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Jessie Kirk

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About this mod

This mod kills any remaining fire ants below ground when the inhibitor pulse is activated during Those!, both in Marigold Station and the Queen Ant's Hatchery.

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This mod kills any remaining fire ants below ground when the inhibitor pulse is activated during Those!, both in Marigold Station and the Queen Ant's Hatchery.

It does not affect the fire ant queen; if the player didn't kill her, she'll still be alive.

Doc Lesko tells the player that the inhibitor pulse will drive any fire ants into a frenzy, destroying each other. Since this has the effect of simply killing any remaining fire ants on the surface, it should do the same thing to any of them below ground as well (we can assume the actual frenzied ant-on-ant burning action went on while the player was in the Queen Ant's Hatchery, like it does on the surface).

It doesn't affect the fire ant queen because she wouldn't exactly have an empathic link with herself, would she?