About this mod

20th Century Weapons thoroughly -Reborn-, 100% rebuilt, for FWE6.03 with WMK & WMK for FWE & Calibr14 & eXcalibr23. Every individual weapon record dataset rewritten manually, for FWE 6.03 & WMK compliance. All ammunition types in Calibrv1.4 (& more) configured for FWE & enabled, including use by various weapons. ~936 weapons, ~135 weapons (20th) +

Permissions and credits
-= Updated with working/stable link to 'off-Nexus', Required File - 20th_centuary_weapons_5.12_with_addons.7z, @ the WaybackMachine archive, enjoy :) =-

-= Current Version 1.73RC Stable -=Full Version=- 29-Sep-13 =-

COMMENTS are CLOSED. Currently being restructured into 'By-Topic' Discussion Forums. READ the FAQ Forum Sticky to know how I will support requests moving forward ... -= New Discussions tab up: FAQ, Requests/Suggestions, BugFix Reports, etc. PM me if you wish to suggest a topic ;) =-

A big Thank You to everyone who voted this mod 'Mod-of-the-Month' for February, -Cool- :)

IMPORTANT: Over time this has evolved into a rather Long Description. To get the most out of the mod you should -= READ THIS DESCRIPTION =-. The contents are for You, the Explanations, Articles, Readme and Links to Guides/Instructions/Tools/Utilities are provided, for You.

-= I write and continuously develop this mod, for Me. I am currently sharing my mod, on Nexus, with You. I will also, if needed, provide You with detailed assistance, guidance, knowledge transfer & troubleshooting to Enjoy this mod in Your Game, however ... ;) =-

If you have an issue/don't know/unsure, having read this Long Description and/or links provided within, then PLEASE read the Comment 'Stickies', and/or browse the Comments (Closed), because they answer many questions and covers topics not found in this description. Due to the same questions, already answered, being posted over and over again, ad nauseum ... If you have Not read the Description and relevant Discussion Forums, Comment Stickies -Carefully-, and searched comments prior to sending me a PM, I will, sadly, regretfully, NOT respond or provide any support for you ...
LAZY! messages such as:"It doesn't work, help", "My game crashes, help", "How do I install it, help", or being discourteous or disrespectful, will mean I'll ignore you. Some of you may choose to Not RTFM, and I may choose, at the least, to ignore anyone that made that decision ... :(

Please help yourself First, and then, if you need to, help me, to help you ... you'll be glad You did ;)

Details about what's coming in future updates/next version see Discussion Forum 'NEWS' or for the moment, top 'Sticky' in Comments(Closed) ...

Optional, eXcalibr Ammunition Override v1.01 for 20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn v1.70 is up :)

v1.70RC HotFix/Update-3 (Cumulative Roll-Up) is up, and v1.1 IronSights HotFix/Update-3 (Cumulative Roll-Up) is up.

Optional Ironsights version is updated to V1.1 -=Full Version=-, and

A Shoutout Thank you and acknowledgement to 'AbbaddoN33' for a thorough and detailed BugFix Report on v1.61 :)

20th -Plus- Reborn version V1.70RC -=Full Version=- is up, a MAJOR version and BugFix update. Updated test containers, leveled item lists, SuperMutie allowable weapons list, spawn lists, ammo 'with' lists, recompiled scripts, as well as various fixes and updates, and numerous minor weapon fixes, etc. Adds ~44 New Weapons and variants:

All 1HandGrenadeThrow FormID lists and scripts updated/rewritten/recompiled,
All Grenade launchers and 40mm projectile and explosion data harmonized/standardized across Vanilla/Calibr/FWE/WMK/20th,
New Russian 40mm GP-30 GL UnderBarrel Grenade Launcher variant,
New AK101 5.56mm Cobra Assault Rifle and variants,
New VSS Vintorez 9x39mm Subsonic 'Special Purpose Sniper Rifle' and variants,
New SR-3M Vikhr 9x39mm Subsonic compact Assault Rifle and Variants,
Smoke Grenades, for 'bugging out', for a quick exit 'stage left', for when you're desperate to escape combat,
An improvised Dynamite Bundle Stick Grenade, 1 x M24 SteilhandGanate wrapped in six sticks of Dynamite ... make sure its an accurate, long throw ... you don't want it bouncin' back or landing short ;)
An M-1911 Colt Pistol (LS),
M18A1 Remote Detonation Claymore Mines scripts Fixed: Scripts edited & re-compiled,
Custom weapons;
AK-74 Kalashnikov W/GP-30GL (EC,GL,LS,SC,SI),
LR-300ML Assault Carbine W/M203 (EC,GL,LS,SC,SI),
AK-101 Cobra Kalashnikov W/GP-30GL (EC,GL,LS,SC,SI),
14mm Pistol (EC,LS,SC,SU),
Assault SMG 12.7mm (EC,LS,SC,SU),
Assault SMG 10mm (EC,LS,SC,SI),
Chinese AMR-2 (EC,LS,SC,SU),
Desert Eagle (EC,LS,SC,SI),
Desert Eagle XIX I.W.I. (EC,LS,SC,SI),
FN FAL (Night Sight) W/M203 (EC,GL,LS,NV,SC,SI), (NV means Night Vision Scope ;) )
Hunting Rifle (EC,LS,SC,SI),
KAR-98 Mauser (EC,LS,SC,SI),
Law Dog (LS,SC,SI),
M-1 Garand (EC,LS,SC,SI),
M-1 Gepard AMR (LS,SC,SU)
M-10/22 Ruger Carbine (EC,LS,SC,SI),
M-10/22 Ruger Charger (EC,LS,SC,SI),
M-14 Assault Rifle (AF,EC,LS,SC),
M-1903 Springfield (EC,LS,SC,SI),
M-4 Gepard AMR (EC,LS,SC,SU),
M-82 Barrett AMR (EC,LS,SC,SU),
M1891-30 Mosin-Nagant (EC,LS,SC,SI),
M3A1 Grease StockExt (EC,LS,SC,SI),
No1 Mk3 Lee-Enfield (EC,LS,SC,SI).
MP-5 H&K Drum (EC,LS,SC,SI),
MP-7A1 H&K StockExt (EC,LS,SC,SI),
Remington M-24 (EC,LS,SC,SI),
SR-3M Assault Carbine (EC,LS,SC,SI),
SSG-3000 Sig Sniper Rifle (EC,LS,SC,SI),
StenGun Enfield (EC,LS,SC,SI),
SVD Dragunov (EC,LS,SC,SI),
UMP40 H&K Drum (EC,LS,SC,SI),
VSS Vintorez 'Special Sniper Rifle' (EC,LS,SC,SI), and more ... Enjoy ;)

=- Hot Breaking News - Now with Optional Ironsights for, wait for it, ~349 weapons !!! Hoo-rah !!! =- See Changelog , 'Articles', Readme or Discussion/Forum 'News' or 'Stickied' comments for details.

