Fallout 3

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  1. Modgecko
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I must say that I am both greatly impressed and greatly disappointed: The design of the aliens is masterful!! The design and atmosphere of the Parasite Cave was well done, and the way that the aliens run away to then suddenly come at you in groups or from behind had me jumping out of my socks a few times!! Just as dara1hunter said, though, I was also unable to access either of the computers in the Control building. And in the cave, I found a boarded-up door with no means of opening it (that I was able to find) - I even lobbed a few frag grenades at it, with no effect! Don't know if the key needed for the crashed rocket is behind this door, or hidden somewhere inside the rocket, but I was unable to find it! Without any evident way forward I had to stop playing this mod. :(

    Kudos once again to the dev for the great aliens - I wish more than just the Evolved Abominations would attack you though - and for the great fun that I had in the Parasite Cave shooting aliens! I wish that there was more to this mod, but I still have to endorse it for the incredible work that was put into it!! :)
  2. Ingolf94
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    прикольненько но скучненько,да и вернуться в пустеш не получается
    и самое странное что вроде луна а здание нормлаьное земное
  3. dara1hunter
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hopefully you still check this. No, this is not a rant. So I've come across a teensy problem, and I'm not sure where to go from there. I'm on the moon and I found the old crashed rocket, then killed some baddies (really loving the new monsters, definitely an Aliens feel!), then I went into the station (or a station) with a huge satellite next to it.

    On the first floor, there is a computer with a green screen, but I can't interact with it (I've even tried TLC'ing via the console commands thinking I was just at a wrong angle). I went upstairs to the skeleton with blood splatter behind it, and the same happens with that computer and the letter on the desk.

    When I bring up the console commands screen, I can click on the letter and see the name and the item location number, but I can't see anything but the desk id's when I try to click on the computers with the console screen up.

    Any idea why this is? I have a few mods installed, but none I thought would interfere because they're not texture mods and they're not near the rocket site. I'm trying to find the Key to open the living quarters on that crashed rocket, but I think I'm unable to because I'm unable to use the computers or read the letter.

    Has anyone else had this same problem? I'd love any tips! Thanks so much!

    For all those chastising this modmaker, just remember that all "planetary" beings are part of the "star" classification, and "planet" is a general umbrella term just as "star" is.

    AND don't forget THIS IS A FRIGGIN PRETEND SIMULATION FOR A FICTIONAL INTERACTIVE COMPUTER STORY. Good god it's NOT REAL, therefore it does NOT have to be what NASA says is correct. Omfg grow up.
  4. Achspman
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    yo this got any quests?
  5. Malfar
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I go to comments section to see the possible bugs/glitches warniong and instead I get a crapstorm on astronoimy. Welp, at least it's not about politics.
  6. Stereborg
    • member
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    Dear Fellow Nexus User,

    I'd say Bullcrap. Just think of the words "The Moon" as a coined term for a celestial body that is identical to that of our "moon". And by that, you admit that anyone in the internet can be a 14 year old. Heck I might even be super hero for this matter.

  7. ZyaKyEn
    • member
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    Okay. Here's some Astronomy. The moon is a "dead" planet. It is smaller than most planets and sustains crimagination h indicates this tiny, insignificant planet. Once burned. It is "white" as a charcoal cube would turn white from mass heat. This Galaxy once had two Suns. What the h&%l do you suppose happened two that second sun? And to scale my point, higher. Where can you find the most highest grade of crystal and iron? The moon wasn't a planet. It was a core. This is why it glows so illuminated in the night sky. Because of leftover hydrogen. And has been deemed a planet by NASSA. Where aliens party with Earth's desert creatures. Now. Rather this is made up or true. The point is, is that this is a mod made by a 14yr old. With a good imagenation. When most Moderators on here are around 30 to 40. And even with all that knowledge. Can't come up with a good story idea, to save their career.If you're offended by this? Then good. Because you can learn a lot about the imagenation. And what it means to have one, from a 14yr. Old.
  8. nxebe
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is ther anyway we can see something like this for fallout 4 later? If so I'd like to help wherever I can photoshop wise.
  9. conorsv1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    hate to break this to you but the moon isn't a planet... I learnt that when I was 7.
    1. PotatoeGun
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Your reason for thinking that, however, is false. The moon isn't not a planet because it orbits the earth, it's not a planet because, like Pluto, it's too small. At least I'm pretty sure. Jupiter's moons might technically classify as planets.
    2. HazardHighlanders2011
      • supporter
      • 16 kudos
      umm. what. any smaller object that orbits around a bigger object is a moon.
    3. FairCritic
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      By which logic Earth, a smaller object rotating around a larger object, the sun, is therefore a moon.
    4. Isealdour
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I believe you got the two confused. By the logic of "any smaller object orbiting a larger object is a moon" the earth would be a moon, not the sun because the sun doesn't orbit the earth
    5. jkrizt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      @Isealdour I believe you that read wrong
    6. dispo22
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Y'know I'm pretty sure an object in space orbiting a larger mass is in fact called a satellite, as our moon is. Stars aren't classed as objects of mass in this sense and objects orbiting those are called planets.

      Heard that wayyyyyy too long ago to remember.

    7. kakamangiumaa
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      technically the moon is a planet... the definition of a planet is, "a celestial body distinguished from the fixed stars by having an apparent motion of its own, including the moon...
    8. RobinDietzen
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think what your problem is, that you couldn't comprehend the sentence. also, the sun orbits a massive black hole in the center of our galaxy, therefore, using such logic would consider the sun a satellite. What I think the major issue here, is that you all are getting down on a 14 year old for calling the moon a planet. Who gives a flying f*#@? And I swear you guys better not take this the wrong way, I understand the different subcategories of Celestial Bodies. All I wish to state in this comment, is that the mass majority of you are idiots.
  10. User_12014593
    • account closed
    • 2 kudos
    14 year old people know the moon isn't a planet.
    1. kakamangiumaa
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      can see you people know nothing about astrology
    2. skyrimmaster310
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Astronomy* Also the Moon would be considered a satellite.