About this mod
A comprehensive training manual for ElminsterEU\'s fabulous FO3Edit tool
- Permissions and credits
=-=-= Update 5/19/2010:
Thanks to Preytor, we now have a PDF version available in the Noir format for your use! Many thanks to Preytor for converting and testing the document's linking! Hopefully this will make the manual more widely consumable..
This is the Alpha-Release of the FO3Edit Training Manual, which after several months of development and revision is finally complete. Both ElminsterEU and JustinOther were kind enough to review the draft and offer comments and changes to make. These are now done, and we're ready to release it for your feedback and comment.
The tutorial contains a three-level FAQ with active links to help on any topic FO3Edit covers, a complete overview of the tool and it's interface as well as chapters of detailed processes on how to utilize each feature that FO3Edit provides. Additionally there is a chpater that describes commonly-used processes like merging plug-ins, splitt mods, addding/sorting masters, comparing mods, and the mod cleaning process. There is also a chapter that describes "Modding-Up", which I coined as the process of using mergerd-patches and Master-Update to achieve an crash-free gaming experience. This "Tome" should answer most questions you may have about FO3Edit, and offers both modders and mod authors alike with detailed information on how to manage mods, resolve conflicts and better organize your own mod lists.
The length (147 pages) is due to the huge list of features and functions that FO3Edit offers, as well as my attempt to fully describe processes at depth. The document is targetted for all audience levels, so the pro's may have to wade through alot of newbie-steps. It runs 50-70 megs depeding on the version, I apologize in advance for the size!
NOTE That this is the Alpha release, and there will still be things I need to change and update. If you find errors, don't hesitate to PM me! I'll get them fixed for the final release.