NOTE: As of version 1.40RC forwards you require all 5 DLC's to support 'Textures' and various assets utilized ...

For a summary of Additions, Changes, Fixes, and Updates see the 'Changes' link on this page or see the Changelog entries halfway through the Description ... for the most recent List (As @ v1.50) of Weapons, Variants and Ammunition see the 'ReadMe' Link at the top of this page or the ReadMe in the download file/s.

If you LIKE this mod, and APPRECIATE the work involved(1,100hrs+ and counting) (Its just me, and gnehs82 on IronSights, on this), then PLEASE don't forget to ENDORSE it :)

Updated and challenging new Momma Dolce's and Chinese Remnants encounters with new ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul) faction esp. You require MMM6.1+, highly suggested MMM 'Increased Spawns' enabled and FWE Console 'Killing Reactions' Setting Enabled(I don't play without it, really improves hostiles AI reactions), for a Challenging time. I'd rate this as harder than cleansing Fort Bannister and similarly with some nice rare to very rare loot. Kudos and 'Shoutout' ThankYou to Makski and PetroPablo for Playtesting :)

NOTE: When there is a large body count FO3 sometimes glitches on some corpses, you can't activate and loot the body, SOLUTION: Open console, ACTIVATE corpse with the mouse, then type "OPENTEAMMATECONTAINER 1" in console (I have this command as a Batch file (I.txt) in my data folder to save typing) and woo-hoo, loot away.

For me, this is primarily an immersion Mod, seeding the weapons and ammunition one would expect to have been recovered-salvaged or Khyber-Pass-Made from a single original, in a Post Apocalyptic US of A, including dribs and drabs of a much more realistic assortment of ammunition. At the extremes are some really desperate, cobbled together, improvised rubbish, to some lethal and rare to very rare (and a very few truly Unique) gems. The primacy of Vanilla, Unique, DLC, FWE and WMK weapons is maintained.

'20th Centuary Weapons 5.12 with Addons' thoroughly -Reborn-, 100% rebuilt, for FWE6.03 with WMK, WMK for FWE, and Calibr14. Each and every individual weapon record dataset redone manually (Approximately 1600 pages of data), for FWE 6.03 and WMK for FWE compliance.

All ammunition types in Calibrv1.4 (& more) configured for FWE and enabled, including usage by various weapons.

In total ~936 weapons, comprising ~135 weapons (20th) with from 2 to 32 subtypes\variants of each weapon, also includes dozens of new unique weapon datasets (Sniper Rifle variants, Hunting Rifle variants, Assault Rifle variants, Assault SMGs and variants, Custom BB Guns and variants, Compound Crossbow and variants, Chinese Assault Rifle variants, Varmint Rifle variants, 10mm, SMG and Chinese Pistol variants, Pipe Pistols, Pipe Shotguns, Pipe Rifles, Flintlock Firearms, Claymore Mines, Dynamite sticks, Dynamite bundle mines, the ability to create/use/retrieve remote detonation mines, improvised energy weapons, new 'Thrown weapons'(Throwing Knives and Shuriken', new grenade variants and more), and more, as well as, for example, .58Call (15mm) Minie Ball, .410 Bore, 20 Gauge and nice Big 'Old fashioned' 10 Gauge Shotgun Shells that Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandad might have used on 'Safari' ... ;)

Leveled Item lists updated, major vendor container and faction weapon lists updated, etc.

You will see new weapons appearing on NPCs that spawn after Mod activation.

New ammo and sampling of weapons based on leveled lists and random chance will be available for purchase at core Vanilla Fallout vendors within 2-5 days of Mod activation.

Low end and rubbish weapons typically found only on spawned raiders, wastelanders and settlers ...

At high-Middle levels beware of the occasional enemy spawning with weapons such as, Anti-Material Rifles(AMR) ... and you felt safe in that shiny Power Armor heh ? How about a Chinese tungsten core 59.0 g 12.7×108mm round with a velocity of 2500ft\s to your bucket head, hm ? :)

Also fixes a number of dataset errors identified in FWE, WMK and WMK for FWE.

All content is true to Fallout Lore and FWE immersion/realism/survival/salvage-recovery theme. For example, foreign automatic weapons that were not in use by a Federal, Commonwealth or County Agency, Department or Law Enforcement or US Military branch before the 'Great War' have been replaced with variants described above or restricted to then legally imported Semi-Automatic versions only, in compliance with the then in force regulations regarding categories of legal civilian arms by the Bureau for Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Firearms and Lasers (BADTFL). :))

In addition, there is a wide assortment of typical non-military, civilian BADTFL approved-owned firearms.

No Uber, power gamer or god, or death ray weapons here ... for example, you'll find the portion of semi-auto only Longarms have a low ROF, but are also much more Accurate, have a dramatically higher Critical Hit Chance (which ignores armor Damage Resistance) compared to Full Automatics ... Flintlock .58cal (15mm) weapons are slow to reload and not particularly accurate(compared to modern longarms), but they do truly Massive damage ... and those .50BMG rounds are pretty damned expensive, heavy and hard to come by, let alone .416 Barrett ... and the hostiles get to use 'em, in most cases, against you first ! ;)

Currently 99.7% functional v1.70RC stage. Ready for open play and testing ...

