gardens and self sufficiency, there's always a few people that'll need handouts for handouts' sake
    and like, it's outside of your power obvious structure~
    but they won't be ungrateful, if this makes sense...

    it's like modding and people who only endorse your mods even can download them
    except with groceries and you get actual stuff back too  (the commonwealth while being the nexus of affairs is very not solidarity prone in some ways)
  2. tartarsauce2
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    add a grocery distribution chain quest/radiant quests :p


    I couldn't help but notice the BoS is helpfully liberating supplies from the local farmers, or was it helpfully liberating locals from their gravity burdensome supplies

    why not help oppress them like the historical panthers by loading them up with food?
    everyone always goes with the guns, berets and sunglasses, noone ever thinks of the logistics required for things

    in return, you could get like, tiny/small junk, a few random bits of ammo.... the occasional jet or med-x , basically a grab bag of a bit of random stuff that's useful but not "rich people stuff" like 100 caps and/or gattling laser
    or is this something I should make?
    because I have a rolling idea for things but the game keeps crashing and I barely make progress even after playing for 30 minutes because I die like an idiot and crash when I don't and I want to finish the game before I try anything
    1. Thumblesteen
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      I've always been rubbish at making quests, to be honest. I'm hoping to make some constructible objects perhaps that allows you to distribute food. But I figured the player would do stuff like this through roleplay, the minuteman quests are basically a food distribution job when you think about it. Kill raiders, gain trust, distribute food, and so on.

      But yeah, I'll see what I can do.
  3. Thumblesteen
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    Sh*t, and berets, also bring a beret.