Fallout 3
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  1. Coolipy
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Brumas is great!
    Well done!
  2. OlafHelmsborg
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Looks like a cool mod - did you ever put in the option to give him a new home?
  3. silentscope666
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    good mod, but could use some tweaks.
    loved the way he was Right On My Heels and when you stop moving for a min, he falls on=ver and falls asleap.
    The idle animations make brumas realistic to the point that you forget that he is a mod add-on.
    But 2 problims, i fired him when i went into vault 87, opon comming out. he was nowhere to be found. not at 101(ive spent weeks ingame looking for him and looked under the ground) or his starting cell. Then coulden't find his id code to spawn to him.

    over all. i give this mod a 8/10. keep up the work =)
  4. lewiethejag
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    Thanks!!! I can heal Brumas now. He's a GREAT buddy! Fine job!

  5. grrantu
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos

    I can't tell you why exactly brumas may not have returned to Vault 101. I have never had that problem. It does take him some time to get there, and it is theoretically possible he could be killed on the way back, but he is pretty tough so I find that doubtful. One thing I have noticed is that after returning to vault 101, he is some times under the ground slightly just like dogmeat. You can usually see a tiny bit of his head, but it's kind of the color of the dirt so if you don't know what you are looking for you might miss it. If you know exactly where the spot is, I think you can find it. If you don't it's going to be a bit tough. Try using vats to target him around the front of the vault. He will be outside just down the hill slightly from the door.
  6. grrantu
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos

    I think you found a bug! I reviewed his quest and found that I was doing a check to verify you had stimpaks before allowing you to heal him. In my check I had accidentally set it to == instead of >= 1.00. So if you had just one stimpak you would get the dialog, but if you had 0 or more than 1 stimpak you wouldn't hehe. I have corrected that problem in version 2.2.
    Also the heal dialog won't appear until Brumas is under 50% health. He should be healing at the end of combat as well. Typically he shouldn't require any healing unless you are getting into some really serious battles hehe. If/when he does get below 50% health you should get the heal dialog and selecting it will remove one stimpak from your inventory, and restore him to full health.
  7. manginalol
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    i have a problem when u send brumas back to vault 101 (we were in a tight situation so i didn't want him to die) he never appeared there pls help also when going to rivet city he can't go off the bridge since the steps are to high also pls change his name i don't know if u played oblivion but using names from oblivion is really gay not u the names r thank-you and pls help
  8. lewiethejag
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    LOVE Brumas.

    I have added a lot of stuff lately and now Brumas doesn't seem to heal. I have had our little friend for about 9 months and he has always healed right away.

    I am very fond of him.

    I have no way to do any FOSE or editing on my machine and just know that in the last couple of weeks Brumas has been dying. I constantly check his health and it has gone down to 1-2 bars and he doesn't regenerate and now dies.

    I do get a message to the effect of, "We're out of meds Buddy hang in there." I would gladly use my stims or anything else he would need in order to heal but I don't know what to get.

  9. grrantu
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Hey Spirited Treasure,

    If you would like to determine where the conflict is, make a save of a game before you meet Brumas, then restart load one additional mod, walk up and talk with him until it stops working. When it stops working you found the first conflicting mod. Unload that mod, and repeat the process until you have isolated all the mods that conflict. In the past I have found the problem to be dirty mods. The people that created them didn't actually want to touch that portion of the world, but they accidentally did, and before publishing their mod, they didn't clean up the mistake. But it is also possible that someone else actually modified the world cell that Brumas is in. In which case the two mods just can't live together. There are also tools you can use if you are familiar with moding that will allow you to open all the mods you have installed and quickly pinpoint which ones are using that world cell.
  10. deleted252610
    • account closed
    • 26 kudos
    For some reason I only got very limited dialog upon seeing little Brumas running eagarly towards my character. I only got two lines of dialog "Looks like this is it buddy. You will be alright." And "I have to go now"

    Sadly I could not get the pup to follow me. <img class=">

    This is post Broken Steel. (also post the other dlc except Zeta)


    This is my lineup. I had your mod loading last.
    Good luck. I know I can't be the only one who wants such a pup in their game.


    DLC Water Fix.esp
    Scout Outfits.esp
    Sack of Holding.esp
    GPs Oasis - Clean Water 1.1.esp
    Underworld Underground.esp
    DIM TYPE3 conversions.esp
    Ghoulified Cromwell.esp
    Oasis Home.esp
    I'll Touch What I Want.esp
    Princess Megaton Home Extension.esp
    PL Tent Home.esp
    A Place to Stay in The Pitt.esp
    Chinese Stealth Armor NoHelm NoBug Workaround.esp
    Re-Worked Karma Gifts.esp

    Total active plugins: 45
    Total plugins: 45