PREREQUISITES (and general overall load order):

On Nexus:
FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition v6.03 - 2761
Weapon Mod Kits v1.1.9+ - 3388
Fallout Interoperability Program - FOIP, Patches- 4968 FOR: FWE, WMK and optionally, MMM
Fallout Mod Manager v0.13.21+ (FOMM) - 640 , -= Mandatory ?, for mod installs/uninstalls/updates, total control of Load Order, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED =-
Marts Mutants Mod - 3211 , -= Optional =-
eXcalibr - ammo eXpansion pack by EARACHE42 - 11684 , -= Optional =-

Files or mods NOT on Nexus:
20th_centuary_weapons_5.12_with_addons.7z (Not a Typo! ) -= Click on 'Required' Files Link at top of page =-
Fallout Script Extender - FOSE, (see 2761 )
Anchorage DLC
BrokenSteel DLC
PointLookout DLC
ThePitt DLC
Zeta DLC
Darn UI (see 2761 ) and other UI/Interface mods such as AHUD , IHUD , UnifiedHUD , etc, -= Optional =-

NOT Required, however, my Highly Recommended Companion Mods:
On Nexus:
Ammo Press at Megaton House for FWE v603 and full Calibrv14 - 18605 and
Ammunition Schematics for FWE-WMK-CRAFT-Full CalibrV1_4 -18639 .

Other Highly Recommended Companion Mods (100% Compatible):
Manual Reload - 19147, by LoremIpsum
This mod forces weapons to reload only when the reload button is pressed, effectively disabling automatic reloading. Tactically ideal, especially when used with Crossbows, Flintlock Muskets, Sniping, etc.
Impervious Power Armor - 13325, by TheTalkieToaster
Power and 'Enabled' armors have a Damage Threshold, as in FO1, FO2 and FNV. Recommend default settings, NOT x 2.1 for FWE ... FWE has already buffed armor Damage Resistance (DR) on armors ... as your DR drops so does your DT, so even .22 LR rounds will eventually do some damage if you just stand there and are hit by enough of 'em :))Shooting 9mm at Metal or Power Armor becomes mostly pointless :)) Hence Calibr, DT and DR all play a significant part in combat, as they should !
A prebuilt List of additional enabled Impervious Armors - 19039, for literally dozens of mods , and
Powered Power Armor - 13361, by Imp of the Perverse
An absolutely excellent mod, a bit like Weapon Mod Kits for Power Armor (PA), and adds the requirement that some PAs be recharged periodically (there's even a somewhat lore friendly back story for why.) Includes 4 custom skinned PA 'UnderArmors', 3 custom skinned PAs, 2 custom skinned energy weapons, and 14 various PA upgrades. Seamless implementation for you and any Power Armored NPCs. Also works well with additional mod-added PAs, and is FWE 6+ compatible ! :))

Extract the Esp and meshes to your Fallout3 Data folder and activate the esp in FOMM, etc.

20th Weapons -Plus- Reborn - Recommended Load Order

Includes: FWE 6.03, Weapon Mod Kits, and Optionally; Mart's Mutant Mod 6.1+


CRAFT.esm (included with FWE 6.03 installation)
CALIBR.esm (v1.4 included with FWE 6.03 installation)
xCALIBR.esm (v2.3 from eXcalibr - ammo eXpansion pack by EARACHE42 - Nexus 11684) -= Optional =-

<---------------------------.esms from all other mods (except follower and weather mods!)

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm (Version 6.03)

-= Optional =- : Mart's Mutant Mod.esm (Version 6.1+) & MMM esps below (MANDATORY if using '20th ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul) Faction esp

20th Century Weapons.esm (MUST be version 'V5.12 with Addons' - ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY!!! No ifs, buts or maybes ! )

<--------------------------- .esms from Follower and Weather mods

DarNifiedUIF3.esp and other UI mods (OPTIONAL)

<--------------------------- .esps from most other mods (except follower and weather mods!)

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced.esp (Choose BS Version) (OPTIONAL)

WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp (FROM FOIP)
WeaponModKits - FWE Optional Worn Weapons.esp (FROM FOIP, only if using using F3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Worn Weapons.esp!)
WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp (FROM FOIP)
WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp (FROM FOIP)
WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp (FROM FOIP)
WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp (FROM FOIP)
WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp (FROM FOIP)

<----------- If using Optional 20th -Plus- Reborn Ironsights esp, then RH Ironsights and bridging esps go here

Mart's Mutant Mod.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp (FROM FOIP)

<--------------------------- .esps from Follower and Weather mods

-= Optional - Recommended - 20th Century v5.12 with Addons esps =-
Enable whichever you prefer of the 20th v5.12 ALIVE Vendor, Container, Faction and (Test Container) esps (READ the 20th v5.12 w/Addons README)

20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vendor).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Containers).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vault 101).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (RivetCity).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Raider).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Slaver).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Talon_Regulator).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Brotherhood_Outcast).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (NPC_Settler).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (TEST Container).esp -= Optional, must be used/paired with v1_xxRC-18668-ALIVE (TEST Container).esp below =-
20th Century v5 ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul).esp
20th Century v5 ALIVE (SuperMutant).esp


-= Main Files - 20th -Plus- Reborn =-
20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn FWE-WMK-Calibr14_V1_xxRC_18668.esp
20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn v1_xxRC-18668-ALIVE (TEST Container).esp -= Optional, to be paired with v5 ALIVE (TEST Container).esp above =-

-= Optional - Requires MMM - Recommended =-
20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn v1_xxRC-18668-ALIVE(Chinese Ghoul).esp -= Optional, must be paired with v5 ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul).esp above =-

-= Optional - Requires RH Ironsights =-
20th_Century_Weapons-Plus-Reborn_v1_xxRC-18668_Ironsights_Vx_x.esp -= Optional, Requires RH Ironsights and bridging esp's as detailed, above =-

<--------------------------- Your 'Merged-Patch' - MANDATORY !!!

