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About this mod

This is a mod that attempts to add some farmland to the wasteland and settlements. Similar to farms of the wasteland, however I didn't like the placement of some of the farms so I made my own. I used the modders resource Mutfruit Plants to create the farms.

Permissions and credits
This is a mod that attempts to add some farmland to the wasteland and settlements. Similar to farms of the wasteland, however I didn't like the placement of some of the farms so I made my own. I used the modders resource Mutfruit Plants to create the farms. Mutfruit Plants by d_ivanov

I don't think you need any requirements to get this mod working, however I do have FOSE, Command Extender, the unofficial patch and all the DLC installed, but most people will already have those anyway.

You can go to the farms and pick the fruit off of the stems. You can eat the fruit. It is possible the fruit works with any survival mod. I currently have Simple Needs Expanded installed and it fills the hunger. The fruit should grow back in 3 or so days. I have also set faction ownership to them depending on where they are, it shows up red when you hover over to pick them yet taking them does not lose karma or anger the faction, I'm not sure why.

One small thing to note, I had to replace the Brahmin in Girdershade with a different one as my mod for some reason prevented the usual one from spawning. And in Canterbury Commons I removed a road block. Road block has been put back in.

Due to a suggestion by streetyson in the comments, since two of the settlements are cannibalistic, I have made two versions of the mod. My normal version which gives Andale and Paradise Falls farms making them omnivores and an alternate version which does not have the farms in them. Pick your preference on this one. Also due to the same suggestion, I have changed Megaton around. The space next to Moriarty's is back to default. However the farms are now located on top of The Brass Lantern, next to Craterside Supply and some fruits sit infront of the common house. There are also a couple of extra hanging lights I put up to make it a bit nicer on the Brass Lantern roof. This should make my mod easier to make compatible with others that edit Megaton in the area next to Moriarty's. But for the other areas in Megaton I cannot say.

This mod will be incompatible with a few mods that alter these areas. As I have put plants down and rearranged some assets to accommodate some of them. Although if anyone wants to make compatibilities, then they can do so.

Andale (Not in Alternate version)
Big Town
Canterbury Commons
Paradise Falls (Not in Alternate version)
Republic of Dave
Rivet City (Science Lab)
Tenpenny Tower

I would like to add more farms to more places in the future.