Fallout 3


  1. Che111001
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    everything is working just fine. so far no bugs...and no damn key. cant find the bloody key...need more Jet...
  2. ThePacificDim
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Been using this mod for about half a month now, i love it. I just do not turn on the turrets bc it attacks me/companions attack it. Idk if the reason was the vanilla companion recruitment or the SCC override.
  3. JadeSpark
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    where is the key to the empty house?
    1. Paperopiero
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      You must look for it in the town hall.
  4. farazon123
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    I always liked big town so your mod sounds really cool. If I may, most of what your doing should show up after saving the town and if you the player had a way to help make it happen would be awesome. Maybe invest caps to have houses repaired the clinic made larger and nicer collect some items to help in construction to give to the people doing the work. Anything to explain the changes makes it believe able and why maybe all the houses aren't the same. You could even go to black screen then changes appear stating two weeks later your work appears. Man does this have some possibilities with the work of a few open minds. Wish I could offer help but suggestions is my limit since the moding thing is beyond this old man. I'm Lucky I can barely use tessedit. Not to offend any way hope my ideas help.
  5. JayNox86
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hey Paperopiero,

    I tested the mod yesterday and there are some glitches/errors.
    Nothing very fatal or critical, but:

    1. The people in Big Town try to walk through the new buildings...for minutes, maybe forever, I don't tested it.
    2. The textures are messed up in the ceiling of the new Town Hall on some spots.
    3. The lighting needs some improvements in various buildings.
    4. some more ...

    Maybe you should take some time to improve the whole mod, make some ingame tests, search for errors and fix them.

    I like your idea. There are many modders, who try to redesign Big Town.
    Your idea is pretty good at all. I like the Player-Home, the Market and the reinforced entrance/turrets and tent for guards.

    Here are some hints for you:
    Try not to fill the place with buildings and designs, that doesn't match with the style of Big Town.
    If you want to redesign the whole place, you should find a way to recreate everything, but not some parts.

    When I was walking throug Big Town, I just thought "Looks like patched together from various DLCs!"

    At last, do more detail-working. Some spots in your mod just looking empty... with no life.
    Just place some stuff, small things, create scenes, fill your mod with more living.
    That is very important!

    That is all, what I could find... hope I could help you.
    Keep on modding, you understand some things a way better, than I do.
    You did a good job. And now, make it perfect!
  6. masternetra
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Nice, few thoughts. First perhaps the "market" could be in a old convenience store located where that old gas station is (or what is left of it) Or what I assume is, (big rocket thing and what looks like old inserts for fuel pumps, its just southwest of bigtown, more south then west, very close to bigtown, seconds away, shouldn't miss it)

    Second, The church could be the new location for red's clinic,

    The big house seems out of place with all the smaller ones around it.

    The house next to playground and church looks new when it really shouldn't (and has a new sheet metal look to it).

    All in all I would say don't replace bigtown's original layout but rather expand upon it with the church just north near the old drainage ditch and a small convenience store located at the remnants of the old gas station you can always extend the barricades to cover/include them. Also perhaps after completing the bigtown quest(s) they expand the barriers to include the church and convince store (and the houses to the east). This could be done maybe a week after the quest is completed, e.g. more wastelanders join bigtown after hearing 3 dog mention the player solved their Super Mutant problem. ANd personally I've been eyeing that boarded up unused house next to the salvage (with the robots you can fix,if you had choose that option when helping them, behind it). Thought I had in mind with that is that as part of your reward for helping them they unboard it, fix it up the best they can and give you the key for it.

    Also I'm working my own version of Vault 74 (will design as a actual vault simlair to vault 101, not rustic, will cost a lot of caps (10k without maxed barter, 5k with) unless your science,medicine, or repair is above 75 which case you can get in for 2500, but you won't be the overseer or anything) which will have a sewer entrance (to the vault door) to it with the sewer entrance located on the road segment between bigtown entrance and the playground (between the house in the original layout and playground)
  7. Celticgirl
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    Looks nice Paperopiero, have you added vendors?
    1. Paperopiero
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      The people (of big Town) always tell me that there are no shops in the city ...

      You convinced me ... here is the market and sellers!

      hello from Paperopiero
  8. 7thsealord
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    From the pics, it looks very nice. Don't know what the Big Towners are complaining about now.
    1. Kainschilde209
      • premium
      • 87 kudos
      No matter how nice the town looks, empty and undefended is still empty and undefended.