-= Manually 'Enabled' in FOMM Load Order, AFTER creation of Merged-Patch =-
20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn V1_xxRC-18668-ALIVE(SuperMutant).esp, and
Xcalibr_ammo_Override_v1_0_for_20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn FWE-WMK-Calibr14_V1_70RC_18668.esp -= Optional =-


Run the Master Update Process


Special Note: if you wish to use the updated 'Chinese Ghoul' faction esp in v1.xxRC or the ALIVE(Test Container), place them Below/Under/After 20th century -plus- reborn v1.xxRC ... (last and 20th v1.xxRC 2nd last)

Followed by your:
(a) self-created Merged-Patch with FO3Edit.exe (LAST, as always), and
(b) run the Master-Update process

For minimal instructions for HowTo complete steps (a)+(b), with pictures, go here or here:

For the full, in-depth, FO3Edit manual, now in PDF format, go to Nexus - 8629.

SPECIAL NOTE: Updated ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul) faction esp requires the20th v5.12 ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul) esp loaded before v1.xxRC, MMM6.1+ INSTALLED and then itself loaded after v1.xxRC, the same if you wish to temporarily Enable the 'Test Container' for viewing, clear as mud ;)

SPECIAL NOTE: As @ v1.20RC+, My updated FWE-WMK-20th ALIVE (Supermutant) faction esp means now Vanilla, FWE, WMK, WMK for FWE and 20th all now merge correctly for Supermutant useable weapons for all former mods. SPECIAL NOTE: For the Supermutant ALIVE merge to work correctly DO NOT include it in your Load Order(Still Load 20th v5.12 ALIVE (SuperMutant) normally though) ... create your Merged-Patch and then manually enable 20th -Plus- Reborn ALIVE (SuperMutant).esp ... BELOW/UNDER/AFTER your Merged-Patch!!! ...then run Master-Update process.

If you've enabled BOTH 'ALIVE (Test Container)' esps, then Visit the Foyer of the Alexandra Arms and checkout the cabinets to your right, alternately in the 'Adult' room before leaving Vault101, or lastly in the Citadel Armory ... once you've had a look, just remove BOTH ALIVE (Test Container) esps from your Load Order, your mileage may vary, enjoy :)

To compare with my personal Load Order (As @ v1.60) view the Articles link on this page.

NOT compatible with FOOK, FWE Overhaul, FWE Redux, etc.

I highly recommend a new game, though not necessary, with the 20th 'ALIVE' esps only enabled for Vendors, Containers, Raiders, NPC-settlers-wastelanders, Chinese-Ghouls, and maybe Talon-Regulators and Slavers. That way these become a 'lucky dip' portion or subset of those factions weapon spawns. Doesn't make sense for BOS, Outcasts, etc to have these sorts recovered-salvaged-Khyber-made firearms muscle out any percentage of their existing high tech gear...
You can safely update from version to version, minor or major, of this mod during an in-progress game, no problemo! :)


Q1: Help, it crashes to desktop(CTD) or Fallout locks up not long after launch :(
A: This is a DEU problem. You have NOT followed the instructions above. Also see Q2 and Q2 answer.(DEU = Defective End User...)

Q2: A question that would not have been asked if you bothered to read the Description or Comments.
A: Ignored, won't waste time on lazy people.

Q3: A request or comment of any kind that is not respectful or courteous and/or breaches Nexus TOS.
A: Ignored and/or reported to Moderators ... didn't spend hundreds of hours to waste time on such.

Q4: What is the link or please post the link to '20th Centuary Weapons 5.12 with addons' mod.
A: Ignored. Google is your friend ;)

My other Mods on Nexus:

EMPulse Weapons for FWE 603 and WMK for FWE
Megaton House Ammo Press for full Calibrv14 and FWE v603
Higher Resolution In-Game Rendered Terminal Text
Full CALIBRv14 Ammunition Schematics for FWE-WMK-CRAFT
Basic and Advanced Lockpick Sets as for FO1 & FO2
Basic and Advanced Electronic Hacking Kits as for FO1 & FO2
Basic and Advanced Lockpick Sets and Electronic Hacking Kits as for FO1 & FO2
Custom BB Guns for Vanilla FO3 or FWE603
Compound Crossbows for Vanilla FO3 and FWE 603
Prebuilt MyImperviousArmors list for Impervious Power Armor for FWE - 19039
20Gauge Winchester Liberator MKI 4xBarrel CQB Shotgun for Vanilla or FWE603 - 19727
20Gauge Colt Defender MKI 6xBarrel CQB Shotgun & 25mm Grenade Launcher for Vanilla or FWE603 - 19738
.410 Bore Colt Defender MkI 6xBarrel Shotgun and 25x59mm Grenade Launcher for Vanilla FO3 or FWE 603 - 19743
.410 Bore Improvised-Scrap 6xBarrel Pipe Rifle for Vanilla FO3 or FWE 6.03 - 19784

Tools Used:

FO3Edit; Merged-Patch, Master-Update, Master-Restore
Fallout Script Extender - FOSE
FOMM; TesSnip, BSA Browser
Fallout 3 Plugin Utility - Merging
Windows Photo Viewer
The G.E.C.K.
An Obsessive-Compulsive behavior ;)

Permissions & Credits:

Thank you to 'Einherjrar' and the numerous contributors detailed in the Readme for the '20th Centuary Weapons 5.12 with addons' mod.

Thank you to 'Antistar' for his WMK weapon meshes 'Weapon Mod Kits - 3388'.

Shoutout Thank you and credit to 'Werne' for ALL his EXCELLENT Modders Resources including his 'Weapons - modders resource - 16901'.

Thank you to 'laserman' for his 'Imitator Assault Rifle Mod Resource - 5492'.

Thank you to 'xm20k' for his 'Scoped 10mm Pistol mod - 6271'.

Thank you to 'Nopheros' for his 'Laser Pointer for Silenced 10mm Pistol' mod - 692.

Thank you to 'ThunderSmacker' for his PipBoy CrossbowSC Texture, and 'David Riggs' and 'jonsentenial' for there 'Compound Crossbow - 16495' version for FOOK2.

'The Bael's Amalgamation - 13003', thankyou and credit to 'Bael'.

