Fallout 3


  1. elmarinenow
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Since I am back to 100% completion of the game, all new changes I make will be raw, and all will be based on something already done before, if something is out of place, please I need notice of it
    I clarify, if I make a new skin from scratch, and not based on another if it will be tested.
    at the moment, the new skins I can't test them, I broke the game and it won't start on windows 11 without mods.
  2. nomaR87s
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    ADD Português Brasil please ? 
    1. elmarinenow
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      give me how it would be in Portuguese the 3 buttons and model, and I will proceed to do it without problems, since I don't speak Portuguese I don't know how to translate it correctly
      I just saw that there is no Portuguese for fallout in general, so which language do you replace?
    2. nomaR87s
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      We have a lot of Brazilian modders around here, so we have the PT-BR translation in Fallout 3 and New Vegas

      pipboy buttons
      Status / Itens / Dados
      Thank you very much, the pipboy is super beautiful!

      PS; Do you have more mods? Will you create more? I'm looking for something related to aiming all the weapons in the game, that zoom of the sights... And racing mods, do you recommend any?
    3. elmarinenow
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      I need to know what language you replace, if it's english it's easy, i need to know it to put the textures in the corresponding folder
      yes, i have more mods, few for fallout 3, because i already passed the game again
      sight mods i don't recommend them, they break the game, i even tried to fix it, but it gives problems, especially if you add weapons from other mods
      right now I'm in process with my general gameplay mod to adjust the dispersion of bullets of all weapons for new vegas, it's the same as fallout 3, but it has more things, in the future fallout 3 will have it too, the biggest problem why I didn't do it, is because I play in spanish, so edit a weapon and generate the .esp, it puts it in spanish, more than 100 weapons is a lot of time to do both english and spanish, but I will end up doing it.
      once you tell me what language you use in the game to replace the translation I can do it for portuguese, until then I can't start because portuguese has no native folder.
    4. nomaR87s
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I use the Brazilian Portuguese translation (mod), but I replace it using English
    5. elmarinenow
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      that's what I needed to know, tomorrow I'll have it, both of them, since this is the waifu as well as the normal one
    6. elmarinenow
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
    7. nomaR87s
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
       perfect, great work. Thank you very much!
    8. elmarinenow
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
  3. TENGGER01
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Nice adding actually feels like the pic of a guy pasting stickers to his AK-47 lol well maybe a more coomer fella in this case 
    1. elmarinenow
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      thanks, I'm glad you caught my vision, that was my goal, I'm thinking of making a couple more, one of them pinup, but it's a pain, there's very little room, unless you make it all small, the pipboy from new vegas to the front have more room.
  4. AndehX
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    The middle button "OBJETS" is spelled wrong. It should say "ITEMS"
    1. elmarinenow
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      It's not misspelled, it's changed, I was tired of seeing OBJTS, I changed it to objects, but I don't have the C, so I have to make it from scratch, it never put items, it's the original text, I only added one letter, tell that to bethesda, I changed it because it is more real, I repeat, and it was the original text.
      i add, in the final version it was put items, i see it more correct as objects, because it doesn't only cover items, it means usable object inside the videogames.
      and to give more context, in Spanish, it is objects in the final version.
      and I add, the texture that I used as a sketch as I said above is the original one and it says OBJTS, because it works for English as well as for other languages., in the case of Spanish is objetos y in English objects, so removing the o and c works in both languages, that's not my fault. :D
    2. encinodude
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Going to have to unendorse this mod because I can't support a mod author who deletes legitimate criticism. OBJETS is the wrong spelling, period.
    3. elmarinenow
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      I have cleaned up 9 irrelevant comments, if you are not able to respect that, you don't deserve my respect, you're so obsessed with a few comments, I've had enough of you, I don't want you in my comments.
      I add, this person, is not criticizing in a constructive way, that is false, as in my pipboy does not put items, this person is telling me that I am wrong and that I have to do it as he says it should be, that is not constructive criticism, and as I deleted 9 messages that the only thing they do is fill the comments with irrelevant things, it does not work, because he is obsessed with me, therefore now he says:
      I can't support a mod author who deletes legitimate criticism
      this person does not understand what is bothering with his criticism, that is why I deleted his comments, which are filling a comment that is legitimate and to which I responded, he got in the middle of someone else's conversation, giving himself allegations of superiority, without respecting the vision of the author, me in this case.