Fallout 3

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Created by

General Gred

Uploaded by

General Gred

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  1. General Gred
    General Gred
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    I bet you didn't expect this update to be coming after all this time! Well neither did I. I'm sure for the most part this update comes far too late for any real value, but I stumbled upon this old mod a couple weeks ago looking through some old stuff and thought, what the heck. So here it is, Version 2.0! I added features that I had said I planned to do so long ago as well as a rather extensive optimization in many areas from performance to NavMeshing. Now I do expect bugs to show up in this update and I will try to patch them as they show up. I must say that my Fallout 3 is in bad shape, the game is experiencing a lot of issues which I believe is from using it to install the Tale of Two Wastelands mod for New Vegas, but I don't want to reinstall it as to not damage that mod. So if you find bugs just let me know and I'll do what I can, and for those who still appreciate this mod after all this time, all I can say is thanks, never really thought this mod would be as popular as it became and I thank all those who made it that.
    1. Captenen
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Just to let you now that "xXxAlfaOmegaXxX" has taken your house and put it under ground and
      calls it "my personal home" just the top of your house is sticking up, i notice this when i was
      trying to find a small house for my mod RTS and did finde his little house "Alfas personal home"
      tok a blueprint of it and upp came your hole mansion.!! he he : )...

      His file is new here on buildings ( 2015 ) just so you now General.

      Best Regards

      Capten Morgan
  2. MidniteTease
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Here's one I haven't run into in a while: after installing the mod via NMMCE, my FO3 crashes before I even get the menu screen. Launch the game (FOSE'd link) get the Bethesda title card, then as it goes to the second title card it CTDs. I've been playing with a ton of mods this playthrough, so since this doesn't seem to be a commonly reported problem, I'm guess there's some kind of fundamental conflict with one of the more low-level mods. Last time I had a mod cause FO3 to fail to launch was 2009. For reference, I load mods with NMMCE, reapply archive invalidation, and run LOOT. With every installation and uninstallation. Re-Pre-generate wasteland LOD once every 2 or 3 days. This is on the Steam GOTY version.

    If anyone has an insight, would be nice. I've been testing just about every player home mod on Nexus, and have managed to nitpick my way out of almost all of them, even the really nice ones.
  3. Richtab
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i really like your mod, but you did forget to set your turrets immobile so they don' t fall on the floor after they are installed. Also the "place Workshop" line dosen' t disapper after you have placed the workshop in the Basement.
  4. Lokie7
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    So far, I like what I see in the pics and its location. Pretty good looking, IMO. FIRST mod?..I'm impressed. ( I have NO modding ability, myself)
    I'll DL it and give it a try. It looks a bit barren in some of the large spaces, but there is a mod,(gotta find it) that lets you "Place Items", woot, much needed. So, with that I can "Fill in", decorate some of the emptier areas. Thanks for the recent update also.
    I like the overall design too. Looks like it has a lot of potential for future updates/upgrades too. Very good work and nice first mod. Hats Off to you. I'll come back after some play time and comment further.
    Thank you for the mod. Well Done.
  5. SentinalPrime02
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Once i figured this mod out it was alot cooler
  6. SentinalPrime02
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    1 how do you get things for the place like the fence. 2 how do u unlock all the doors in the house that require a key.
    1. SentinalPrime02
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      nvm found out myself
  7. brettstar2
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Yeah this is my players actual player home. This mod was done so well.
  8. Thesmall1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod General Gred, this is not only my favorite mansion mod but also my favorite player home over all. Just two things, the mod is a bit laggy and I cant get the bridge to turn off no matter what terminal I use and sometimes when you go through the door to access the basement stars the door glitches and you cant get back out same with the door to the hallway by the kitchen after you come down the stairs. but none of these things are stopping this from being my favorite. after all else its a flawless mod.

    P.S. You should make a mansion mod for NV as well(Possibly use the resort home from Camp gulf?).
  9. seden
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    Tracking, in case the planned content (at last the "cleaning of the house interior" and npc are added

  10. Kalazaka
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    Hey there is nothing to buy like i went into download and there was nothing there and there was nothing upgrade in the terminal. Help?
  11. Murkrow900
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Hey GeneralGred , will you continue working on this mod and add some future stuff like fill it with people that have some conversations etc?