S&W 5906 10mm Pistol and variants - 18786, thankyou and credit to 'Schreiter'.

A Unique Sturmgewehr 44 - 9379, thankyou and credit to 'exordia'.

Partial port of 'Pipe Rifle And Other Craftable Junk Weapons - 39438' for FNV, thankyou and credit to 'djabend'.

Thank you and credit to 'liquidpinky' for the Shiny Colt Peacemaker mod - 7934.

Thank you and credit to 'dogtown1' for permission to port his excellent FNV Rifle-Musket mod - 41019.

Thankyou and credit to 'sugarape', 'axeman', 'bar27262', 'bluemenkind1' and 'imperialmodder' for their German WWII themed mods and resources.

Thankyou and credit to 'Eternal Silence' for their futuristic weapons modders resource Alpha.

Thankyou and credit to 'lordinquisitor' for the modders resources.

Thankyou and credit to 'bumber' for the 'Remote Bottlecap Mines - 8850'.

Thankyou and credit to 'RogueHallows' for his 'Pump Action Shotgun and Vertical ForeGrip animations - 15883'.

Thankyou and credit to 'Kombaticus' for the 'WP Grenades - 8060'.

Thankyou and credit to 'Sandraniks, Schmung, Millenia & WinRip' for the 'Unique golden M1911 Pistol-15022'.

Thankyou and credit to 'Shiholude' for the 'BA Concussion Grenades - 16580'.

Thankyou and credit to 'Sandraniks' & 'Sonny' for the 'M61 Frag Grenade Replacer - 16515'.

Thankyou and credit to 'Meilak' for the 'Green Grenades-14791'.

Thankyou and credit to 'Sandraniks' & contributors 'Imperator3', 'Cout', 'Pelinor', 'Sonny' & 'Gregg1992' as detailed in 'Fallout3 Russian Weaponry Mod Re-Uploaded - 15558'.

Thankyou and credit to 'PantherX' for the 'G3 Variety Mod FINAL-13329'.

Thankyou and credit to 'odin_ml' for the 'Shells and Slugs Modders Resource-4542'.

Thankyou and credit to 'AlexScorpion', 'Weijiesen' and 'DanThegeek' for 'Smokin fun with Smoke Grenades - 14832'.

Thankyou and credit to 'thorbits', 'Xzax' and 'Jackpack' for the 'LR300 Arpeggiator with functional underbarrel launcher - 10613'

Thankyou and credit to 'Polarpop' for the 'Woodland Style Pattern Hunting Rifle 2048x2048 - 16609'.

Thankyou and credit to 'jimsippo' for 'Jims Hunting Rifle Replacer - 18355'.

Thankyou and credit to 'Zamorak31' for 'Ak 108 - 11662'.

Thankyou and credit to 'micalov' for 'Weapons Reforged Port - 17373'.

Thankyou and credit to 'MagicalBunny' for 'Derringer - 19193'.

Thankyou and credit to 'atlanticmongrel' for 'Binoculars and Portable Scopes - 8936'.

Thankyou and credit to 'The_Funktasm' for 'Midnight Special Snubnose Skin - 7530'.

Shoutout Thankyou and credit to 'lillamue' for permission to use her excellent mods including 'Flintlock Pistol', 'SteilHandGranate' & 'RPG-7'. The RPG-7 was converted from S.T.A.L.K.E.R by 'Lillamue' and used with the authors permission, attributed. If you haven't played it yet, do yourself a favor, go out and buy a copy !

This Mod primarily consists of a single (Huge) custom dataset file. The mod itself only contains limited free resource meshes and textures, or as listed approved for use resources, however, no sounds, or any other data or files of any kind. Over 300 hours were spent to just get this to v1.0RC ...
If you would like to help by troubleshooting-playtesting, contributing or developing for credit please PM me.

Legal and terms/conditions

This mod may NOT be uploaded elsewhere (Off Nexus) without my prior Written permission AND only if and as long as: 'Einherjrar' and reference to the Readme detailing numerous contributors in the readme for the '20th Centuary Weapons 5.12 with addons' mod, as well as; 'Antistar', 'Werne', 'laserman', 'xm20k', 'Nopheros', 'Thundersmacker', 'David Riggs', 'jonsentenial'', 'Bael', 'exordia', 'schrieter', 'djabend', 'dogtown1', 'liquidpinky', 'lillamue', sugarape', 'axeman', 'bar27262', 'bluemenkind1', 'imperialmodder', 'Eternal Silence', 'lordinquisitor', 'bumber', 'RogueHallows', 'Kombaticus', 'Sandraniks', 'Schmung', 'Millenia', 'WinRip', 'Shiholude', 'Sonny', 'Meilak', 'Pantherx', 'odin_ml', 'Imperator3', 'Cout', 'Pelinor', 'Gregg1992', 'AlexScorpion', 'thorbits', 'Xzax', 'Jackpack', 'Polarpop', 'jimsippo', 'Zamorak31', 'micalov', 'MagicalBunny', 'atlanticmongrel', 'The_Funktasm' and myself are credited.

This mod may NOT be modified; its assets or resources used, rebuilt, 'patched', including releasing bug fixes or improving on the features, or merged into any other mod for public use without my prior Written permission.


Optional, eXcalibr Ammunition Override v1.0 for 20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn is up :)

v1.70RC HotFix/Update-3 (Cumulative Roll-Up) is up, and v1.1 IronSights HotFix/Update-3 (Cumulative Roll-Up) is up.

v1.70RC HotFix/Update-2 (Cumulative Roll-Up) is up, and v1.1 IronSights HotFix/Update-2 (Cumulative Roll-Up) is up.

v1.70RC HotFix/Update-1 (Cumulative Roll-Up) is up, and v1.1 IronSights HotFix/Update-1 (Cumulative Roll-Up) is up.

