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  1. streetyson
    • member
    • 129 kudos
    FYI: This neat fix is included (and credited) in the Updated Unofficial Patch for FO3 - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/19122
    And Thanks! Endorsed.
    1. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      Hello streetyson!

      I'm very pleased it's included in the Updated Unofficial Patch, the more that can be helped by this the better. :)

      Thank-you very much for commenting & Endorsing!

  2. SwissSanchez
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Working as advertised. I never realized it was even a problem until this first play-through of F3 I've done in years. I was closing doors in Calvert mansion whilst ransacking rooms, figuring I'd get an audio warning if tribals tried to sneak up on me... nope, silent doors apparently. Good job this mod was still around :)
    1. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      Hello SwissSanchez!

      They can't sneak up on you now.

      Still around & actually one of my most, if not the most, popular mods by downloads.

      Funny how popular a simple fix is, I remember wondering at the time if anyone else would even be interested.

      Thank-you kindly for commenting!

  3. highhthere
    • premium
    • 345 kudos
    Thank you for this fix!
    1. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      You are most welcome.

      Thanks for commenting!
  4. Cephaler
    • account closed
    • 39 kudos
    Was going through all your mods and found this one. Good God I'm glad I found this. Stuff like this bugs me. Installing now. I was just getting ready to head on out to Point Lookout too. Cheers !!

    BTW: That image cracked me up !!
    1. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      ejroberts49 - Hello!

      "Was going through all your mods and found this one."

      Thanks for taking a look through the back catalogue.

      "Good God I'm glad I found this. Stuff like this bugs me. Installing now. I was just getting ready to head on out to Point Lookout too. Cheers !!"

      Yes, little things like this bug me too, once noticed it seems hard to ignore.
      This was one I noticed early but took a while before I had the knowledge to figure out the cause, which was pretty simple in the end.

      "BTW: That image cracked me up !!"

      I'm pleased, It does seem to make people chuckle.
      Funnily enough it was a last minute addition when I realised the mod had no picture to display.

      Thank-you kindly for taking the time to comment & Endorsing!

  5. Lishca
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Definatly adding immersion! Thank you for making this mod, and keep making more
    1. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      Lishca - Hello!

      You're most welcome!

      The Cathedral gate having no open & close sound in particular bugged me for ages, a gate that big should make a noise.

      Thanks for commenting!

  6. brandog0
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    lol the pic made me laugh so hard, thx for this mod also good work
    1. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      brandog0 - Hello!

      Glad you liked it!

      I'd written the description & was ready to upload the file when I realised I had no picture.

      That's when it occured to me, how do you make a picture for a mod that only affects sound?

      The resulting picture was thrown together quickly with a screen capture of the cathedral gate, as that was the most visually interesting door affected, & a handy speech bubble plugin I had in Paint.net.

      The "creak!!!!" sound was added last as I thought the picture still needed something.

      Thanks for commenting!


  7. Dandys
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Do you think the "double sound" thing could be from having sound both on the nif and on the door record in the GECK? If so maybe making a plugin with the sounds removed in the GECK from the doors you changed would fix it. Just an idea I haven't tested it.
    1. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      Dandys - Hello!

      That's exactly what I thought, it seemed so logical. Sadly it does not seem to be the case.

      I tried removing sounds in GECK & only having it set in the door meshes but no luck.

      It seems to be something to do with the animation timings once the animation repeats.

      I found I could stop the doubling of the sound by not setting a figure for the time of the sound to trigger in the Text Key of the animation in the .nif.

      Instead I used either:




      That stopped the doubling but as a side effect the first open & close of the door would be silent.

      From then on it worked perfectly with no more doubling.

      It's worth noting that this mirrors the doubling sound bug, the double sound only starts once you've opened & closed the door once.

      The first open & close are single sounds as they should be.

      It's odd & I felt so close to figuring it out but in the end I had to go with the vanilla games solution which results in the doubling effect.

      It's on all doors not just my fixed ones, strangely no one seems to have noticed the doubling as I've never seen it mentioned by anyone anywhere else.

      I figured it was my sensitive hearing.

      Hope I did not bore you, I'm not sure how much you know about .nifs but I thought I'd get the info out there in case someone can take that almost fix solution further than me.

      If you come up with any other ideas or even better a solution to the doubling, let me know.

  8. User_1205226
    • account closed
    • 113 kudos
    A very welcome fix ! Thank you. Will test and endorse asap.
    I also would like to learn to animate .nif, do you have any link or tutorial to advice ?
    1. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      pixelhate - Hello!

      "A very welcome fix ! Thank you"

      You're welcome!

      & thank-you for commenting!

      The missing sounds on the doors in Point Lookout bugged me for ages & I could never work out what was wrong until recently.

      "I also would like to learn to animate .nif, do you have any link or tutorial to advice ? "

      Getting a .nif animated can be hard going at first, especially If you're not used to working in Nifskope. So many new blocks to mess with & set.

      It took me several attempts before I got a (rough ) handle on it.

      For the animation that I was working on I used the footlocker & was able to modify it to work with the item I wanted.

      I'd highly recommend this repourpose of existing animations, especially when starting out.

      You can learn a lot about how they work by looking at a simple animated vanilla .nif like a door.

      The always clever modder Ghogiel gives a simple run down on converting an existing animated item into another just as I mentioned. It's here:


      I found that very basic, brief but to the point post very helpful. A more detailed guide can sometimes overwhelm you with the technical, that encouraged me to get stuck into a vanilla animated .nif & poke & prod.

      Ghogiel's a good one to take note of & has put out a few tips & guides, Ghogiel covers NiMaterialColorController, a way to animate the colour of a model:


      The original one I read was actually for Oblivion models so quite outdated for Fallout 3 but much of the basics applied.


      I only recently found this good but more complex guide:

      Tutorial: Working with the NiControllerManager by TrickyVein


      I'd already worked out & made a few animated items before finding this but I made note of it because it does explain things well & is up to date.

      If you've a decent knowledge of Nifskope, that first simple conversion Ghogiel describes is probably the most useful.

      Hope this helps!

    2. User_1205226
      • account closed
      • 113 kudos
      Thank you, prensa, for this extensive and helpful answer, links are bookmarked and will be studied this night
      I always have been annoyed by the missing animation on the parkingmeter01, it can only be turned once then it becomes useless (only forward animation) So my goal is now to add a backward animation that resets the parking meter and makes it useful as a timer in game.
      Thanks again for fixing in game glitches and for helping me.
    3. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      pixelhate - Hello!

      "Thank you, prensa, for this extensive and helpful answer"

      You're most welcome!

      "So my goal is now to add a backward animation that resets the parking meter and makes it useful as a timer in game."

      That would fun & it's good to set a goal, you end up learning a lot by getting stuck in & trying.

      Thank-you kindly for being the first comment on this, kudos.
