Fallout 3


  1. sandman5
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    well it seems the he RR Companions Vault master file is no longer available, sad i was trying to find it to see if there was a more updated version than what i have
  2. holytaiga229
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Question, does anyone know where the door that is past the Player's Bedroom in the Access Tunnels Leads? It is a ladder that leads up but says there is tons of rubble on top of it. I'd like to get that rubble cleared, but the Wasteland is absolutely huge! Has anyone found the other end to that exit?
  3. EpikTaco3625
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Looks amazing but way to dark for my taste could you make a brighter version?
    1. masternetra
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      As he states he made it for himself and is essential just sharing I doubt he will, you'll probably have fire up the geck and add the lights yourself.

      Edit: And I just notice this comment is from 2012. XD
  4. masternetra
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Nice mod, ever taught about doing a shooting range with the targets giving the player only 1 xp? Just a thought, something the original vault 1 mod probably should of done instead of going all holodeck on us. Either way probably will add it myself and a few turrets to the outside of the vault door.
  5. ReALty
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Why is this double posting on me lately. Sorry for DP.
  6. ReALty
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    I like the remodeled vault but I miss the water purifier that RR Quest added to the Overseer's Office. I like the Mirelurk tanks and it is a good thing that they are not hostile because my lab technician is "swimming with the Lurks". Maybe when she gets hungry she will get out of the tank and return to the lab. I'll check on her later.
  7. jasonthe13
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    D: for some reason a rad scorpion keep spawning in the overseer office
  8. SkullKnight
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    I checked some stuff and it appears that FO3Edit's master update generates bad ONAM data for this mod. Its making thousands of "Unable to be resolved" ONAM entries.

    I assume thats whats causing the issue?

    EDIT: Solved it in an acceptable manner, check PM.
  9. NosRhyfelwr
    • member
    • 111 kudos

    It says quite clearly in the RR Companions Vault readme not to use FO3Edit's MasterUpdate on any of the RR series of mods.

    It is a known issue, yes.
  10. SkullKnight
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    Idk if anyone else has had this problem, but using the FO3Edit master update causes a crash when I enter Vault 1 (not the entrance tunnels, but the vault itself). Ive found that removing the esm flag from this plugin solves the CTD issue. Anyone know whats causing this?