Optional Ironsights version is updated to V1.1 -=Full Version=-, and

20th -Plus- Reborn version V1.70RC -=Full Version=- is up, a MAJOR version and BugFix update. Updated test containers, leveled item lists, SuperMutie allowable weapons list, spawn lists, ammo 'with' lists, recompiled scripts, as well as various fixes and updates, and numerous minor weapon fixes, etc. Adds ~44 New Weapons and variants:

All 1HandGrenadeThrow FormID lists and scripts updated/rewritten/recompiled,
All Grenade launchers and 40mm projectile and explosion data harmonized/standardized across Vanilla/Calibr/FWE/WMK/20th,
New Russian 40mm GP-30 UnderBarrel Grenade Launcher variant,
New AK101 5.56mm Assault Rifle and variants,
New VSS Vintorez 9x39mm Subsonic 'Special Purpose Sniper Rifle' and variants,
New SR-3M Vikhr 9x39mm Subsonic compact Assault Rifle and Variants,
Smoke Grenades, for 'bugging out', for a quick exit 'stage left', for when you're desperate to escape combat,
An improvised Dynamite Bundle Stick Grenade, 1 x M24 SteilhandGanate wrapped in six sticks of Dynamite ... make sure its an accurate long throw ... you don't want it bouncin' back or landing short ;)
A M-1911 Colt Pistol (LS),
M18A1 Remote Detonation Claymore Mines scripts fixed,
Custom weapons;
AK-74 Kalashnikov GP30 (EC,GL,LS,SC,SI),
LR-300ML Assault Carbine M203 (EC,GL,LS,SC,SI),
AK-101 Cobra Kalashnikov GP30 (EC,GL,LS,SC,SI),
14mm Pistol (EC,LS,SC,SU),
Assault SMG 12.7mm (EC,LS,SC,SU),
Chinese AMR-2 (EC,LS,SC,SU),
Desert Eagle (EC,LS,SC,SI),
Desert Eagle XIX I.W.I. (EC,LS,SC,SI),
FN FAL (Night Sight) M203 (EC,GL,LS,SC,SI),
Hunting Rifle (EC,LS,SC,SI),
KAR-98 Mauser (EC,LS,SC,SI),
Law Dog (LS,SC,SI),
M-1 Garand (EC,LS,SC,SI),
M-1 Gepard AMR (LS,SC,SU)
M-10/22 Ruger Carbine (EC,LS,SC,SI),
M-10/22 Ruger Charger (EC,LS,SC,SI),
M-14 Assault Rifle (AF,EC,LS,SC),
M-1903 Springfield (EC,LS,SC,SI),
M-4 Gepard AMR (EC,LS,SC,SU),
M-82 Barrett AMR (EC,LS,SC,SU),
M1891-30 Mosin-Nagant (EC,LS,SC,SI),
M3A1 Grease StockExt (EC,LS,SC,SI),
Mk3 Lee-Enfield (EC,LS,SC,SI).
MP-5 H&K Drum (EC,LS,SC,SI),
MP-7A1 H&K StockExt (EC,LS,SC,SI),
Remington M-24 (EC,LS,SC,SI),
SR-3M Assault Carbine (EC,LS,SC,SI),
SSG-3000 Sig Sniper Rifle (EC,LS,SC,SI),
StenGun Enfield (EC,LS,SC,SI),
SVD Dragunov (EC,LS,SC,SI),
UMP40 H&K Drum (EC,LS,SC,SI),
VSS Vintorez 'Special Sniper Rifle' (EC,LS,SC,SI), and more ...

HotFix-Update for Ironsights version 1.0 (for IS installations) - fixes known missing meshes/textures: Browning BLR, AMP AutoMag-III, Corroded MP40, No.2 MKII Enfield, Remington 7600's and variants, Assault SMGs 10mm & 12.7mm and variants & Corroded M199 AR.

HotFix-Update for 20th -Plus- Reborn v1.60 (for non-IS installations) - fixes known missing meshes/textures: Browning BLR, AMP AutoMag-III, Corroded MP40, No.2 MKII Enfield, Remington 7600's and variants, Assault SMGs 10mm & 12.7mm & variants & Corroded M199 AR.

Optional Ironsights version is updated to V1.0, and

20th -Plus- Reborn version is V1.60RC is up, a MAJOR update of the HotFixed(1,2,3,4) FULL version v1.50. Updated test containers, leveled item lists, Supermutie allowable weapons list, spawn lists, ammo 'with' lists, recompiled scripts, as well as various fixes and updates, and a few other minor weapon fixes, etc. Adds ~50 New Weapons and variants:

Four(4) New Mine variants that can be Remotely Detonated (A HowTo Readme in download zip and article here);
Remote Detonator for BottleCap Mines,
Remote Detonator for the Claymore mines,
Remote Detonator for Improvised Dynamite Bundle,
Remote Frag Mine variant and Remote detonator.
RPG-7Vs with Scope,
A H&K G11e (LS),
An improvised/scrap Energy Weapon, the 'Zap Gun',
An improvised/scrap Energy Weapon Rifle, the 'Graphite Accelerator',
An improvised/scrap 5mm SMG,
'Gold' SVI M1911 chambered for .357 SIG and three variants (LS)(SI)(LS,SI), and
Slide anodized Sig Sauer P226 chambered for .357 SIG and three variants (LS)(SI)(LS,SI).
Ten(10) new grenade/explosive 'Thrown Weapon'/Mine types and new and replacement meshes/textures,
Improvised Incendiary/Frag Grenade,
Improvised Dynamite Bundle 'Mine',
Incendiary/Napalm Grenade,
White Phosphorous Grenade,
Concussion/FlashBang Grenade,
New mesh for 'Lit' and thrown Molotov Cocktail,
HE-Frag Grenade,
Hand thrown Flares,
'Throwing Knives',
Hand Thrown Shurikens, and
Sticks of Dynamite.
One(1) new melee weapon, 'WornRustyMonkeyWrench'.
All above items fully integrated into spawn/loot/vendor/leveled item lists/perks.
Custom Unique Lewis MkII LMGs (EC,LS,SC) and variants,
Custom Unique FN FAL HPFA and Aug Steyr AR in (EC,GL,LS,SC) & variants (GL means underbarrel M203),
'Placed' Unique .22-250 Revolver (LS,SC,SI), and
'Placed' Unique Mk-II Ruger .22Mag Pistol (LS,SC,SI).

v1.50RC HotFix/Update-4 is up.
Fixes ammo spawn mismatches on a 20G shotgun, FNP90. Tweaks Dam & Crit Dam on Mauser Carbines. Adds a few more rare weapons to Wastleand worldspace. Updates SuperMutie allowable weapons List.

v0.9 IronSights HotFix/Update-1 is up.
Various meshes tweaked and fine-tuned.

-= Optional Ironsights version 0.9 authored by gnehs82 is up =-
Now provides Full Ironsights functionality for ~326 weapons 20th -Plus- Reborn weapons for FWE ! :)
In conjunction with RH Ironsights, Ironsights bridges for FWE and WMK, that's over of 80% of the weapons covered by this mod !

Absolutely outstanding work by gnehs82 over the space of a single weekend ... Well Done indeed ! :)

Typically inclusive of base weapon configuration and as appropriate (SI) versions, including 1H and 2H variants. gnehs82 used Blender where needed to remove obstructing mesh elements, many uncooperative rifle bolts had to have their meshes recreated, also compliant pistols have been increased in scale by a factor of 1.5 in order to simply be more practical for sight pictures.
HooRah !!! Requires Rogue Hallows Ironsights mod and optionally bridges to work.

v1.50RC HotFix/Update-3
Adds missing textures or meshes for Taurus Raging Bull, SuperRedHawk Ruger, 'Khyber' Sten .22LR. Also adds 'Khyber' Sten .22LR and variants to 'Test Container'. Adds two missing 'Notes' for new content.

v1.50RC HotFix/Update-2:
Adds missing sound file for STG44.

v1.50RC HotFix/Update:
Resolves missing texture bug with Pipe Rifles, Colt Peacemaker, PKM GPMG and adds missing .58Cal (15mm) Minie Ball ammunition to the Test Container.

-=Updated to version 1.50RC Stable FullVersion 27-May-13=-

Major 1.50 changes:

Created and updated ~51 new weapons or variants, scrap weapons, including a few new Uniques.
Updated test containers, levelled item lists, supermutie allowable weapons list, spawn lists, ammo 'with' lists, as well as various fixes and updates to pipe rifles, and a few other minor weapon fixes, etc

Added unique content and Miscellaneous items for a weapons cache, placed a variety of uniques and non-uniques in worldspace.

Created new ammunition type for two(2) new uniques ... .58Cal (15mm) Minie Ball. Updated Frontier Peacemaker with an excellent new Skin/Texture. Added in G3 H&K Assault Rifles and variants. Added in 31 AKS-74U variants, all are available in Test Locker, however, only four(4) have currently been added to faction, levelled spawn and loot lists. There are also ~12 new heavily customised variants being worked on in Test Locker, not currently spawning 'In-Game'. Added a M92 Beretta (LS,SI), as promised, there is a small chance can spawn 'In-Game' ;)

Created a new Mine type, Claymore Frag Mines ... Moira combined her newfound knowledge of mines with research materials at Arlington Library to recreate 'em, 'Woo-Ha!' Does 20% more Dam than Frag mine, does extra Dam to limbs and an extra 10% on a CritHit ... now remember, as it says on the mine, 'Face this side toward Enemy' :)Claymore schematics will be added to ammo schematics mod in next update as well as a 'Clacker', Command detonated version, 'Oh-yeah!'

This is a Full Version as at v1.50RC so no requirement for previous files. If you have an existing version prior to 1.50RC simply extract and overwrite where prompted, then manually Delete previous version esps. Enjoy :)

Major 1.40 changes:

Created and updated ~53 new weapons or variants, scrap weapons, including a few new Uniques.
Updated test containers, levelled item lists, supermutie allowable weapons list, spawn lists, ammo 'with' lists, as well as various fixes and updates to .22Magum carbines and a few other weapons, etc
This is a full Version as at v1.40RC so no requirement for previous files. If you have an existing version prior to 1.40RC simply extract and overwrite where prompted, then manually Delete previous version esps. Enjoy :)

Major 1.20 changes:

Finalised ALIVE (Supermutant) faction esp. Now Vanilla, FWE, WMK, WMK for FWE and 20th all now merge correctly for Supermutant useable weapons for all former mods. SPECIAL NOTE: For the Supermutant ALIVE merge to work correctly DO NOT include it in your Load Order ... create your Merged-Patch and then manually enable ALIVE (SuperMutant).esp ... AFTER-BELOW your Merged-Patch!!!

Created and added a number of weapons; UZI (LS,SI), Mk-II Ruger (SC,SI) & (LS,SC,SI), M1911Colt (LS,SI), 10Guage Double and Single Barrel Sawed-off Shotguns.
Created various levelled item lists for above weapons. All above weapons now available in ALIVE (Test Container).
Resolved scope bug with RPK-74 (SC,SI).
Disabled 'Explode-Dismember' effect on all .22LR & .22Magnum weapons.
Refined & Revised Damage, again, on all .22LR & .22Magnum weapons.
Fine tuned ROF and attacks/sec for all Semi weapons.
Converted couple of Assault Carbines from Semi to Full Auto.
Numerous various changes and fixes.

-=Updated to version 1.15RC Stable 06-Mar-13=-

Major 1.15 changes:

Now incorporates the FWE versions of 2 of my other mods, Go visit them for the details:
Custom BB Guns for Vanilla FO3 or FWE603

Compound Crossbows for Vanilla FO3 and FWE 603
Special Note: MANDATORY!You must seperately download and install 'Rogue Hallows Attack Animations, Nexus - 15883', For the crossbows to fire and reload !!!

Created and added non-unique derivatives of 'Sydneys' 10mm Assault SMG, 'Stocked', 2-Hand Automatics in 10mm and 12.7mm(.50AE):
Assault SMG 10mm and variants, and
Assault SMG 12.7mm (.50AE) and variants.
Created various levelled item lists for above weapons. All above weapons now available in ALIVE (Test Container).
.223 Pistol (That Gun) now spawns with and uses .223 Remington ammo.
FN P90C now spawns with and uses 5.7mmx28mm ammo.
XL70E3 now spawns with and uses 5mm ammo.
Fixed issues with weapons using .223 Remington ammo.
Revised Levelled Item lists and Calibrxammo lists for above ammo calibres.
Revised damage and critical Chance Multiplier for all weapons using .22LR and .22Magnum ammo.
Revised and updated 'Weight' values for numerous WMK modded weapons.
Numerous other fixes and revisions...

Major 1.11 changes:

Fixed some bugs with rare ammo spawns. Finalised ALIVE(Chinese Ghouls) Faction esp. Should provide a more realistic-immersive, rewarding and especially challenging series of encounters. Especialy Mama Dolce's, on suggested settings above. The requirement for the ALIVE(Test Container) is no longer mandatory in Load Order, but optionally, Enable-Disable as described above.
Revised and updated FWE for DLC Anchorage datasets...

-=Updated to version 1.10RC Stable 17-Feb-13=-

Major 1.10 changes:

Upated all FWE weight forms for Ammo, now includes all Calibr ammo, including Chinese 5.8x21mm and 5.8x41mm. Created an FWE update ESP for the ALIVE 'Ghoul Faction'. Fixed some errors I made with Chinese Type 81-I Assault Rifle and variants. Got bored with data only work, so arced up NifScope and created and added in a Colt 10mm (LS,SC,SI). Various fixes.
Available in Full version 1.10RC, or Update only patch from v1.xxRC to V1.10RC(Delete old version 1.xxRC.esp).
SPECIAL NOTE: Updated ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul) faction esp requires the 5.12 ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul) esp loaded before v1.10RC, MMM6.1+ INSTALLED and then itself loaded after v1.10RC, clear as mud ;)

-=Updated to version 1.05RC Stable 13-Feb-13=-

Major 1.05 changes:

Fixed errors with Chinese Assault Rifle Semi.
Revised FN Five-Seven and Chinese QSZ-92 pistols.
Revised AK-47 AR and variants.
Replaced SVD Dragunov (AF) and variants with Chinese Type 81-I Assault Rifle and variants.
Started on updating Faction:Chinese Ghouls weapon and ammo spawning and leveled lists.
Various fixes ...
If you've previously downloaded v1.0xRC all you need is the replacement Update v1.05RC Esp only.

-=Updated to version 1.01RC Stable 9-Feb-13=-

Major 1.01 changes:

Quick fix to a few mesh path errors and a couple of animation mismatches.
If you've previously downloaded v1.0RC all you need is the replacement Update v1.01RC Esp only.

-=Updated to version 1.0RC Stable 9-Feb-13=-

Major 1.0 changes:

Data proofing, leveled item lists revised, Ammo datasets revised, icons references, weapons testing, new assault Rifle, Chinese Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Hunting Rifle variants and more ... Just way too many to list ;)

-=Updated to version .95Beta 31-Jan-13=-

Major .95b changes:

Now six types of Anti-Materiel rifle. All new AMRs datasets reproofed, leveled item lists done including ammo spawned and ammo rarity, including the very rare Barrett .416 round. AMRs with a Silencer are NOT SILENT, with AMRs a Silencer Suppresses the noise generated from 'Loud' to 'Normal'.
Five new very rare Chinese Main Force and Special Forces weapons, comprising 1 x pistol, 2 x Assault Rifles, 1 x Sniper Rifle and 1 x Anti-Material Rifle (One more Weapon to come). Leveled Item lists created. Created Calibr Leveled lists for 5.8x21mm and 5.8x41mm.
Resolved a longstanding bug with FWE Cassul Revolver with a mismatch of .44magnum,.45Cal and .454Cal rounds for loot and spawning.
M4 Colt SOPMOD Semi now available in four variants (though does not spawn with a 203GL).Leveled lists,etc.
Found and fixed an ammo mismatch between a new 10G Shotgun and a 20G Shotgun.
Reviewed and revised more datasets. Not far from 1.0 Stable now:)

-=Updated to version .92Beta 26-Jan-13=-

Major .92b changes:
All weapons that have a sub variant of 'Drum' instead of a standard 'Mag' now have (EC) appended to their title for easier identification. Additional cost-value and weight I had already calculated and added in the 0.90b pass.
The M4 Colt SopMod is now (LS) for the primary and three variants. Weapon dataset values and effects updated for each of them.
60 weapons identified as deprecated for one or more reasons: never in use by any US body, not semi-auto for approved manufacture or import in compliance with BATFL; weapon doesn't exist; weapon is a unique prototype and if used should be a Unique Weapon; simply yet another unremarkable weapon in an already well supplied category such as 9mm SMG, etc; some weapons will be allocated as Chinese equivalent manufacture and datasets and Chinese ammo use created for a broader range of Chinese Remnant, Commando, salvaged and Spy weapons. Remaining Weapons allocated as Hunting Rifle calibre variants, Sniper Rifle Calibre variants, Chinese assault rifle variants, Assault Rifle variants and some additional Pipe Pistol and Pipe Rifle variants.
Removed each individual script (Approximately 80) script allowing you to 'magically' select any subtype variant when weapon equipped in PipBoy or via Hotkey (Approximately 20 Weapon types). Re Lore-Realism, these Weapons now spawn 'fixed' and unlike the WMK weapons were NOT manufactured as Dynamic Modular weapon sets. This retains the flexibility and greater utility of WMK supported weapons.
Killed a few errors in another data proofing-pass.

-=Updated to version .91Beta 25-Jan-13=-

Major .91b changes:
Tested new pipe rifles, pipe pistols and pipe shotguns datasets.
Created new .410Bore, 20Guage and 10Guage Calibr ammunition, renamed default shotgun shells to '12G Shotgun Shells'. Shells set for FWE prices and weights.
Converted 16 shotguns from 12g to a mix of .410Bore, 20g and 10g.
Created and-or edited new FormIDs, repair, appropriate faction and nested Leveled Item lists for above, etc.
Added to Beta test container, limited world game NPC tests of above for weapon and ammo spawning, proofed MMM6.2 update compatibility, and killed a few more bugs, etc.

-=Initial upload V0.9Beta=-